Is it just me thinking that the -4 penalty is too harsh. I mean, n00bs don't care about points so why is the penalty so high. For example, on Daqing Oilfilelds i line up a perfect bombing run, and kill 4 enemies and 2 team members who were defending base.

Total Gained? Nothing. (Although I don't know whether they punished becuase I was kicked). At least if teamkilling was -2 it would be far less bad as I would have gained 4 points from such a bombing.

EA should really consider fixing this and the whole 'punish' and 'forgive' system, because let's face it, it's crap.
Maybe they could do it so only gun fire, not bombs, or running people over get teamkills?
Pope Picard II

I feel your pain as a pilot - especially when your taking out armor and apc's admist friendlys and you manage to tag a friendly along with the enemy and they punish...yet the lesson you have to learn is not what you want to hear but simple:

a) Don't bomb near friendlies until you let the APC/Armor kill them all (which they will) because your teammates are too stupid to understand the value of keeping the flag and most of the friendlies alive with a dead enemy tank. Rather, let all your team die at that point while you bust a loop, then bomb the enemy vehicle. This isn't team work, but at least you won't get punished (and good lord they punish every time!).

b) Bomb with something other then the bomber, F35 J10 MIG29 - they are much more accurate and you can bomb admist friendlies with a lot less tk's.

c) If your team is being particularly stupid, tell them to stop punishing you and now they must die, then swap to the other team and bomb them to get that feeling of sweet justice.

Worst thing that happens is on a 64 player server, flying and racking up a nice score, only to get kicked with 1xx points and banned till the round change lmao. Happens a lot - two many poor pilots making poor decisions makes every infantry punish regardless of the circumstances. Explaining in chat helps a little bit, but most people punish before you can even say sorry.
Thanks for quick reply, although I have generally found that the fighters bombs are pretty much useless against armor (maybe that's just me being inaccurate -you are obviously much better in planes than I am! ), but ok against infantry. I suppose I should take your advice and only bomb bases that are totally clear of teamates, although I think reducing the TK - score to -2 couldn't hurt.

Last edited by Windwarrior2005 (2005-12-08 13:46:18)

Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

With a little bit of practice you can easily take out any sort of armor in one pass. It just takes some work to get a feel for how to release the bombs. If you come in at about a 45 degree angle and press the nose of the plane down ever so slightly after the first bomb releases and hold it until the second one is away then they will both hit in the same location killing any tank or apc that is unfortunate enough to be in the way.

Generally I won't take risky shots around friendly teammates unless I know for sure that taking out that tank will help the team more than it will hurt my score, or if I'm feeling lucky and think I can take it out without hurting my team. It just sucks when I nail a tank directly and a teammate is standing next to it trying to c4 it... oh well.
American Hillbilly
+12|7112|Long Beach, CA
The only reason i might teamkill in a plane on a bomb run would be infantry, the mini map isnt big enough to allow you time to see the area when your locked on a vehicle.  I never TK guys in vehicles, unless they jump in a burning tank i just bombed.  I used to punish bombers as a newb but now I never punish if im TKed by being bombed or in an aircraft that happens to get locked by friendly missles.  When your in aircraft of anykind your at the mercy of the infantry troop whether you get punished or not.  you gotta hope they are understanding of how aircraft targeting works and that infantry are basically invisible to our targeting.  With practice you'll learn better ways to bomb without getting TKs.  Always sucks when your defending a base that has 2 armours trying to cap the flag then you have a freindly infantry happen to spawn you blaze the whole area racking up 4 points for enemy kills 2 points for flag defense and -4 for the TK and if he punishes -8 leaving you with a grand total of -2 points instead of the plus 6 in one shot.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
I think it should be more, -8 for TK's.  It would scare alot of people who actually care.
Alpha as fuck.
That -8 idea is ridiculous. What if some idiot runs in front of your tank by accident and punishes? -8 immediately. It can ruin someone's round, and make tanks and APC's pointless if you have a n00bish team.
How about a punishment for the punisher(-2) on thier score for the idiots that run right past your claymores then punish you for it. I don't usually punish them unless I know 100% that it was done on purpose and almost never punish Vehicle/Flyers just too many variables to blame them.

just my thoughs
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
An even better idea, the punisher gets -2 AND the punished gets -4.  Now those itchy finger punishers will have something to think about.
Alpha as fuck.
Make it hard to punish, easy to forgive.

To punish you can only do it after respawn and you must acsess a menu simmilar to the one you have to enable a kickvote.

Most asshats just pun for the hell of it, not for any particular valid reason. Now if you had to invest som time to do it i belive some would rather continue fragging.
You guys know that punishment does nothing to your point total right? -4 for a TK regardless of punishment. The punishment is simply added to your total punishments alloted for the round and once this total reaches 4 you are kicked from the server. At least this is what the wiki section above (top of page) claims. The reason that I don't like being punished is because I snipe for the most part and frequently have teammates punish for walking into my claymores when it was their fault. I have been kicked several times for accidental TK's and even though a person can obtain the points that they had before being kicked by logging back on to the server, this takes time and you don't start in the same location. I was thinking that there should be no TK penalty/punishment involved if a teammate was killed by walking into a claymore but then I thought about the consequences of doing so. Jackass players would purposely set up claymores on friendly bases to kill friendly spawning troops. Not a good thing to think about but it would undoubtedly happen.

Last edited by bs6749 (2005-12-08 16:16:32)

Pope Picard II

I believe punishing used to add another -4 in pre 1.03; I vibrantly recall learning this the hard way starting out a round with -16 and stuff from two tk's lol not good times.
Teamkills is a tricky topic.

Punish them too much, the intentional TKers would stop, but the accidental TKers would be screwed over for what was just an accident.

Punish them too little, the intentional TKers would keep doing it, but the accidental TKers would have their score screwed up.

This is what I think:

-If they are forgiven, they only get -1
-If they are not forgiven, they get -2
-Build a system where the severity of the TK determines how many negative points they get. For example...

A person who was shooting at an enemy, but accidently shot one of his own teammates would not get deducted many points, maybe -1.

A person who runs into a cluster of their own teammates and shoots an M203, TKing 3 of their own team, gets -2 or -3.

However, my proposed system would be rather difficult to pull off.
Bringing Sexy Back
..........OR just an instant ban if someone is shot out of the jet by a friendly with an M95, it can't be that hard to implement and I see no room for error!
What about other ones, like if you accidently shoot a teammate in the middle of an intense 4v4 firefight?

Also, where do you get those user tags in your sig, like Firefox, XFire, etc. I see alot of people on other forums with them but I dunno if they get it from a site or make it themselves...
Bringing Sexy Back
Click them >

Windwarrior2005 wrote:

Is it just me thinking that the -4 penalty is too harsh. I mean, n00bs don't care about points so why is the penalty so high. For example, on Daqing Oilfilelds i line up a perfect bombing run, and kill 4 enemies and 2 team members who were defending base.?
This is exactly the reason why I punish everytime when I gent TKed by a jet or a helo. They dont care about you. Just bombing, bombing, bomben, "Hey, I only killd one of my own team for every 2 enemys! I'm superman!". You sneak arround for five minutes, trying to get in a god position, and than.. "Oops, I did it again".

The infantry knows: a pilot is never your friend, no matter on what side they play.
+2|7036|Sacramento, California
I have what might be a simple and fair solution; Make the TK value cumulative within a round.
First TK -1 point
Second TK -2 points
Third TK -3 points

So if you commit just one TK, it costs you just a single point.
Three TKs in a round is six points, the total for four is TEN points, five is 15 points!

This teaches you to BE MORE CAREFUL if you get a TK, while not punishing players who are generally careful too severely.

What do you you think?
Tomarr Sovai
I think the better way is to Find out with what was the TK made.

For example, if a Sniper shoot a TK with the sniperriffle then he shoud tke -8, or the Airdefense is a big problem. If you lock an anamy aircraft the most time you hit an friendly aircraft , somtimes you dont see the friendly aircraft in the targetsearcher, then it should take only -1 or something.
+2|7037|Perth, Western Australia
Progressive/scalable TK punishments  and TK penalty areas are the answer IMNSHO:

Simply put, each TK in a round costs you more, so 1st Tk is -1, 2nd is -2 but if you somehow TK 10 folks you're 10th TK is -10. Under that scheme at 7 TKs in a round you'd have -28, same as under the current system and any more than that and you're score plummets quickly, very quickly.  IThis system is pretty hard to exploit, it's also easy to tweak so that the odd accidental TK doesn't hurt too much and carelessness or deliberate TKing can be more heavily punished. For example servers could be allowed to set their own TK punishment levels, maybe after the 3rd TK (-3 points) the TK punishment is doubled (so 4th Tk is -8, 5th is -10 and so on), giving admins that power would allow them to create servers of different TK tolerance levels which again helps us find somewhere we're happy to play.

TK penalty areas are simple and work alongside the scalable TK punishments system. Where do you see the most TKs? Around tank, heli or jet spawns, right? So any TK in those areas is considered deliberate and gets the full -4 (or perhaps an automatic doubling of whatever scale punishment he is on), except and here's the tricky part, by the vehicle that spawns for say, 10 seconds and only for non weapon kills (i.e. running folks over) . So if you wait for a jet,grab it first and some tool C4s you he gets the full -4, same if he shoots you while you both wait for the jet to spawn. But if he deliberately plants himself in front of the jet so you can't take off without TKing him, you only get -1 (if anything) for TKing him as you take off (within the penalty free period of course).

Simple (relatively). Enforceable (I imagine, I know nothing about programming games, but it doesn't sound that hard to me, but like I say, what do I know?). Fair (well, I think so).

*Edit* Dang, beaten to the punch on the progressive punishment idea, but it does seem to make the most sense to me and apaprently other folks too...

Last edited by RhadamanthysSCC (2005-12-09 01:41:31)

Why not just take off the punish system anyway. If there's an automatic kick for excessive Tks then there's no need to punish, you don't lose any more points... that I know of.

I prefer to play on servers where the punish is off

Vic42 wrote:

I have what might be a simple and fair solution; Make the TK value cumulative within a round.
First TK -1 point
Second TK -2 points
Third TK -3 points

What do you you think?
This sounds like a very good idea, seeing as constant teamkillers would have massive negative scores and maybe accidental grenade killers would only get around -1.

Why couldn't EA have thought through their punish system and got something like that
. . .
A TK can equal -2, -4, -6 and even up tp -8.

If a guy runs next to a tank for cover and you give him team damage [he doesn't die] thats -2;
I've had it happen were the dummie then dolphin-dives in front of me [in-tank] and I hit the brakes -2 more.
I back up and move he runs in front of me and dies this time -2 more; + he punishes me for the TK.

Total = -8 for one player TK.

I once had three players do this to me - all at the same time!
Total was: Teamdamage(-2)+TK(-2)+Punish(-2) 6x3 = -18 in the matter of 2 seconds.
Score 1st Place 78; score 60; 7th place.

Was it my fault? NO! Was it his fault NO! It was EA/DICES Fault, the game-logic doesn't make sense.

It should be a push (0 damage) for all vehicles if there is a side-touch; front-crush should equal (-2);
one TK; but no TK-punish option.

Shooting (friendly-fire on) your team-mates should be left the same (-2) + the possible (-2) punish;
except punish should be amended to:
"An additional team penality of (-2) has been ammended to your score for a teamkill."
After 3 TK.s your next spawn will not occur for 30 secs.
After 5 TK.s your next spawn will not occur for 45 secs.
After 7 TK.s your next spawn will not occur for 60 secs.
After 9 TK.s your automatically kicked from that server for the next 2 hours.

It's the downtime in BF2 that is the real punish for bad-play; and should be ammended to such.

Last edited by topal63 (2005-12-09 14:15:24)

its fine just how it is ...dont drop bombs on your teamates .. look at the minimap or hit m and look at the big map before you drop em .. if you see blue where youre aiming dont drop em pretty simple
. . .

chitlin wrote:

its fine just how it is ...dont drop bombs on your teamates .. look at the minimap or hit m and look at the big map before you drop em .. if you see blue where youre aiming dont drop em pretty simple
Most teamkills occur:
A.) Due to vehicles
B.) Intentional for vehicles
C.) Red-tag BUG (EA/DICES error).

The current system is BAD; and needs to be fixed for FUNS sake. . . "as is" BLOWS as an idea.

The game-play sure "as is" or MORE as-in: KITS;UN-LOCkS;RANKS;ETC - but the TK game-logic handling NO WAY.

DOWN-time is the best way to handle bad play.

If your a so-called ACE pilot - U wont get 9 TK's and you wont be AUTO-KICKED.

Last edited by topal63 (2005-12-09 14:34:16)

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