Hi guyz,
I like making wake fun in BF2 and thought I'd share my methods with you.
The Knife Fight
Coax your enemy into a knife however you see fit - an effective way of doing this is bump into an enemy, switch to your knife and jump around, stabbing the air all the time. Hopefully they too will switch to their knife. You are half way. Now, quickly switch back to your gun and boom the stupid cunt.
The Forced Suicide
Picture this: you are sitting at your main and you see SuPaPlaYA666_POWERMAN rigging his jeep with C4. This name is a fucking annoying and ridiculous one. To indirectly show your dislike for this player's name, you can use the forced suicide tactic. Wait for him to get that first block of C4 on there and blow his jeep up with a rocket. Win!
Corpse Camping
You just nailed that retard from your slightly elevated position. Switch to your tube and wait... 2 for 1. Be sure to say shit over global relating to how your skillz are superior to theirs.
Disabling USMC's air power on Wake Island
This one requires 3 people. At the start of the round, have 2 people shoot the attack chopper with SRAWs and shoot the F35 yourself. One pissed off team, several punishable TKs soon to come.
Dance, bitch!
Approach the nearest low-ranking player on your team and shoot at their feet whilst jumping around. Chances are they will panic/get pissed off and TK you. Punish.
Claymore Defusing
We all hate claymores right? Right???? Thought so.
Follow any of your team's 10 friendly snipers and wait for them to drop a claymore. Page down!
The Super Commander
You are the commander. You are in charge.
G15 users have an advantage here. Make a macro consisting of Page Up and Page Down with a 50 or so millisecond delay between each. Put the macro's repeat setting to "Toggle".
Get the commander spot and let rip with your macro.
Whilst at it, drop arty on your carrier and say things such as "Keep up the good work guys! Watch out for the arty on the carrier guys! Sorry guys!" in a really enthusiastic tone.
To up the fuckwittery here, remove the Page Up key from your macro so that the ensuing TKs are sure to be punished.
Pick Up Your Teammates on the Carrier
Get in a Blackhawk and glide over your teammates as they wait for a jet/chopper. It is likely that they are holding E and, as such, will gladly hop aboard.
Snipers + Height
Follow that sniper up the crane/high building and push him off the edge. Who said he had to be an enemy sniper?
It should also be noted that this works on the carrier too.
Troll. Troll harder and faster than any others. Harshly reject the opinions of all others and go on about how much better you are - both in-game and in real life.
Or you can be a clever troll.
Credit to MetalChont for creating this guide, and was posted after obtaining his permission.
I like making wake fun in BF2 and thought I'd share my methods with you.
The Knife Fight
Coax your enemy into a knife however you see fit - an effective way of doing this is bump into an enemy, switch to your knife and jump around, stabbing the air all the time. Hopefully they too will switch to their knife. You are half way. Now, quickly switch back to your gun and boom the stupid cunt.
The Forced Suicide
Picture this: you are sitting at your main and you see SuPaPlaYA666_POWERMAN rigging his jeep with C4. This name is a fucking annoying and ridiculous one. To indirectly show your dislike for this player's name, you can use the forced suicide tactic. Wait for him to get that first block of C4 on there and blow his jeep up with a rocket. Win!
Corpse Camping
You just nailed that retard from your slightly elevated position. Switch to your tube and wait... 2 for 1. Be sure to say shit over global relating to how your skillz are superior to theirs.
Disabling USMC's air power on Wake Island
This one requires 3 people. At the start of the round, have 2 people shoot the attack chopper with SRAWs and shoot the F35 yourself. One pissed off team, several punishable TKs soon to come.
Dance, bitch!
Approach the nearest low-ranking player on your team and shoot at their feet whilst jumping around. Chances are they will panic/get pissed off and TK you. Punish.
Claymore Defusing
We all hate claymores right? Right???? Thought so.
Follow any of your team's 10 friendly snipers and wait for them to drop a claymore. Page down!
The Super Commander
You are the commander. You are in charge.
G15 users have an advantage here. Make a macro consisting of Page Up and Page Down with a 50 or so millisecond delay between each. Put the macro's repeat setting to "Toggle".
Get the commander spot and let rip with your macro.
Whilst at it, drop arty on your carrier and say things such as "Keep up the good work guys! Watch out for the arty on the carrier guys! Sorry guys!" in a really enthusiastic tone.
To up the fuckwittery here, remove the Page Up key from your macro so that the ensuing TKs are sure to be punished.
Pick Up Your Teammates on the Carrier
Get in a Blackhawk and glide over your teammates as they wait for a jet/chopper. It is likely that they are holding E and, as such, will gladly hop aboard.
Snipers + Height
Follow that sniper up the crane/high building and push him off the edge. Who said he had to be an enemy sniper?
It should also be noted that this works on the carrier too.
Troll. Troll harder and faster than any others. Harshly reject the opinions of all others and go on about how much better you are - both in-game and in real life.
Or you can be a clever troll.
Credit to MetalChont for creating this guide, and was posted after obtaining his permission.