I would be up for voting on it per week
Both IO and vehicles have been fun, so it doesn't make a lot of difference to me. Voting seems fine, alternating each week seems good too.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
We definitely need a better system on picking the IO/vehicle rotation. What if we cast votes on say Wednesday, and then switched the server every Thursday to whatever was voted on for the week?
I havent played in awhile, so i kept slamming my bomber into helis . sorry fenix and rammees.
You seemed to have no problem killing me without ramming!t0mhank5 wrote:
I havent played in awhile, so i kept slamming my bomber into helis . sorry fenix and rammees.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
don't know why people care about the extra number on my ping, barely effects my gameplay at all
That was pretty funny how many times people tried to get you kicked.Fenix14 wrote:
don't know why people care about the extra number on my ping, barely effects my gameplay at all

Ooo... it looks spiffy, can I have one??
aye,how did you get that tag?and cowami clear out your inbox dammit.
Chuy is doing it.aj0404 wrote:
aye,how did you get that tag?and cowami clear out your inbox dammit.
Cleaned!aj0404 wrote:
aye,how did you get that tag?and cowami clear out your inbox dammit.

cowami how do you not have ANY AT unlocks?
Well, when I asked my friend to get the SF unlocks for me, he decided to be retarded, not listen, and get me the MG36 and the SCAR-L as opposed to the DAO and Jackhammer.VicktorVauhn wrote:
cowami how do you not have ANY AT unlocks?

Woot SCAR-L and MG36!
actually Ive only used either gun for like 10 minutes max....but that was enough. Support = my worst class ever, and G36C = own.
Edit: OH SNAP your tag just got even leeter....
actually Ive only used either gun for like 10 minutes max....but that was enough. Support = my worst class ever, and G36C = own.
Edit: OH SNAP your tag just got even leeter....
Last edited by VicktorVauhn (2007-07-22 15:12:41)
I got my computer back today...I am sooo playing tonight.
Finit mon criss de livre!
Ok, who's up for a game tonight? I'm really itchy to shoot up some bitches.
I thought it was an IO weekend? And i'm not sure about having Tampa as a server starter if it is vehicles.
Ok, who's up for a game tonight? I'm really itchy to shoot up some bitches.
I thought it was an IO weekend? And i'm not sure about having Tampa as a server starter if it is vehicles.
Last edited by SplinterStrike (2007-07-22 18:53:05)
I might join later. Just networked a strategy game, must rest eyes.
Yeah, so get on now.
Cause I'm on. And I know you love me.
Cause I'm on. And I know you love me.

O rly? -0.o-
Hopping on, methinks.
Hopping on, methinks.
Last edited by Cyrax-Sektor (2007-07-22 19:37:53)
All righty get the Fook on the US BF2s server now all you slackers! If not ya'll are a bunch of big hairy vages.
Nice.CoconutBlitz wrote:
Killing Ur Dudes .82% of the time Biatch!!!.
I may hop on for a minute, but I think I have to go drink beer and watch the F1 race from this morning tonight.
Rough life.
Will be on in a bit... keep the server alive for me!
Great round of Oman, good to see the mec side surge and retake the mainland. Will see you guys tomorrow night.
As an afterthought, I apparently shot down a F35 with a tank. Dunno if anyone got a screen shot though.
As an afterthought, I apparently shot down a F35 with a tank. Dunno if anyone got a screen shot though.
Last edited by Canin (2007-07-22 20:54:02)
Uhh. anyone want to get on the TS server?
Methinks you were aiming for me. Of course, Undetected_Killer decided to be a dumbass and tried to strafe me (cause we always TK each other ), which is probably the poitn when the shell aimed at me, hit him.Canin wrote:
Great round of Oman, good to see the mec side surge and retake the mainland. Will see you guys tomorrow night.
As an afterthought, I apparently shot down a F35 with a tank. Dunno if anyone got a screen shot though.
I roffled.

dammit i didnt get a screenie of my arty nailing a heli i thought that was hilarious i almost got a second that round.