In other news, new ROE, new map.... new patch?
Last edited by =Karma-Kills= (2007-06-07 11:26:22)
Last edited by =Karma-Kills= (2007-06-07 11:26:22)
Last edited by cablecopulate (2007-06-07 11:57:00)
Last edited by aj0404 (2007-06-07 12:01:41)
= meaj0404 wrote:
i don't care about the squad thing,but no soloing choppers?i myself suck at it but i know many who are good enough at it to benefit the team more than a pilot and a shitty gunner.
So they get the squad time but don't get people following them asking for orders? I dunno.petermassingale wrote:
Why do people create one-man locked squads? Never understood.
Exactly what I am wondering.elite.mafia wrote:
Someone explain to me why this is a rule. What if I am waiting for my friend to join the server, and there are 8 squads already made, so I make the 9th squad, and lock it. When he gets in, I invite him. So for those 30 seconds, my stats could be reset? ZOMGWTFH4X?
Or maybe they just want the green names so they know where their friend is so they can make it their priority to stick near them and work as a team.I don't see anything wrong with that.JihaadJack wrote:
It gets annoying sometimes when theres 8 squads full of noob, then a squad with one or two half decent players who are so above themselves that they feel they have to lock it. F*ck them for their arrogance.
In my case so I can ask for arty and stuff without cretins spawning on me ruining otherwise perfectly good plans. Nothing worse than sneaking around somewhere only to hear the immortal words "GET FIRST AID HERE!", which of course someone always hears and now they know exactly where you are because of the feckin marker on the med kit.petermassingale wrote:
Why do people create one-man locked squads? Never understood.
agreed.RDMC(2) wrote: