So there I was, playing PLA, standing at the heli pad minding my own business, when up spawns this noob with a tube. I guess he wanted the next chopper real bad, cuz he starts bunny hopping like he's on crack and starts popping off rounds with his little pea shooter at me. I tried to ignore his dumb ass, until he took my life bar down to the last two flashing reds. Then the fuck starts to chest bump me trying to push me off the pad. By this time I'm pissed, pull out my knife and drive it into his brain housing group. He died with a loud and satisfying scream, and then the little fuck punishes me with a TK. Go figure.
OOPS! meant to post this in the BF2 area, but hell; the bitch is still the same, LOL
OOPS! meant to post this in the BF2 area, but hell; the bitch is still the same, LOL
Last edited by DRB_Black (2005-12-10 13:07:20)