Judge Death
Howdy folks last night i played iron gator 2 rounds as mecsf . for the whole 2 rounds the seals denied us access to the ship . i think maybe we got 1 squad on to the tower where we got owned . and that was it all igot for the two rounds is about 20 deaths . the seal just killed us as flew, boated, jetskied or whatever out to the ship . maybe we just didnt have our shit together i dont know , the last map before we won hand down against the same guys . also maps like ghost town which rocks , i find the SAS have conquered the nearly the whole map in like 2 minutes and the mec jst never recover every round has been like this i have played both sides in ghost town and SAS win every time by massive scale . your thoughts much appreciated

See Ya
thats because you have to use all your men and all your strength and swim underwater and capsize the ship, thats the only way, didnt you know?
yeah wtf you should know this!
I noticed that Ghosttown is easier for the SAS, but why I do not know.... Tha maps are mirrored, so it should have equal opportunity for both sides. Is the SAS equipment that much better.

Iron Gator is tough on the MEC.
You can forget entering the ship's dock because a good team has that covered. Only a coorinated chopper attack can bring you the upper deck and build from there. But SAS has the better position.
DAO12 Whore
Iron Gator is certainly winnable by MECSF.  With a bunch of non-team players on both sides, either side can win.   If the Seals are working as a team or at least have a few guys guarding the docking bay and MEC isn't coordinating at all, the MEC is going to have a hard time.

But if MEC has at least a few clued in players, then they can get on board and capture a flag and have a chance from there, even if the Seals are working as a team.  Here are a couple ways to do it:

1)  SPEED:  This is probably the best way.  Spawn at the shore, sprint to a jetski, hop on and head for the docking bay.  You can get there faster than Seals spawning at all but one of the onboard flags.  IIRC, there are at least four jetskis.  If all four are squad leaders, then any who make it onboard can be used as spawn points even without capturing a flag.  And the engine room flag is right by the docking bay.

2)  SKY:  The transport chopper can fly high towards the back of the ship (so it is safe from the ship's gatling gun) and passengers (whether along for the whole ride or spawning from SLs on board) can jump and open their chutes right before hitting the deck.  Most will land near the flight deck flag, in which case use the abundant cover near the flag.  You may also be able to land near one of the doors on the rear portion of the superstructure.  If so, head inside rather than try to cap the viewing flag.  May also be able to land on the elevator and get into the hanger.

3) SLOW SEA:  The inflatable boats have a machine gun, but they also have additional passenger spots that can be even more useful.  A support guy can shoot tear gas into the docking bay, which will provide smoke cover for teammates climbing the ladders, as well as possibly catching a few Seals before they get masks on.  Two or three inflatable with 2-3 guys each should be able to fight their way onboard.

4)  REALLY SLOW SEA:  The MEC APC is amphibious and provides awesome covering fire into the docking bay.  If coordinated with a boat or two it shouldn't be too hard to get out of the water.  But whatever you do, don't leave the APC behind in the docking bay.  If someone does and a Seal gets inside, you might as well forget about anyone else getting in that way.

There are a few other things that make any of the above easier:

1) A decent Hind crew.  Should at least keep the Apache busy.  Should use the TV missile to take out the gatling gun and missile launchers.  If they do that AND take out the Apache, MEC will have NO trouble getting onboard.

2) Smart squad switching.  Anyone who gets on board needs to become a squad leader if they aren't already.  Other than at the very start of the round, anyone spawning should check for an onboard squadleader and spawn from them if there are no flags under control.

3) If in an inflatable, blow up the explosive barrels in the docking bay before climbing the ladders.  Otherwise a Seal will do it for you once you are next to one.

4) Shore AA.  Can at least use lock-on to keep the Seal chopper worried about missiles.  Be careful not to fire when the friendly choppers are near the ship though.  As we all know, AA missiles prefer friendlies.

Hopefully this post will help at least a couple MEC teams make a game of it.  But yes, this map was obviously playtested before grappling hooks were removed from the kits.  I'd love to hear why they were removed in the 1.12 patch.
Best way I've found to win on MEC is speed with the transport chopper. Good pilot and fly pretty wide so the gun can't get you. Instead of para-dropping though, I've seen a breif touchdown work ALOT better. Since no chance of someone forgetting to open their chute...which sadly I see alot. Anyway though, when the chopper touches down near flight deck if everyone gets to the flag you'll cap it within 10 seconds. By this point most the SEALs will be trying to take it back, making it a good time to bring in the APC and a boat or two to the engineer bay and cap that flag. After that it's basicly whoever has the better players. Saw a 32 player Iron Gator sway to 174 MECSF - 0 SEALs yesterday with that strategy. Granted it won't work everytime, but it's been the the best way I've seen.

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