What are the hacks that are out there? I was playing on s server last night that seemed to have something odd about it. There were supply crates EVERYWHERE!!!
The multiple supply crate hack, haha. I was on a server last night where there were 3 supply drops sitting right next to eachother and a fourth not to far off.
I dont know if it is a hack but i was playing on a server, on op clean sweap, and both the mec and the US arty were being used by the US commander! I was on the us side and went to destroy the mec arty but it gave me a team vehicle damage! I was really confused, could this have been a hack?
Its a bug i think...
I played on a ranked server. This shit doesnt make the game fun.
read this: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=3728