They really need to take away 1 hit kills from ppl insta-proning at beyond sniper distances with any class.

That fact just makes their victims vehicle whores. Then vehicles whores ruin the game by standing around the airfields all day long.

I mean really, run prone and instant kill??? that a sham.

This would be fixed by taking 1 headshot kill capability from all guns except snipers. Wouldn't be based on reality but not much in BF2 is.
Bringer Of Cookies.

i live on prone spam headshots.
+36|6555|Jennifer Connellys Pants
Well, IMHO, its just a part of the game, not all prone spammers get head shots. I agree they do seem to get "hellish" accurate, but its been going on for a while.

Just lob a grenade at them before starting to shoot. It makes people think twice before lying down when theres a 'nade right by them.
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6850|Las Vegas
I hear ya, my biggest problem is the ones that never even go prone, they stand there in the open with a LMG or something of the like, and take me out, while I am prone, just nailing the shit out of them.  Prone vs standing, prone should win nearly every time.
+7|6626|Los Angeles

Snipingruven wrote:

I hear ya, my biggest problem is the ones that never even go prone, they stand there in the open with a LMG or something of the like, and take me out, while I am prone, just nailing the shit out of them.  Prone vs standing, prone should win nearly every time.
Prone vs. standing should win if its at a distance, but if two people run around a corner and one guy goes prone right away and the other stands up, the one standing has the advantage of being able to move easier. If the guy laying down wins then its just the guy standing doesn't know how to dodge behind them and shoot them in the ass.

I love when people fall prone right away, because I just jump over them and shoot a few rounds up their ass to kill them.
Fuck Shoes
+18|6784|North of Dallas
No, they should get rid of vehicle whores who stand around waiting for a vehicle that just drove off.  If someone else took the vehicle and drove off, FFS ppl move on and go do something else to help the team, don't just stand there with a thumb up your arse.  I agree I love driving armor, I am especially good in the M1a2 and t-90, but if someone beat me to it, I don't C4 them and wait for it to respawn or stand around hoping they will get killed so i can get the vehicle next, I move on and find someone else to kill or a flag to cap.

Grow up people!

Sorry to rant but this pissed me off the other night while I was commanding on Iron Gator 12 ppl on the server and all my dumb ass teammates are waiting for the heli, meanwhile I managed to sneak aboard and take the mess hall, only to be discovered and killed, while the other team capped the flag back.  Meanwhile, what was the rest of my teammates doing?  TKing each other for the chopper.  Pathetic!!!
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6870|Brisbane, Aus

Nooo no more nerfing, go play Project Reality if you want it to be realistic.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7143|Denver colorado

Fenix14 wrote:

Nooo no more nerfing, go play Project Reality if you want it to be realistic.

Dilda13 wrote:

I love when people fall prone right away, because I just jump over them and shoot a few rounds up their ass to kill them.

Fenix14 wrote:

Nooo no more nerfing, go play Project Reality if you want it to be realistic.
You call taking away the option of those an*s's who get 1 hit kills all the time nerfing???
i hate you all
Maybe you could adapt to this kind of game play?
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Two words (well, one, really) for you:

Bunnyhopping. Most people can't hit shit if you're hopping around like a maniac.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6870|Brisbane, Aus

JaggedPanther wrote:

Fenix14 wrote:

Nooo no more nerfing, go play Project Reality if you want it to be realistic.
You call taking away the option of those an*s's who get 1 hit kills all the time nerfing???
Yes I do, there's been enough changes to the BF2 movement/weapons/gameplay from whiners complaining to Dice/EA about why they can't kill people that do/use.. *whatever you want to nerf here*

Dilda13 wrote:

I love when people fall prone right away, because I just jump over them and shoot a few rounds up their ass to kill them.
^ See just use this normal player method rather than complaining about it.

Besides another patch is very unlikely but if it comes, it will address some final serious errors so they can totally forget about BF2.

Lastly: 2142 fixed this for you, perhaps you should pick up a copy and..

gene_pool wrote:

HEY, go play 2142 cockfag.

Last edited by Fenix14 (2007-05-20 23:06:54)


gene_pool wrote:

HEY, go play 2142 cockfag.
i hate people like you who camplain about everything thats why everythying is nerfed.  I got a idea for ea, ban ur ip so you cant play anymore

Last edited by Backupwayback (2007-05-20 23:11:01)

+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
"The fast and the dead"

Need i say more?
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+16|6679|Sydney, Australia
If someone goes prone on me and drops me, including when I am hosing them, I get p!ssed, but so be it. If I had an ulcer for everytime I gpt the sh!ts at this game, I'd be dead. Hell, it's why I keep playing golf. The pointless attempt to try to get better.

I just put it down to them being a better player. I used to wonder if it was aimbots or what, but I have now read enoughthreads about hitboxes, seen enough vids with freak a$$ players with awesome aim, and got enough lucky shots myself (on people probably spewing about me head shotting them from afar) that I've stopped worrying.

I got caught out in the open by an assault or spec ops on jalabad last night, when I was AT with a DAO. He went prone straight away. I just bunny hopped at him (thinking it was the longest charge of my life) while he emptied his clip (he must have been half out), then cut him in half when he tried to run away while reloading.

Sh!ts happens. Respawn. Go back and slaughter who got you. If they keep doing it time and again, maybe they're a better player ...

I still miss the 1.12 patch. Those were the good ole days. Now any brain dead baby with no arms can prone and spray. *sigh*
Bash.org Junkie

pj666 wrote:

Go back and slaughter who got you.
Retaliatory paddle kills ftw.

Fenix14 wrote:

JaggedPanther wrote:

Fenix14 wrote:

Nooo no more nerfing, go play Project Reality if you want it to be realistic.
You call taking away the option of those an*s's who get 1 hit kills all the time nerfing???
Yes I do, there's been enough changes to the BF2 movement/weapons/gameplay from whiners complaining to Dice/EA about why they can't kill people that do/use.. *whatever you want to nerf here*

Dilda13 wrote:

I love when people fall prone right away, because I just jump over them and shoot a few rounds up their ass to kill them.
^ See just use this normal player method rather than complaining about it.

Besides another patch is very unlikely but if it comes, it will address some final serious errors so they can totally forget about BF2.

Lastly: 2142 fixed this for you, perhaps you should pick up a copy and..

gene_pool wrote:

HEY, go play 2142 cockfag.
So playing another game resolves the problem. Holy #$@#% ppl like you are stupid.  The changes Dice made were nerfing the blackhawk, CTD for most, and not about why they can't kill ppl (in fact it was the opposite).

It's amazing how inferior some people are, boggles the mind infact .

In order to jump over them, you have to be near them, so what, everyone is 1 foot away from each other where you play?? Ppl insta-prone (even from a long distance) then you are dead. And all the small pricks WITH AIMBOTS say NOOOO DON"T NERF MY 1 HIT KILLS !!! I lOVE MUH AIMBOTIING SHOT!!!

Well fuck you! That's all I have to say.
The Moisture
+49|7009|South Africa

JaggedPanther wrote:

Well fuck you! That's all I have to say.
Dude. That... is... AWESOME!
Yeah, I'm tired of the prone/insta-kill.  I don't know technical stuff, but there's definitely something fishy with it.  I make sure to let people know that such kills are the result of the prone/insta-kill, and not the result of skill or cunning.  It's a BS kill.

Last edited by cpt._crust (2007-05-25 10:57:23)

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