Got Lamb?
+56|6540|Outside your Back window
Simple solution - Anger - bf2(for a bit) + Look outside for a weak member of society+ Beat them up = stress gone.

A friend that plays BF2 with me will throw down his headset and go to the kitchen to make a drink.  On TS, all you can hear is cursing, but once he hits the kitchen, it picks up an echo.  We wait for the echo and then laugh even harder.

I have always had temper issues myself, but I've moved away from breaking hardware.  I don't rough up the mouse anymore, but I will, on rare occasion, slap my hands down, finger tips first, on the keyboard.  It never hurt those cheapy 5 dollar keyboards, but about 2 months after I got a fancy steelkey 6g (expensive keyboard, but it was a gift), I cracked the board inside it.  6-7 bits of wire and a few minutes of soldering, and it's as good as new.

I've been avoiding BF2 while I quit smoking
Well, as someone else already said, if you go in pissed/stressed, a bad round is infuriating and just makes the day worse.  This game is like alcohol: it won't change your mood, it will enhance it.

Secondly, I found a great thing to crack me up after I got flash banged by a teammate as I was taking off in the heli and wound up smashing into the carrier bulkhead and credited with a TK for my copilot.  Once you're pissed you can have fun with it.  I found the ass hat waiting with 5 other guys for the next jet.  I laid a C4 pack, and knowing I was leaving anyway due to being pissed, didn't have an issue blowing it and laughing my ass off as I got kicked.  Of course, four innocent bystanders had to be killed, but really, who gives a shit.  I was mad and it was damned funny.  At least to me.
Fed. Chairman (Ret.)
I'd reccomend becoming an asshat when you get pissed. Sometimes when I'm playing with a dumbass team, instead of getting pissed, I join them. Get in a car and jump out just as your about to run someone over or load up a blackhawk and ram a freindly heli just as you jump out, you'll go from angry to laughing your ass off guaranteed. It's probably not the most policially correct solution, but who cares it's a freaking video game!

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:


install company of heroes.

SergeantLister wrote:

Try playing RTS games instead of fps games more often. I find that I never get angry/vent when I play an RTS game....
LOL WRONG! I got soooo pissed the other day playing against a Hard computer. I couldn't get any fuel to build a motor pool, so  I got mad stug rushed and I got soooooooo mad because I couldn't put out any AT guns. I was seriously trying to think up ways to TK my engineers LOL.

Last edited by Greenspan (2007-06-06 15:42:22)

scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6823|Brisbane, Aus

baggs wrote:

Increasingly i am finding it harder to hold my temper on BF2, i know its never been as bad before now. I get totally narc'd and find myself spamming the chat like an idiot and even venting at my clan mates in TS, im not entirely sure what to do about it? Im 26 years old for fuck sake!!!! This happens at any point, when im gettin owned even to when im top of the board and on a rampage.

Obv certain factors come into play i.e. spawn raping/nade spam/clay spam ect...but im well aware that the habits of poor players arent going to disappear in the near future. Its lead me to play BF2 less cos i dont like how i get and its totally unfair on other people. Well, some may deserve it...

Is there any sensible suggestions on what i can do to combat this? Ive considered removing the 'J' key from my board and i even tend to play BF2 in TS with the mic muted. Im well aware of my problem, this doesnt happen all the time. Some days i couldnt care less and im quite happy to just laugh it off thru the round.
259 hours of karkand and I'd be pissed off too lol, don't give up man just play different maps
wish i could say i never lose my temper, but when i do i avoid typing it or pressing my vent voice button... only thing that really pisses me off is people callin me a hacker when im flying jet/chopper (if there is even a hack for jets and choppers)... then i think and realize what a compliment that is and i relex, smile, and proceed to wipe the floor with them... if ure getting nade spammed, clay spammed, spawn raped... spawn elsewhere, if there is nowhere else to spawn, dont spawn at all or leave the game.. plenty of servers out there.. best advice i can give you

Ilocano wrote:

JaggedPanther wrote:

SWBF2= FUN, FUN, FUN and no stats
Actually, there are stats.  But since no one else can see them, no e-penis issues.  Killer issue with SWBF2 is the the superior weapons the "no lifes" get.
What superior weapons??? plz tell me???

Another thing about that game is you see who killed you after you died, so you can judge if it was fair or not I suppose, even though that probably wouldn't fly well in this game as it is more 'today' and 'realistic' (and by realistic I mean does not take place in a galaxy far far away).

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

JaggedPanther wrote:

Play a FUN secondary multiplayer FPS like Star Wars Battle Front 2. That Game is Fun!

SWBF2= FUN, FUN, FUN and no stats, I actually like flying in the air to my death
Battlefied 2 = quite addictive and fun (but not as fun as SWBF2)
COD= not as much fun
AA=Definately not much fun

I wouldn't recommend a NON FPS, dunno why but I don't think it will work in your case.
Oops! Fixed.
+2|6464|Reno, NV
Yah, we all been there before. Errrr....I haven't been that mad with this game except for the fact I'm paying to play at a pc game place and sometimes the lag would spike hella bad and be a complete waste of time. Of course I won't leave and just put up with the BS and eventually be disappointed at the end of the day.
  It's nice to know I'm not the only one who flips a lid while doing something they should be enjoying. The one game that did piss me off was DIABLO F**KING 2: LORD OF DESTRUCTION! OMFG I USE TO BE MEGA PISSED SOMETIMES! Anyway, I have one too many great moments on BF2 to recall that I know probably piss the hell out of over a dozen people at a time for what I did (aka I looked damn good and got good remarks while they grinded their teeth from embarrasment). I'm quite sure a majority of serious gamers here know what type of moments I'm talking about so if the anger spikes again think of the good times man.

Screw it...since I'm bored and stuff I'm gonna recall my all time favorite killing spree. I was playing mashtuur (as always) (can't recall what faction I was) and I saw on the mini map that an enemy tank was approaching the south gas so I decided to follow it adn see if I could help out the few that were sticking back to defend the flag. By the time I caught up with the tank I notice that there's a paranoid gunner on top and I have yet to be seen. Also there's no enemy UAV and right beside me I find myself a buddies' spec ops kit sitting there that came with the SCAR-L. I freakin love the SCAR-L and figure this is my chance for C4 GLORY! I ran up to the tank , slapped two C4s on the side without alerting the gunner, and BIGGITY BANG! TANK SANDWICH! Little do I know the flag is taken, enemies are spawning, and a van full of 3 dudes is coming my way. Lucky me though, there's no one on the gun seat and the driver moves straight to the tree I'm hiding at and stalls for a second long enough for me to toss a c4 and send him and his buddies to hell. Eventually cavalry shows up and get to mow down a few dudes with the SCAR-L from the comfort of the surrounding trees nearest the flag up front and escape by the skin of my chinny chin chin! Oh yah good times...yah I'm not a great story teller so BITE ME YA DAMN 3rd WORLD BASTARDS!

Last edited by Weh-Weh (2007-06-06 22:20:20)

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6590|New Haven, CT
I get mad constantly too. I just deal with it by spouting off loud long insults at my at other players based off of how I died. For example, if I was defending a CP and was the only person, I'll rant in all caps about how worthlessly moronic my team is. If I got owned by a jet or choppers, I'll chew out the fighter pilot. If I get killed in an infantry battle, calling the person who killed me a cheater typically suffices.

Last edited by nukchebi0 (2007-06-06 21:27:49)

+429|6712|Chicago, IL

JaggedPanther wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

JaggedPanther wrote:

SWBF2= FUN, FUN, FUN and no stats
Actually, there are stats.  But since no one else can see them, no e-penis issues.  Killer issue with SWBF2 is the the superior weapons the "no lifes" get.
What superior weapons??? plz tell me???
Elite rifile, has a two shot burst, headshot=instant kill, you get it if you kill 12 people without dying,and considering the fact that most of the kiddies on that game suck at life, I can massacre them almost every round.  Used to love doing it though, especially when i kill the noob who is luke skywalker.  Then everyone gets pissed off at me .  If i had known how to screenshot in that game, i'd have some great shots for you all
Either that, or go in as a shock trooper and rocket people in the ankles to send them soaring, one hit kill against jedi and everything.  Good memories...

P.S.  Empire > Rebellion
relax partner...its just a game!!
hey im new to this im wondering how do u put ur rank and stats up can some 1 tell me thanks
Since day One.
Happens to me allways...i hate if the bastards do some lucky shots or they kill me while reloading or from my accidents or faults.

1. Find another server to play on.
2. Make a 10 min pause..drink something, smoke, go t the fresh air and clear your mind.
+405|6729|A W S M F O X
a really great bunch of responses there, thankyou im suprised that its not just me and that it seems par for the course for many people with BF2 now. Ive been playing Silkroad a bit more but the lure of BF2 is just too much, and esp when u got 5/6 clan mates looking to get a ranked game going

the hardest thing is thinking back to the great rounds you've had and you cant help but feel theres more of those kinda rounds still left to play in BF2 but the more you try and play for those rounds the more i find myself getting pissed off. One big vicious circle eh, but honestly, did it ever used to be this bad??

i think the method i will stick to is better judgement, i think if im pissed off/stressed or in a generally cunty mood i will just not play. that seems the most simple solution. And yes, as someone pointed out, 259 hours of karkand is probably doing nothing but compounding the situation.

(btw: what is SWBF2?)
Fed. Chairman (Ret.)
Super Weapons Battlefiled 2


Star Wars Battlefront 2
Fantasma Parastasie
If BF2 is pissing you off, play it for laughs. Go whore up teargas in SF, jihad with blackhawks or skycows, flashbang J-10's taking off, ram teammates off the carrier with an f-35 on FF off servers, parachute over enemy airfields and drop AT mines on their runways, etc.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

If BF2 is pissing you off, play it for laughs. Go whore up teargas in SF, jihad with blackhawks or skycows, flashbang J-10's taking off, ram teammates off the carrier with an f-35 on FF off servers, parachute over enemy airfields and drop AT mines on their runways, etc.
You are forgetting: Park big quantities of vehicles on runways!
i get mad in BF when:
I lag like mad
Get thrown out of the game back to the desktop or my PC even decides to restart
When i have a KDR of 1:9 LOL hehe
when I'm trying to get a badge and the round ends on me even though i only needed 1 more kill (which happened when i tried to get my expert pistol badge hehe)
and sometimes some random stuff (i mostly just mute my mike when it happens hehe
i type a lot in Chat but never really bad stuff unless some tard wants to make me mad by calling me names
but otherwise I'm calm and friendly to my community mates at A2G (Ask T.Pike ;-D hehehe)
when youre angry or bored do a thing like :
only use the knife in that round
or only shockpaddles and so on

Last edited by Unit120 (2007-06-07 03:23:03)

mr. LuxusLexus
Somedays are bad BF2 days, or just plain bad days.
Relax, it happens to us all.
Beep bep.
+85|6636|Stealth on Grand Bazaar

baggs wrote:

Increasingly i am finding it harder to hold my temper on BF2, i know its never been as bad before now.
Guy I know felt like that yesterday, first time I've ever heard him angry about it. He thought it best to unistall BF2 for a while. Maybe you should try that, take a break for a bit and come bk to it bright eyed and bushy tailed

I also understand where your coming from. It may be your just bored of it, Im in a similar situation you wrote about sometimes, I know I shouldn't be complaining but I do and its bad. Im taking a short break from BF2 atm aswell.

For me lagg, shitty K/D's, 1 shot headshots when Im bunnyhopping and generally bad teams get me annoyed. So I find it best to either d.c when Im getting angry or stop playing altogether. Im trying the latter for a while.

baggs wrote:

Increasingly i am finding it harder to hold my temper on BF2, i know its never been as bad before now. I get totally narc'd and find myself spamming the chat like an idiot and even venting at my clan mates in TS, im not entirely sure what to do about it? Im 26 years old for fuck sake!!!! This happens at any point, when im gettin owned even to when im top of the board and on a rampage.

Obv certain factors come into play i.e. spawn raping/nade spam/clay spam ect...but im well aware that the habits of poor players arent going to disappear in the near future. Its lead me to play BF2 less cos i dont like how i get and its totally unfair on other people. Well, some may deserve it...

Is there any sensible suggestions on what i can do to combat this? Ive considered removing the 'J' key from my board and i even tend to play BF2 in TS with the mic muted. Im well aware of my problem, this doesnt happen all the time. Some days i couldnt care less and im quite happy to just laugh it off thru the round.
yeah play the game and if its going to get you pissed then walk away from it.. its not worth it for you to get a coronary heart problem because of the noobs and morons in this game... there are way more idiots that play the darn game then when it was released

problem solved.

I'm serious do that.

Its just a game, I know that you know its just a game but just control your temper.

You want to get an ulcer from playing a video game?

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