+45|6756|Ruurlo, the Netherlands
Intro- for the ones of you who need a little help with being a medic, I wrote this guide, I hope it will help you.

First - Awarness
Be aware of what is happening around you - duh everyone has to do that, but I'm talking about where you are and who just died. You're near a flag and you're the only one around and 2 teammates just died, you need to have grenades or your gun out, not your shock paddles! Also check to see how they died, infantry death = get in there and kill the enemy, armor = hide till flag is taken and then take back the flag, also try and spot out the armor for AT/other armor to come and kill it. Once you kill the enemy or see that hes not looking, only then revive your buddies.

Second - Revival Order of importance
SQUAD LEADERS FIRST! Especially your SL, I hate it when a medic runs by me while I'm a dead SL and revives some random teammate! Squad mates are second most important, keeping your squad alive = more communication on enemy posistion and your squad will be in the area for action instead of dead and running back to the action. More squad mates alive and together = more kills and less tickets for the other team. Last is lone wolfs and other squads members, just help when you can.

Third - Health Packs
Drop one health pack at high traffic intersections for any random teammate thats injured to get some health, remember not everyone is in squads and those lone wolfs need health too! Always keep one bag for yourself, if you're dead/injured how can you keep your team alive! When you fight someone and kill them, immediatly throw a bag against a wall on your posistion, then reload/revive or whatever your next step will be. You never know if you're going to see another medic come around the corner to revive your latest kill (yes! a 2Fer one special!). I run with my health pack out when I know snipers/sniPKMer can pick me off (open areas with no cover), I switch back to my weapon when entering combat areas, always be ready to fight!

Fourth - Weapons
Only use grenades when you're working flag turns (defending or attacking) or when you are escaping from a squad (drop using quick right click for no power) Keep your pistol loaded, if you shot any rounds out of it, reload it when you have down time or running somewhere! If you have the $30 for special forces, GET IT! (yes you can stay away from the bar just one night to save that $30, if youre under 21, dont buy so much candy or whatever you spend it on) The G36E takes getting used to being a burst fire weapon, but well worth it for accuracy and damage.

Medic SL Tips -
ALWAYS be the last one in on a flag, if there is one thing you take from this please let it be this! Tell your squadies to clear claymores and have your paddles out! Never be at the front of the pack! Hang back if you run into a large group of enemies and let them spawn on you while/after you flank the enemy! Keep those health packs on your men, esp those support kits since they are always prone. Dont instantly pull out your paddles everytime a squadie goes down, sometimes they just have to take a death or give it at least 4-5 seconds so the enemy thinks they are'nt going to be revived. Always keep that last Med pack for yourself and TALK TALK TALK TO YOUR SQUAD!

Reviving tips -
Throw a bag on his body as you are running up, then revive, this helps him get away incase someone is still shooting his body.
Since there is the Defib glitch, when I revive, I switch to medpack, then right back to defib. This helps with the glitch of not reloading and getting that "Clear!" 1600 times like some medics do!
2 types of revivers out there - learn to work one or the other! There are the kneel and revivers(takes a bit of skill to do) but I personally prefer the dive at and revive. Either way you must keep moving and the moment you fire your paddles, get up! If you miss or your paddles glitch move and come back! You'll get waxed if you just lay there waiting to refire.
If you see part of your dead buddy in a wall or on the flag, try once to get him up, if he doesn't get up, get your gun out cause he's a goner.
If you see someone killed by [SRAW] or [ERYX] then don't bother getting the paddles out, even if you see thier body.

Random points of interest -
Don't run across roads in Karkand (other high combat areas on city maps) to get one guy (most likely some sniper) for those 2 points, but if it is a squad across the way, you can risk keeping them alive and your flag safe by going and helping them out.
Always try and keep your sprint around 50%, when running with your squad, only sprint as far as the short sprinters run. You can generally reach a dead guy at 30m and then run back another 30m if you keep 50% sprint. Also don't continuously sprint, do it in short bursts to conserve in case you run into trouble.
While taking flags with your squad, drop 2 packs in a 3m radius of the flag and keep moving! If your attacked while in that flag zone you'll automatically pick up those packs while you are fighting (GODLIKE!)
If you're running after someone that needs health or they are running toward you, learn to lead them with throwing the bag properly (don't throw it at their face/body). If they are running away from you (throw above and ahead of them so they run over it) If they are running towards you (throw the bag at YOUR feet) If they are oblivious to their health status, throw it to where they will see it or to where they will run over it.
If you are hiding and the enemy knows you're around, don't toss a bag on the ground. Just hold it, cause it's a dead giveaway of your position.

This is how a medic should roll and yes you will have a lot of team points, but you won't be just reviving, healing, and dying for those 1 and 2 points, instead you'll be getting 10-15 per death or more. If you're helping your squad in this way you will be positive contributor to the team instead of being viewed as a point whore! Take it or leave it but remember, you may hate medics, but they help win the round ; )
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6844|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
Since 70% of the Bf2 players are medicwhores, I think this is unneccesary.
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
Double post ftw?
Robin Hood ---> "u got arrownd"
Welll this could convince the 30/ still not medics...
And its great for starters.
+45|6756|Ruurlo, the Netherlands
yea thought so
+405|6776|A W S M F O X
Im still baffled at your staement at how the G36E takes "a little while to get used to it".......WTF.
Was going to karma then saw get the G36E and wished there was a negative karma button
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia

Fearmesnipers wrote:

Was going to karma then saw get the G36E and wished there was a negative karma button
if u want medic tips, go here:

The Anti-Sniper
+12|6850|Las Vegas

b.i.g.sjonne wrote:

ALWAYS be the last one in on a flag, if there is one thing you take from this please let it be this! Tell your squadies to clear claymores and have your paddles out!
A big no no.

Thus the reason you already have 300 deaths with your paddles equipped.
Also, L85 is the only way to go. G36 is Nub gun.

otherwise, good common sense guide there.

Last edited by Snipingruven (2007-04-18 09:41:56)


guide wrote:

Since there is the Defib glitch
No, it is not a glitch.  In one patch, it was made so that the defibs have a certain amount of shocks in a row before they need to reload, preventing people people just spamming the shocks in the middle of a firefight, and racking up those all important points.

edit:  It is also incorporated with the medic packs... you cant shock 3 people back to life and then throw another couple of packs without waiting for the reload

Last edited by syndicat111 (2007-04-18 09:40:07)

Teh strogg!
+205|6792|Trondheim, Norway

Snipingruven wrote:

b.i.g.sjonne wrote:

ALWAYS be the last one in on a flag, if there is one thing you take from this please let it be this! Tell your squadies to clear claymores and have your paddles out!
A big no no.

Also, L85 is the only way to go. G36 is Nub gun.
@ the first (no no thingy): Totally agree
@ L85>G36: Ehrmmm it's; Ak-101>ak-47>M16>(if you use unlocks)G36E>L85

Fearmesnipers wrote:

Was going to karma then saw get the G36E and wished there was a negative karma button
Now you ended up getting +1
+354|6572|Basel, Switzerland
There are toomuch medic whores, get your sniper riffles and go to headshot them. If you can't even do that, read some real guides about it.
Donald O' Brien

Marinejuana wrote:

if u want medic tips, go here:

Better guide than the OP by far.
1. G36E is for noobs.

2. The rest of the guide is pretty much common knowledge.
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6616|The | Netherlands
I disagree with the G36E part, if you keep playing with the M16, you'll get used to it and that gun is way better imho. Also slightly more powerfull if I am correct, atleast you won't be called a n00b because of g36e

anyway, nice guide, but I don't need it. I am a expert medic whore!

Last edited by 3lmo (2007-04-18 11:07:42)

+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
The word G36E is mentioned on here 100 times a day.

It must be time for a new moan craze by now.

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