This is the best gun that i have used in battlefield 2 yet.
Last night playing on the Karkand Map this fantastic gun netted me 41 kills, yep that right 41 kills and only 8 deaths. No noob tubing, no AK101, no Tank and no APC used. Hell i was even running out of bullets, this doesnt happen to me oftern when i use othe kits.
I was even winning close combat against Bunny hopping, noob tube using 203 users, who havent seemed to realise that the M16 fires bullets too. Don't get me wrong I have also used the GL in battle, but as a back up weapon, not as my main one.
The reason the gun was doing so well against the bunny hoppers was because of burst fire, as your target bounces around the battlefield desperately trying to reload their 203 and for some reason not changing to the M16, you can pick you shots, because this gun hits hard and hits well and you don't burn a clip out as quick shooting at the bunny hoppers.
This gun mixed with the ability to heal yourself and others is fantastic, its good at long, medium and close range, also using this kit you can send tankers screaming from their Tanks as you run towards them with you medic kit out.
Burst fire with this gun is your best friend, normally when you shoot your three round burst with this gun it means that all three bullets hit because of its fantastic accuracy and i found thats all you need to kill some one is just the three round burst most of the time.
I know the AK101 hits harder, and the L85a1 has the scope, but alot of the AK101 bullets are wasted and the L85a1 lets you down in close combat. This new medic gun has never let me down for pure killing ability, be it up close or at range, by far my favorite gun in the game and just maybe the best gun in the game.
So bow do before the almighty G36e, you know it makes sense.
Last night playing on the Karkand Map this fantastic gun netted me 41 kills, yep that right 41 kills and only 8 deaths. No noob tubing, no AK101, no Tank and no APC used. Hell i was even running out of bullets, this doesnt happen to me oftern when i use othe kits.
I was even winning close combat against Bunny hopping, noob tube using 203 users, who havent seemed to realise that the M16 fires bullets too. Don't get me wrong I have also used the GL in battle, but as a back up weapon, not as my main one.
The reason the gun was doing so well against the bunny hoppers was because of burst fire, as your target bounces around the battlefield desperately trying to reload their 203 and for some reason not changing to the M16, you can pick you shots, because this gun hits hard and hits well and you don't burn a clip out as quick shooting at the bunny hoppers.
This gun mixed with the ability to heal yourself and others is fantastic, its good at long, medium and close range, also using this kit you can send tankers screaming from their Tanks as you run towards them with you medic kit out.
Burst fire with this gun is your best friend, normally when you shoot your three round burst with this gun it means that all three bullets hit because of its fantastic accuracy and i found thats all you need to kill some one is just the three round burst most of the time.
I know the AK101 hits harder, and the L85a1 has the scope, but alot of the AK101 bullets are wasted and the L85a1 lets you down in close combat. This new medic gun has never let me down for pure killing ability, be it up close or at range, by far my favorite gun in the game and just maybe the best gun in the game.
So bow do before the almighty G36e, you know it makes sense.