Wow. Flames a-plenty.

And I am not a tube hating smacktard. I like the GL, its great. One of my best friends that plays uses it like an idiot savant; ive seen him make incredible shots on the first try from blocks away. I hate noob-tubers. Ive defined it before.

Play better, whatever. Play to have fun foremost, and play to compete second.

And then there is the issue of maps. Why are there maps people dont like (except for Zatar Wetlands, I always find myself hoofing it across long distances). Planes too powerful? Ive argued against this before, and i will again. Sometime. Too many ground vehicles?

Sum it all up. You want CS with BF2 weapons. Who needs vehicles, except for an occasional tank that you cant camp with?
I like how Darkside has 45 hours in armor and about 30 min in everything else. Wake really pisses me off when i'm US that's why i only play that map Chinese. Had this one Jetwhore last night who got 140+ points and 70+kills just spawn raping the carrier...tho i got about 8 heals and 15 revives for sticking it out..
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys

Esker wrote:

Lol Sud, almost all the tank whores and plane whores generally can't hold 1.1 ratio with the infantry weapons.

It's quite laughable really.
i use planes and i have 1:1 on all guns except submachine gun
quick examples how 5ud is an immature little twat

I explain to him that I am our team's only chance to have a hope at winning this, but it's lost on the newbie
you should get over yourself cuz you arent that good

I hate to do it, but I'm forced to TK him several times (this has gone beyond just him putzing around in a tank, this is about righting a wrong and him standing directly in the way of justice),
sometimes you dont get teh tank .. get over it wussbag ..there is no battlefield justice fruit ...

GG you multiple engineer armor raping, tank whoring, newbie team abusing, shit talking, spawn camping little pissant, you got owned by a superior player, one who even beat you without taking a point of damage on his tank, and makes you run from the server with your tail between your legs, likely off to find a server where the enemy can't muster any form of retaliation and hurt your cowardly little armor's ratio.
you sound so incredibly lame ranting about killing some random guy in a server like you won the superbowl and saying owned and newb every 2 seconds ...calling someone armor whore where your account 5ud all you do is kill infantry with armor as engineer on karkand .. the epitome of armor whore

I know, I tried to reason with him, but you know, the type of people that play these days, won't even acknowledge your presence if you say something directed towards them. It's like they're deaf or something.
why should he ? he doesnt owe you shit .. not the tank the explanation anything ... you think too much of yourself

You also likely don't have half the character or testicular fortitude required to take on 2 LAVs and a tank with no teammate support. Hell, you can't even handle yourself without being a ticket liability with an assault rifle
immature little twat ... yes you have videogame testicular fortitude ... fudgepacker

i also enjoyed your breakdown of how you dont like any vehicle maps any aircraft anything other than karkand with medic .. sounds like you dont like the game, maybe you should play counter-strike theres no planes there
Sud, you're an extremely arrogant prick.
Et tu, Troll. Ye who lives in glass houses, lest not be throwing stones, eh?

I could care less about my stats.
It shows.

If I were to lock myself into my happy little Karkand bubble for 100 hours I have no doubt that I could equal or better your 'god-like' ratios and SPM.
You're certainly welcome to try. I don't care too much about SPM so much as that I achieve a basic competancy level as my class. A ticket defecit is a ticket defecit, whether it be a Karkand one, a Kubra one, an Oman one, or what have you. I'm pretty sure you'll achieve the same level of play in Karkand as you do on any map you play.

To reiterate, I play urban maps simply because I am not interested in the aerial aspects of the game until they achieve a balance. I'm also not interested in poor map design that results in lulls in the gameplay. You find entertainment in driving a jeep halfway across the map to fight a couple defenders at some obscure flag location, good on you. I prefer a faster paced theatre. You have your map preferences too. Otherwise, why aren't you playing Mashtuur, Clean Sweep, Zatar, Daqing, Devil's Perch, Mass Destruction, or Surge more? And funny, you have a lot of time logged in Karkand and Sharqi as well.

Well, actually, one thing can be compared.  I'm a far better shot than you.  And I dont want to hear this crap about how you run around 'shooting walls' and that your accuracy is incorrect.  First, everyone does that and I do as well.  Second, it would only affect your accuracy by <1%, unless you purposely waste an entire magazine each life, which I know you do not.
Not bloody likely. This statement actually lets on to your true ignorance as to how the guns work. While you may go into semi auto mode just so you can try to look elite and land every shot, there are times where quantity > quality. I take a preference to the burst fire weaponry specifically for its ability to be able to do a funnel shaped line of bullets on a target, something you can't duplicate with a full auto gun due to the way its deviation works. I can land a couple decent bursts on an enemy, and if I feel that they're going to drop in 1-2 more bullets, I will strafe them with the burst rather than aim dead on. While this trick may not do anything for your accuracy, it is very effective for actually getting the kill done. This is even moreso for support weaponry. I found out early that PKM is most effective when you spot with the iron sight and simply hold down the fire button, drawing the sight on the victim. It is HORRENDOUS for the accuracy, but PKM is not a weapon for precision. Both myself and my friend have gone down to 8-12% accuracy with PKM (he used to be a 25% accuracy shot), but have MUCH better results than when we used to fire "for accuracy", because the guns perform better when you're NOT trying to be accurate, just instead trying to be consistent.

But I can go over the functionality and nuances of the guns all day. In the end, mine's the gun that gets the kill, and yours is the slightly more accurate one that nets you the death to someone a little less discriminating with his fire.

I know I won't have to see you in any of my games.
Good for you that you won't

immature little twat ... yes you have videogame testicular fortitude ... fudgepacker
Where do people like this come from? Given the number and frequency, I would think they're being mass produced in some stupid factory overseas, via some automated template. Ah, to long for the simple days of internet gaming when Quake 1 was new, and morons like this fine example here were the exception, not the rule.

Last edited by Sud (2005-12-13 14:41:23)

Where do people like this come from? Given the number and frequency, I would think they're being mass produced in some stupid factory overseas, via some automated template. Ah, to long for the simple days of internet gaming when Quake 1 was new, and morons like this fine example here were the exception, not the rule.
rofl youre so fuckin gay its halarious .. dont address and real issues like you saying you have videogame testicluar fortitude or how you cry about someone doing to you what you do all the time ... just come up with some fruity insult based on nothing, thinking you sound witty or funny ... when you just sound like an immature  faggot

Sud wrote:

I guess it was worth it. Was playing and got put on the most horrendous MEC team you could ever imagine. Yes, this team was terrible. I'm sure every last one of them were negative ratio newbies. They didn't have a clue, or a hope.

Leading the absolute retardedness was this guy:

You see, he thought he was some pretty big shit, sitting outside a spawn with his tank, beating on a team that had the collective intelligence of a grapefruit. As close to stat padding as it can come without being directly called that.

Of course, I alone take it upon myself to actually get this stupid newb off the spawn. So I go anti-tank.

God almighty.

My useless team would barely let me get a shot off at him, I made him run, got him once, but I kept getting overrun by infantry. When I got him, old Darkside here decides that he's going to run around with engineers in LAVs to back it up - so not only does he fear a lone infantry even with his team's support, he brings in extra engineers in armor to back it up.

Of course during this he has full UAV, supply crate, and team support. I have jack shit. I get spawn killed several times. Try to get him with special forces, as Anti Tank isn't an option with the constant repair support, but no avail. At this point, I decide to fight him on even terms, but unfortunately, we have a negative ratio newbie taking the tank each and every time. I explain to him that I am our team's only chance to have a hope at winning this, but it's lost on the newbie. I hate to do it, but I'm forced to TK him several times (this has gone beyond just him putzing around in a tank, this is about righting a wrong and him standing directly in the way of justice), but he just won't get the message. On the times he does get the tank out of base, he dies to Darkside almost immediately, and he takes the tank to go fight infantry, when Darkside's tank still spawncamping (now at suburb of all places, yes, this team was THAT BAD).

Never tried Jihad Jeeping before. Now's the time I figure. Wow, this works. There's darkside being a little whore. Oops, my jeep just killed him and his LAV buddy. I also Jihad jeep the teammate who's trying to sabotague the team with his ineptness. Finally teammate leaves after moaning for awhile.

Next round begins. Darkside is thinking he's going to fix himself up to do some more spawn camping. But this time things are different. This time, I have the tank, and no more saboteurs on my team trying to contest it.

I drive the tank right down the middle to the front of the USMC spawn (this is Karkand if you hadn't caught on), and there's Darkside, already shredding my witless team apart. He gets a shell right up the backside. He panics, and attempts to run. Oh no, his little LAV buddy is blocking his escape. Boom. Darkside's weak ass little tank shatters into a million pieces of failure, to scatter across the land seeding the tale of his embarassing demise. LAV pal is soon to follow. Oh, he wants some more, does he? He comes barelling down the middle road, to be greeted to a shell in the nose. I hit him 3/3 times, he hits me twice. Again, he blows up into a million pieces of smouldering newbie garbage. I back off and repair. He's still not done folks. This time he tries a more tentative approach. I see him first though and nail him super long range, then smoke before he fires back. The smoke makes him miss twice, and I hit him 3 more times, and once again, he blows up. What's up Darkside. Not so tough when it's 1v1 with no interferance from your little LAV entourage, eh? At this point I inform him that he's 0-3, and ask him if he'd like to try his luck again. "Now I'm actually going to try" is the little twerp's response. Actually, he'll be doing jack shit. After the third death, some teammate beats him to the tank. Defeated and completely humiliated at his own game, he logs off without a single word more, and order is once again restored to the server.

GG you multiple engineer armor raping, tank whoring, newbie team abusing, shit talking, spawn camping little pissant, you got owned by a superior player, one who even beat you without taking a point of damage on his tank, and makes you run from the server with your tail between your legs, likely off to find a server where the enemy can't muster any form of retaliation and hurt your cowardly little armor's ratio. And I'll take the purple heart as my proof that I owned the living crap out of you. Get out of that tank and learn how to aim a gun, oh wait, you're so talentless, you can barely pull a 1.00 ratio with assault on assault rifles (of course he loves the tube plenty, but that shouldn't come as unexpected).
You suck.
Wow. Flames a-plenty.

And I am not a tube hating smacktard. I like the GL, its great. One of my best friends that plays uses it like an idiot savant; ive seen him make incredible shots on the first try from blocks away. I hate noob-tubers. Ive defined it before.

Play better, whatever. Play to have fun foremost, and play to compete second.

And then there is the issue of maps. Why are there maps people dont like (except for Zatar Wetlands, I always find myself hoofing it across long distances). Planes too powerful? Ive argued against this before, and i will again. Sometime. Too many ground vehicles?

Sum it all up. You want CS with BF2 weapons. Who needs vehicles, except for an occasional tank that you cant camp with?
By the way, children, this is how you disagree with someone without sounding like a flaming moron. Kudos to you blacksheep for being able to conduct yourself like a human being.

I am not going to feed any more trolls, so troll if you wish, I won't dignify it with a response.

I actually don't mind vehicles, don't get me wrong. I don't mind spawn camping either, in the scope of a proper, normal, and fair game. One of the reasons I play Karkand and not, say, Mashtuur as a primary is because I believe that there actually should be some ground vehicle presence. I lean toward 2 APCs and a tank as being a reasonable medium - it gets trully nutty though on some maps like Kubra where there's more vehicles per square inch than there is map, or Songhua which is "holy crap my APC is fighting 3 enemy APCs at once!".

The exception I took was this person using the armor and game mechanics to abuse the other team. In a normal game, a spawn camp should last no more than 1-2 minutes while the flag is being captured, then the team moves to the next. This was not that situation. Square was neutral, and USMC would NOT capture hotel despite having the entire area locked down. The entire motivation for this was to abuse people who weren't very good, and unfortunately just not intelligent enough to figure on doing anything different. In the course of a fair game, MEC would have been pushed back to train accident where they might have been able to stage a stronger defense. While I did tell my team what was going on, unfortunately, I could get no co-operation, and thus it was me vs them, and all the "better playing" in the world wouldn't have made a lick of difference as I am not able to order teammates what to do nor am I able to magically manipulate their skill levels.

The story that I had hoped to share with you all was a simple come uppance against someone who's actions in the game I found to be despicable (and many agree on that sentiment), and venting a little bit of frustration in the misfortune of having a really bad game that got out of my control. It's not meant to be a statement against armor, spawn camping, or your choice of map in particular. Unfortunately trolls have decended upon it and are nitpicking a ton of irrelavancies and just generally making this annoying to read, so as stated before, they will not be dignified with a response.

Again though, thanks to blacksheepcannibal, who can state a counter opinion without making himself look like a meathead. Keep it up.
Mass Media Casualty

5ud did a good job. Instead of complaining about a spawn camping retard he did something about it. The spawn camper was revealed to have little to no skill and retreated with his tail between his legs.

On a side note: I wonder who has the most purple hearts? I mean, if you really wanted to collect them it wouldn't be that hard.
[Blinking eyes thing]
To reiterate, I play urban maps simply because I am not interested in the aerial aspects of the game until they achieve a balance. I'm also not interested in poor map design that results in lulls in the gameplay. You find entertainment in driving a jeep halfway across the map to fight a couple defenders at some obscure flag location, good on you. I prefer a faster paced theatre. You have your map preferences too. Otherwise, why aren't you playing Mashtuur, Clean Sweep, Zatar, Daqing, Devil's Perch, Mass Destruction, or Surge more? And funny, you have a lot of time logged in Karkand and Sharqi as well.
I did not claim that I did not prefer urban maps.  I prefer infantry fighting as well.  What I am saying is that you consistently make derogatory remarks towards people, and anytime you yourself come under attack you automatically refer to some comparison between your own stats and theirs.  In my opnion, and probably many others, your "my stats mean I'm a good player, your stats mean you're not" argument loses all credibility since virtually all of your time is spent in the statpadders heaven.

Not bloody likely. This statement actually lets on to your true ignorance as to how the guns work. While you may go into semi auto mode just so you can try to look elite and land every shot, there are times where quantity > quality
Lol, the majority of my assault time has been spent in full auto with the AK-101.  You try playing Iron Gator on semi?  Oh yeah, you don't play SF, because of some sense of honor and how EA's QA process doesn't match up to your real estate program (I roared at that one, comparing a 3d game to a real estate program, lol).  What's funny is that if you play Karkand truly for the 'fast-paced' action rather than statpadding, then SF is probably the game for you.

Both myself and my friend have gone down to 8-12% accuracy with PKM (he used to be a 25% accuracy shot), but have MUCH better results than when we used to fire "for accuracy", because the guns perform better when you're NOT trying to be accurate, just instead trying to be consistent.
This sentence makes no sense.  Unless your goal is for suppression fire, being accurate with the gun will net you a kill must faster than not being accurate.  I have strafed an enemy on full auto with the AK-101 before and not gotten the kill, or obtained the kill at the very end of the clip, because of the horrendous inaccuracy.  In similar situations spamming 4 or 5 semi-auto shots with 3 landing will get you the same kill in 1-2 seconds as well as keeping your clip half full for any other enemies in the nearby area.
you being an immature crybaby douche is not irrelavent .. its it the most relevent part of your douchebaggery ...
you disagreed with darkside ..why didnt you disagree withoout flamin him ?? becuase you were an irritated crybaby, simple.

wahh not fair you have engineers and supplies and i dont waah ..ive seen you post your crybaby shit dozens of times now ... you whine bitch and complain and youre a litte boy who needs to get over it with your huge videogame balls ..

noone agrees with your crybaby shit
you being an immature crybaby douche is not irrelavent .. its it the most relevent part of your douchebaggery
Haha! Douchebaggery! Now that's a funny word.
I think he learned that one from Maddox

Seriously, aside from repeatidly tking (maybe I would do it twice) someone for the tank I probably would have tried the same. God knows I am not very good with the tank, but I think I could give some smacktard abusing game mechanics to up his ratio.
In reference to the GL argument on page 1:

Sud wrote:

(of course he loves the tube plenty, but that shouldn't come as unexpected).

RKF77 wrote:

Plenty?  Just a point of order, but 245 kills out of 6,573 total hardly seems like someone who "loves the tube plenty".

Sud wrote:

I've got like what, 20 kills with it? Just to confirm that it indeed does blow anyone away in 1 hit at close range. He's got hours of it. Not seeing a comparison point.

RKF77 wrote:

What's your point?  Proportional to your total kills, you two aren't *that* different.  Your percentage of kills with the grenade launcher is ~.01, his is ~.04.  It's not like he's rocking out with 1300 grenade launcher kills here.  Someone with half his hours on the grenade launcher and sporting 1000+ kills with it could be "loving the tube plenty".  Someone with 245 out of 6500+ kills can't, unless you're really reaching.

That is all besides the point, though.  What the fuck does it matter if he uses it more than you or not?  You think it's some sort of badge of honor to use it less?  So he's got grenade launcher what?   What if he uses is as I do, exclusively from medium-to-long ranges?  How is that a bad thing?  Is it a Bad Thing™ because Sud wants everyone to play the game a certain way?

Sud wrote:

What's your logical basis for this comparison? I got revived a few times as assault, and blasted off a few tubes during those times. I have a half hour with it, enough to satisfy me that it is as easy to use at melee range as the newbies who use it as such tend to do for easy kills. You're trying to compare a couple tests of a weapon, not even half an hour's total time, to someone who has put near 5 hours into it for a third of his time as assault?
Your time as assault: 81 minutes
Your time using GL: 23 minutes
% time using GL while assault: 23%
Total GL kills: 27

My time as assault: 6 hours, 5 minutes
My time using GL: 12 minutes
% time using GL while assault: 3%
Total GL kills: 12

So according to your logic, compared to me, you "love the tube plenty".
I'm amazed you allowed yourself to die that many times to one person.  If I EVER get spawnraped by armor I spawn somewhere else, go spec ops and just blow them up.
According to your logic, someone who has 60 seconds of assault rifle and 40 seconds of tube "loves the tube alot". I'm just not convinced that this comparison scales down into the nanoseconds.

According to common sense, neither of us have used the weapon for any length of time other than to try a few test shots and get a brief idea how it works. 5 hours I would say is a bit more than the passing glance that either of our times are, but you're welcome to refute that if you want.

Edit: To Slidero

Bad judgement on my part for sure, though, there was a lot of situational deaths too. At one point, I was trying to figure out where he was, so I spawned hotel - died to a LAV. Ok, spawn suburb, oh THERE he is. He got me there.

I tried to sneak up on him a couple times as specops, but he had exclusive use of the UAV for himself. Didn't pan out, I'm afraid. I blame myself for never trying Jihad Jeeping before. I still think I would have gotten a purple heart outta that either way, but at least I wouldn't have given him the pleasure of a 9 kill victim entry. The jeep I did get in on him was a nice one though, took him and his LAV buddy out in one blast. I got him once as anti tank too, but he also had infantry support that would come after me when I harassed him.

It just in general was a really bad situation that I didn't want to drop out of until he was thwarted in SOME manner and I got really carried away trying to get him. Yeah when I saw "congratulations, you've been recommended for an award" I let some expletitives fly for sure, haha. As it was, on the even playing field, he sorely failed to deliver, and rather than let me give HIM a purple heart in tank vs tank battles, he logged off, most likely to find something that would kill him less.

Last edited by Sud (2005-12-13 16:33:16)


Sud wrote:

What's your logical basis for this comparison? I got revived a few times as assault, and blasted off a few tubes during those times. I have a half hour with it, enough to satisfy me that it is as easy to use at melee range as the newbies who use it as such tend to do for easy kills. You're trying to compare a couple tests of a weapon, not even half an hour's total time, to someone who has put near 5 hours into it for a third of his time as assault?
Ah, yes.  The old "but all I was doing was testing it" argument.

The point I'm making is that he DOESN'T "love the tube plenty", and you know it.  You were just doing your best to get one last stab in at the guy.  And based on some of the responses, you hit it out of the park.

Sud wrote:

The difference is, I do my fighting with the assault rifle. He does his fighting with the tube
No, he doesn't.  He does his fighting with the tank.

You know every smacktard on this forum hates the tube, so that's what you're going for, you're "getting their vote" by stroking them off mentally.  Jeebus, you've got enough of an argument by calling him a tank whore and a base raper, why on earth would you try and squeeze more out of him? 

Sud wrote:

There's nothing smacktarded about it. There is an inbalance with the functionality of rifle grenades at short range, and this attracts a certain element of people that begin a reliance upon it.
And you know he's one of those people just by looking at his stats with it?  You are quite the omniscient one. 

Sud wrote:

You'll have a tough time garnering respect for someone who uses that tube exclusively over someone who is a good assault with rifle skills.
There you go again...classifying him as a "toober" even though he's got more time with Carbines and tanks.  He's not a toober, matter how many times you say it, it's not going to magically become true.  He's a tanker. 

Besides, you've still offered no explanation as to how you know he's one of "those people" that fires grenades at his feet to get cheap kills...I have plenty of kills with the grenade launchers, and *all* have come from medium-to-long distance.  I don't run around with it armed whipping off snap shots when I see an enemy.  Am I abusing an inbalance, too?  I've got more kills with it than you I a "toober", too?
Mass Media Casualty

Just to reiterate on what I have said before.

You can't comprehensivle compare yourself to another player unless you and the other player do exactly the same thing as each other.

And as far as I can see, not one of you is a n00b-t00ber. You can't say that someone is a n00b-t00ber because they have one more minute than you and perhaps another couple of kills.
[Blinking eyes thing]

Tyferra wrote:

Just to reiterate on what I have said before.

You can't comprehensivle compare yourself to another player unless you and the other player do exactly the same thing as each other.

And as far as I can see, not one of you is a n00b-t00ber. You can't say that someone is a n00b-t00ber because they have one more minute than you and perhaps another couple of kills.
All I was doing was pointing out the flaw in Sud's logic, not calling him a noob-tuber.  He stated that the other guy was one because he had nearly 5 hours time on the nade launcher.  He refused to look at ratios, in which case him and the "tuber" are very similar, but instead was looking at total time.

The thing is that you have to look at ratios, it's the only way you can compare weapon use by a guy who has 17 hours into assault and a guy that has 1.5 hours.  Given the current historical rate, Sud is on pace to hit about 3.8 hours worth of nade usage when he hits 17 hours of assault usage.  Sounds very comparable to the other guy to me, and it proves that Sud has no grounds to call this other guy a "tuber".
No, he doesn't.  He does his fighting with the tank.
Fair enough, as that is an accurate statement.

You know every smacktard on this forum hates the tube, so that's what you're going for, you're "getting their vote" by stroking them off mentally.  Jeebus, you've got enough of an argument by calling him a tank whore and a base raper, why on earth would you try and squeeze more out of him?
Well in comparison to me, it's 4.5 hours more of that thing than I'm ever going to use. I can't take the half hour of it that I used back, but on the same front I didn't want to be completely ignorant on complaining about a weapon that kills me that I haven't ever actually used. I give the tube some kudos that when used long range it does take some skill, I just want to clarify that. It's the "I'm going to aim at the ground/wall around you at short range (sometimes even killing myself!)" application of it that I object to (essentially turning it into a rocket launcher from Quake come to BF2). However it is a sweeping generalization to automatically say that all players who use the grenade launcher are doing that, for all I know in his specific case he could actually have been using it only at long range (in his case, doubtful, but give him the benefit of the doubt), so I will retract my statement on the noob toobery and leave it at him being a cowardly little tank dork.

As you say it really isn't relevant to the situation at hand, so is really not mentionable except as an extra sleight against him, so yeah, I can't call him a complete tuber.

Last edited by Sud (2005-12-13 17:08:07)


Sud wrote:

Well in comparison to me, it's 4.5 hours more of that thing than I'm ever going to use. I can't take the half hour of it that I used back, but on the same front I didn't want to be completely ignorant on complaining about a weapon that kills me that I haven't ever actually used.
Fair enough, point taken and understood.

But just to further what seems to be a conversation that has gotten back on track, why not use it from medium-to-long range distances?  It's a very effective weapon not only at taking out multiple enemies that bunch up (as they always do), but it also is invaluable at denying time and space to advancing squads.

Rather than trying to pick off four enemy squad members with the M-16, why not switch to the M203 and give them hell?  You're not going to be a "noob toober" if you use it as it's meant to be used.

I know you seem to have an aversion to it, but it's a hell of a tactical that exists and is used extensively in the real world.

Last edited by RKF77 (2005-12-13 17:40:46)

Teargas wh0re
As you say it really isn't relevant to the situation at hand, so is really not mentionable except as an extra sleight against him, so yeah, I can't call him a complete tuber.
No you can't call him a "tuber" at all. Jesus, theres someone that proves you wrong and what are you doing? You just say he's no "complete" tuber. You are wrong. Get used to it.

Well you wanted to make him look bad but in fact it's you who looks like a total smacktard now. At least for me.

Sorry for the flaming but i can't stand the arrogance between the lines of all your text.

Ub3r-ElitE wrote:

No you can't call him a "tuber" at all. Jesus, theres someone that proves you wrong and what are you doing? You just say he's no "complete" tuber. You are wrong. Get used to it.

Well you wanted to make him look bad but in fact it's you who looks like a total smacktard now. At least for me.

Sorry for the flaming but i can't stand the arrogance between the lines of all your text.
Come on now...he retracted his statement, and he did it with a fair amount of tact, class, and humility.  He gets kudos for that, it's something you don't see too often.  Reading between the lines for a semantical argument to continue to bash him is weaksauce. 
+0|7041|Winnipeg, Manitoba

Sud wrote:

Did someone else grab the tank while all that was going on?
no, thats why it ssad you see after he killed me with the knife attack I saw hi run around then get ina  helicopter...

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