+0|7028|cork city Ireland
is it just my opinion about this. arty is it used way to often? well i think it is, i recon mabe if it had a limeted number of uses per round it might be better like say 3  uses per round it might be better i mean haveing it droped on u at a non takable base is a complete waste of it.. im getting realy sick of it i cant seem to move any more same goes for your own commander a lot of them just like the sound of it dropping so they'l drop it on just one guy!.................. WTF come on EA get it sorted

thats my bitchen for today..... at the mo
Mass Media Casualty

Nah, it's fine how it is. I do find it annoying when commanders, fully aware of the fact that team mates are trying to take a point, decide to take full advantage of the "Artillery teamkill dosn't count" factor to blow your squad and one enemy away with artillery.
I agree with the commander not being liable for artillery teamkills, but those commanders who just light it up whether or not a squad is there to take the damn point fucks me off.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+0|7028|cork city Ireland
i do agree with you on your second point but it can get a bit excesif? (mind the spelling) if you no what i mean. my brother was playing the other night now he not the best at this type of game but he got killed around 10 or 12 times from arty and he ahd like 2 kills lol
I play commander a lot and think that there isn't enough arty personally.  Long reloads and the always pesky spec ops blowing it up.  I know it's frustrating to be continually arty'd, but there is a solution...grab some c4 and shut it down for a while.  The commander probably won't be able to convince anyone on his side to repair it and either a)have to use the wrench himself, which means he isn't commanding or b)drop a crate on it, which means he just gave YOU more c4 to blow the arty again.  Here is a tip though....let the asset repair from the crate for a few seconds, then blow it up again along with the crate, that way you get credit for destroying it again.  From a commanders point of view, this is the one way you can really tick me off and take me out of the game.  If the arty annoys you, fight back!
+0|7028|cork city Ireland
lol i do take it out thats my main role in the game take out what kills?
+0|7043|im from idaho but liven in MD
In some instance i agree it is used way to much but you must look at the situation. For instance i play commander alot as well i have 105 hours with 13335 pts as a commander. I do have all my badges that a commander can get for being a commander to included the distinguished medal. When i play commander i know who is and who is not going to lead a sqaud in my command. That is easy. IF need something repaired either my squads will do it or not. IF they do not do it then i know there not paying attention. Especially when they request it and they get that little saying that this support is not avaible because its destroyed, along those words not totaly correct in phrase but along those lines, anyways. I either repair it myself or they do it. I Desagree with {USI}_Zombie when he  said that if he has to repair it then he is not commanding. A commander to me in MY OPINION is someone who can take a team into battle and fight at what ever cause. THe commander has utilities avaible to him that only one other person in the fight has and thats the other commander. But to me a commander is some who can direct his squads to positions that are be taken over. NOt all squads or ones that listen are going to be able to complete all request. I always use my uav on infected areas of the enemy to let my squads know where they are located. I always use my scan when avaible to find out where my loan wolfs are at if my squads are to busy trying to take a flag or defend a flag i will not hesitate to either meet the loan wolf at a flag that he and i are there by are selves or anticipate his move and drop some shells on him. Its all situational. Just because your fight does not mean your not commanding thats part of the help as being a commander is showing your team that you can get out there and fight and still take care of the needs of your squads. When it comes to dropping arty on area i usually determine the amount of enemys to friendlies. IF there are way more enemy's then friendlies then yes that area is going to get shelled but if there is more friendlies i wait to see if the friendlies can take them out if so then i scan again  and find out where there  are at, if not  then i lay some shells out on the inefected area every situation is different you have to understand that just because yoru in the right area at the right time may not mean you are because there could be 9 red dots in your area and only 2 blue dots on that flag. YOU CAN NOT SEE the map in which the scan is Pay attention to where the arty drop calls are espesically on your little postion map that is on the top right hand of the screen . DO NOT ZONE IN THE GAME Part of Being a good squad leader member and lone wolf is keep your head on a swivel consentrate on every aspect of the game, its so easy to pull out of the area and then re enter when the strike is done to finish take or defending your flags. A commander does not only sit he makes him self avaible now for those that use the commander assets for themselves well i can not defend them jsut get a mutiny going and write across the screen  why he needs to mutiny if you get outher people doing this and it happend to them as well more then likely they will get the person mutinied
Damn aib73412, you're just two points away from being a uber l3337 commander
Yep.  You'd be uber l3337 in being a great commander, and 13337 as in the number of points you have.  Go for it!  And as for the arty-if you're pissed about the enemy arty, go SF, get a support buddy, and sneak around, and if you're pissed about your enemy killing your arty, assign an engineer to protect/repair it.  If your commander assets are getting hit by a large enemy squad-pull back one of your own squads to clear it out so your engineer can repair it without getting blasted to shreds.

Alternately-if you see a massive attack coming on those assets, arty the base before they get around to blowing those up (or at least clear them out so your engineer can repair).

Last edited by starman7 (2005-12-10 09:05:04)

+129|7030|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
Quick question...does it seem like the same few people always get hit by the arty?  I mean every time the arty is fired in my general direction, I'm usually hit by the first shell, and if I survive that one, I can never survive the full barrage or even trying to run from it.  Is there anyone who could maybe give me a few tips on how to avoid this problem becasue I've tried everything.
+0|7028|cork city Ireland

mcgid1 wrote:

Quick question...does it seem like the same few people always get hit by the arty?  I mean every time the arty is fired in my general direction, I'm usually hit by the first shell, and if I survive that one, I can never survive the full barrage or even trying to run from it.  Is there anyone who could maybe give me a few tips on how to avoid this problem becasue I've tried everything.
RUN!!!!... lol na ive got the same problem i get killed at base (A) i move on to the nxt base (B) i get killed imove to (C) i get killed all the fecking time if bf2 had a stat that showed you how many times u got killed by arty i recon alot of us would prob have an aful lot of deaths by arty.......
+8|7068|Ontario, Canada
I'm not so annoyed by the enemy arty as by OURS in the hands of a juniior commander! Several times in a round last night I (and several others) were TK'd by our commander. One example - we were PLA on Wake and had just re-captured our airfield. I was handing out Med Packs and helping get things secure when our commander took us out with a strike. This was launched well after our capping the CP. Needless to say, it wasn't held for long... He did that to us on about 3 or 4 occasions.

That, to me, is the most annoying thing about artillery ...
I don't agree with you...Artillery is fine in the game, the problem is with the commanders.

Most of the commanders forgot to communicate with squads and fail to alert nearby squads about incoming friendly ARTY.

....and some hints:

Always wait for enemy arty and move after it.

If you have incoming arty on you, you'll hear it 1-2 seconds before it arrives...hit the dirt and don't move. Stay close to buildings. Don't expect much cover from a "half-open market stand".

Move with a squad so you capture flags in seconds...alone it can take 1 min sometimes. I only take those flags alone which are deep behind enemy lines and have good cover around it.

A direct hit will blow any armor in the game but it's quite rare. If there is any enemy armor available at the flag you're about to capture, take it.

Hope that helps but I think you already found these out by yourself...why don't you utilise this knowledge?
I don't disagree with most of what is said, and I have nearly 100 hours and over 10K command points, so I am no rookie, I just believe the commander is not a foot soldier, he should be safely in the back in the command screen scanning, arty'ing and dropping crates to the front line guys.  I believe someone commading and flying/tanking/infantry work is not as effective in either as he could be.  Maybe you can be, or believe you can be, and more power to ya, but "I" know "I" am a more effective commander safely tucked away in the command screen.  I come out to make repairs if needed, and to help defend that last base or take a base if needed but 95 percent I am in the rear area.  Patton commanded near or on the front, IKE from the rear area, both were effective.
  Just call me a REMF

Last edited by {USI}_Zombie (2005-12-12 16:38:22)

+0|7028|cork city Ireland
ok now this is what im talking about. just came outa night fight map i was a sniper down at the bottom of the map by the radar tower i was on a Roof Facing it i had 2 guys pined down one of them muta been a commander cos i got artyed ONE man me........... jusst because he could not shoot me i told him he was a prick and didnt no how to play fairly and left taht was on the 2RB server, i didnt catch his name.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

{USI}_Zombie wrote:

I don't disagree with most of what is said, and I have nearly 100 hours and over 10K command points, so I am no rookie, I just believe the commander is not a foot soldier, he should be safely in the back in the command screen scanning, arty'ing and dropping crates to the front line guys.  I believe someone commading and flying/tanking/infantry work is not as effective in either as he could be.  Maybe you can be, or believe you can be, and more power to ya, but "I" know "I" am a more effective commander safely tucked away in the command screen.  I come out to make repairs if needed, and to help defend that last base or take a base if needed but 95 percent I am in the rear area.  Patton commanded near or on the front, IKE from the rear area, both were effective.
  Just call me a REMF
Why do people say scanning, supplying and artillering when the MAIN point of commanders is to COMMAND. Send squads to flank the enemy. Direct Heli/Plane squads to take out tank columns. Give you planes an advantage in a dogfight by constantly spotting the opponent jet. Hopping into an AA vehicle to give your heli squad some arial cover. Preparing an ambush for an enemy squad.

THIS is what a commander does.
Artillery needs some revisions.

1. It's an instant and often irrevocable kill for all those unfortunate enough to be underneath a blast. Unlike a vehicle which you can see and dodge, artillery strikes from out of the ether.

2. Many of the more popular maps have artillery in ludacrious areas (ie. Karkand) which a special forces cannot get into without being swamped by new spawns/vehicles, unless the enemy team/commander is completely oblivious.

3. Eventually the special forces does die, commander/team kills him off, and then down comes a crate, and the spam resumeth.

On paper artillery is good and can be useful for breaking turtles and stand offs, but in practice it's just another lame unavoidable death. Two things I'd like to see done to artillery. First, cooldown on it is greatly increased. At least doubled. This is to ensure that it is being used for TACTICAL reasons, and so that it cannot truly compete with the usefulness of good vehicle drivers. As it stands, artillery is halfway recharged by the time the victims of it respawn. Second thing I'd like done to it is that the people hit by it die, but they do not actually receive DEATHS on their permanent record for it. Or have deaths by artillery be calculated in a separate piece of data. This is to not repeatedly penalize those for having good cohesive teamwork and sticking together as a squad with unavoidable death from the sky.

That would fix arty up nicely.
Personally, my only issue with the artillery in the game is its implementation.

In a Marine MEU, it takes five or six Marines approximately 45 seconds to ready, load, target, and fire ONE shell from ONE towed 155mm howitzer piece...and they never hit one spot dead-on the first time.  They range in, they make corrections, and they eventually get shells on target.

Yet, in BF2, one guy gets a magic button that launches 12 shells in 10 seconds that always hit where they're aimed, and wreak an 80x80 meter swath of utter destruction on anything and everything on the ground.

Yes, I understand that EA/DICE wasn't going for perfect realism when they developed BF2...but come on.  It's a little bit ridiculous to give one player that much thoroughly unrealistic power.
Mass Media Casualty

What the fuck does "|337" mean!? It's normally "|337" isn't it?

I know what the joke was, the points were two points away fromm being 13337, which looks like "|3337," but what does this 'word' mean. I'd also like it if someone could tell me what P0wned or pawned means or whatever the hell it is.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Thread Ender
+58|7037|New Hampshire
I get kinda annoyed by artillery...I used to play BF1942's Desert Combat mod, and on that anyone could use artillery - but you needed someone such as a sniper or helo to request a barrage on that target.  You'd get 100 seconds to hit it with as many shells as possible, but youd have to aim your howitzer or MLRS (multiple launch rocket system - wicked cool lol) and if there was anything in the way of the arc of your round you would miss.  This took SKILL.  I don't believe the current arty system is fair...my stepdad was a gunnery sergeant for a howitzer battery, and in the process of a shot, they'd need someone to call a target's coordinates, then a team of math people and a calculator (or a computer) calculate the trajectory and arc of the cannons, etc...then boom.  The current arty system is point and click, but EA has made sure that NOTHING in the game is this way - even missiles that lock on and veer drastically off course to slam into a friendly helo.  I also believe the splash damage for arty is crap - i've had tanks get slammed from all sides by arty and roll merrily along.  Those shells do crazy damage and no tank would just roll away...


Also, Tyferra - |337 = 1337 = leet = elite.  Denotes a player who is very skilled.

p0wned/pawned = pwned = owned.  Someone who has been killed - similar to making someone your bitch.  Hope I could help
Why do people say scanning, supplying and artillering when the MAIN point of commanders is to COMMAND. Send squads to flank the enemy. Direct Heli/Plane squads to take out tank columns. Give you planes an advantage in a dogfight by constantly spotting the opponent jet. Hopping into an AA vehicle to give your heli squad some arial cover. Preparing an ambush for an enemy squad.

  And if I am not in the command screen, how do I accomplish this, huh?  I DO give orders and spot things that it appears to me the squads are not seeing, and I usually try to mine the area I am in while the assets are recharging, but as any engi knows, that is just asking for a tk usually.  Look, if you think you can command in the front in a tank, then do it, but like I said, I know I am better spending 95% of the time in the command screen. Plus I will come out of the screen to defend the assets if I am in a posistion to do so
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, EspaƱa
what i think is a waste of arty when dropping it on 1 player , this is mostly a sniper that getting the whole arty shit over his head. this is moslty when the commander of the oppesite team trying to take over the Flag that the sniper is protecting
+0|7028|cork city Ireland

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

what i think is a waste of arty when dropping it on 1 player , this is mostly a sniper that getting the whole arty shit over his head. this is moslty when the commander of the oppesite team trying to take over the Flag that the sniper is protecting
well fuck me well bloody said like so hapend me last night, GRRRRR on that pussy

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