
Who else uses the SVD to long range snipe.

Yes, SVD is teh pr0!60%60% - 175
No, SVD is teh suck!39%39% - 116
Total: 291
+127|6650|Jesus Land aka Canada

pyscofrawg wrote:

Vilham wrote:

SVD is for people that fail to get headshots. They need a quick second shot to get a kill.
Hmm...maybe you just don't know how to use it. SVD is for people who want 10 headshots a clip...
ya now that is hardcore leet to get 10 headshots without the bolt time.SVd is good but it also need a good player to use it also. but you must admit svd pwns in karkand
+25|7024|Yorkshire, UK.

agent146 wrote:

but you must admit svd pwns in karkand
nope... cos it doesn't...
+163|6910|Odessa, Ukraine

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Listen to the people with over 10k rifle kills, theirs is the only opinion with merit.
You think mine is without merit ?
I could not handle the SVD the first year i played BF2.
When Infantry Only was introduced I started to use it again, and now its my favourite sniper rifle.
+39|7023|B O S T ON area
I was supposed to be in a 1v1 vs this nub mintsauce b/c he says i am not very good.  Over x-fire he says "I will use the m24 and u take the svd, first to 5 wins, no unlocks...ok?"  And i was like "Are you kiddn me?  No PROB!"  But it never took place, he is too busy with school or his girlfriend i guess.  How many would take the svd over the m24 in a  1v1 battle?  Seems to me the SVD would win hands down!
+60|6900|miami FL

Vilham wrote:

SVD is for people that fail to get headshots. They need a quick second shot to get a kill.
svd  its for me all the way close quarter or downrange and specially to kill multiple targets since the bolt action are to slow to reload
+25|7024|Yorkshire, UK.
i'd take m24 over SVD anytime doc...

just hate the pop gun-ness of the semi- autos.
M24 Abuser
+99|6764|Valley of the Dragons

pyscofrawg wrote:

I didn't intend for this to be a "who's a better sniper and who's opinion is more credible thread" but whatever, I still like to hear what anybody has to say. I still can't decide which I like more between the SVD and the L96. I generally am a Karkand whore, and with the many corners and fog, the shorter ranged scope of the SVD seems more practical for the urban setting.
If you play IO Karkand I would try the M95 on USMC side. You have the added benefit of the bodyarmor piercing rounds it fires. Because of the average nadefest most targets are already damaged so a M95 round is a certain kill.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6858|Las Vegas, NV USA

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

If I'm on the {Sn][per} server.. L96A1 most times
I pretty much play SF IO exclusivly now, and the SVD destroys Ghost town.
Definately more handy than a bold action when you spawn and there is a couple guys in front of you, capping your flag...
SVD is nice on Ghost Town.  Most shots are close enough that headshots are easier.  There is also the added benefit of extra ammo, and the ability to rapid fire when needed.  The only problems I have with it is the typical spamming of medpacs on IO servers, accurate shots can also be done with the assault rifles available at the typical encounter distances, and the report of the weapon is very distinctive.

I still do love the bolt-actions, though.  I've spent many an hour on city maps as a sniper, and close-quarter combat doesn't bother me all too much using the bolt-actions.

Anyways Nic, where've you been?  I've seen quite a bit of Drizzts lately, but you've been MIA. 
+405|6727|A W S M F O X

Longbow wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Listen to the people with over 10k rifle kills, theirs is the only opinion with merit.
You think mine is without merit ?
AKA Selkies ftw

Jemme101 wrote:

pyscofrawg wrote:

I didn't intend for this to be a "who's a better sniper and who's opinion is more credible thread" but whatever, I still like to hear what anybody has to say. I still can't decide which I like more between the SVD and the L96. I generally am a Karkand whore, and with the many corners and fog, the shorter ranged scope of the SVD seems more practical for the urban setting.
If you play IO Karkand I would try the M95 on USMC side. You have the added benefit of the bodyarmor piercing rounds it fires. Because of the average nadefest most targets are already damaged so a M95 round is a certain kill.
Well not many know the rifles like you do, so I'll try out using the M95 and I'll see how I do compared to the SVD.
M24 Abuser
+99|6764|Valley of the Dragons

pyscofrawg wrote:

Well not many know the rifles like you do, so I'll try out using the M95 and I'll see how I do compared to the SVD.
I couldnt find the M95 vid of ChikyuuShoujoArujuna, but here is the M24 & SVD video
+51|7038|North Hollywood

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

the svd is fine for short and mid range. even in cqc.
this rifle is for snipers who stay close to action. if you are a lame camper, stick to the bolt action.
more like if your such a bad sniper you need a semi auto, stick to the svd. Im wondering where all these SVD pros are because all i ever encounter is some loser trying to take me out at point blank range or some guy spamming rounds downrange. IMO if you cant move with your squad with a bolt action rifle, you suck. and its not because of your accuracy. Its because tactics obviously have no part in the way you play. But please, continue with the svd, the lack of tactics associated with it always = easy kill.

Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone (what does?) just my experience from playing this game for a while its the vast majority. I've never had anyone with an SVD frustrate the hell out of me because I couldn't find them of because they were just a damn good sniper.
+51|7038|North Hollywood

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Longbow wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Listen to the people with over 10k rifle kills, theirs is the only opinion with merit.
You think mine is without merit ?
ever consider other people actually play the other classes? and whats the justification for 10k kills? why not say, 30k kills?
+51|7038|North Hollywood

docnutz wrote:

I was supposed to be in a 1v1 vs this nub mintsauce b/c he says i am not very good.  Over x-fire he says "I will use the m24 and u take the svd, first to 5 wins, no unlocks...ok?"  And i was like "Are you kiddn me?  No PROB!"  But it never took place, he is too busy with school or his girlfriend i guess.  How many would take the svd over the m24 in a  1v1 battle?  Seems to me the SVD would win hands down!
i would take the m24

genius_man16 wrote:

long range = no wai
short range = yea wai

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Listen to the people with over 10k rifle kills, theirs is the only opinion with merit.


docnutz wrote:

How many would take the svd over the m24 in a  1v1 battle?  Seems to me the SVD would win hands down!
Just generally I love the M24 and it would be my rifle of choice if those were the only two options, but for a 1 v. 1 match it would really depend on against whom and their skill level (experience, aim) as well as the conditions... which map (with whatever its fog & view range is) and other play variables (e.g. UAV/no UAV).

Most of the time I don't sweat enemy snipers toting an SVD because as a rule they don't pose a threat unless you try to play their game, and even then experience can often win out. But any skilled user totally switches that around.

golgoj4 wrote:

Im wondering where all these SVD pros are...
Pretty much same here. I'm almost exclusively an urban sniper and I've rarely in the last few hundred hours come up against an SVD sniper worth being careful of, with the exception of a handful of obvious aimbot users.
+25|7024|Yorkshire, UK.
hey todd...
finally edged ahead of you on the sniper rifle leaderboard... lol

back to topic tho...

i agree with todd. have to say i've never seen any super "1337" SVD snipers. tbh don't even see too many decent M95 whores either =P... he-he

Last edited by senor_fulff (2007-06-13 12:27:48)

Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6858|Las Vegas, NV USA

Todd_Angelo wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Listen to the people with over 10k rifle kills, theirs is the only opinion with merit.
Yeah...  No.

Agreed.  10k requirements to determine skill are rediculous, IMO.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

docnutz wrote:

How many would take the svd over the m24 in a  1v1 battle?  Seems to me the SVD would win hands down!
Just generally I love the M24 and it would be my rifle of choice if those were the only two options, but for a 1 v. 1 match it would really depend on against whom and their skill level (experience, aim) as well as the conditions... which map (with whatever its fog & view range is) and other play variables (e.g. UAV/no UAV).

Most of the time I don't sweat enemy snipers toting an SVD because as a rule they don't pose a threat unless you try to play their game, and even then experience can often win out. But any skilled user totally switches that around.
Once again, agreed.

Too many people are all too often looking for the "best" sniper rifle.  However, they should be looking for the rifle that is going to best be used for the play method they're currently going for.

Overall, I'd prefer using the M24 over the SVD, because I'm very familiar with the weapon in comparison.  However, I've also use the assault rifles and carbines on semi-auto for longer distance accuracy quite a bit, so combining the scope & hitting power of the SVD with cultivated sniper tactics can be an easily lethal combination.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

golgoj4 wrote:

Im wondering where all these SVD pros are...
Pretty much same here. I'm almost exclusively an urban sniper and I've rarely in the last few hundred hours come up against an SVD sniper worth being careful of, with the exception of a handful of obvious aimbot users.
They're out there.  Trust me, I've run into them plenty a time on IO Special Forces servers.

The problem with most dedicated, "hardcore" sniper mentalities out there, is that most of those sniper types believe that the only way to play the sniper kit is to one shot, one kill everyone.

If there is an SVD "pro" out there using his staccato, rapid-fire method to kill enemies effectively, then he's doing his job well, IMO.  Just because someone decides to spawn in with the M24 to rid themselves of the menace, doesn't discount the fact that the SVD user is still killing, and still taking away tickets from their enemies' team.

For all intents and purposes, the deployment of a M24 counter-sniper is no different a use of resources than if your team dropped arty on, rolled a tank in, or even snuck up on foot to the sniper's position to kill the SVD-using bastard.

The end results are that the SVD-type rifles can be used to one shot, one kill people, but can also be put to effective use with rapid-fire body shots, when needed.

Because, let's be honest.  Sniper to sniper. 

Not every shot we take is a head shot.  Most.  But not all.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7002|Great Wall
As this topic is about "what is better semi auto or bolt action" now, then I'll tell you what I think...
Before however I must say I've got over 25.000 sniper rifle kills, 90% with semi auto.. and now to the point...

In situations sniper vs sniper..
-on 90% of city maps SVD > M24.. there are a few exceptions i.e. Jalalasomething (because of long visible distances between buildings).
-on maps like Wake (large open space)  bolt action is better because of better scope magnification.

End of story. You can close this topic
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7016|Toronto, ON
I rarely miss with any gun, especially the SVD/Type 88 at long range.

But that's only me of course.
Alpha as fuck.
I use the svd mostly for short or medium range targets.  I can still hit at long range, but if I am going to take more long range than shorter ranged shots the L96 or M24 is the way to go.  The only thing bad that I can say about it is the Fing crosshair.  I'll take a type 88 over any other sniper rifle at any range.
+405|6727|A W S M F O X
Eeeeek, ze sarcasm detectors, zey ar not be working?

As if im not going to listen to soemone with a 4:1 ratio?

As if 10k kills marks any kind of "I am now teh uber sniper, i have 10,001 rifle kills =O!"

Ive seen plenty of peeps with little amount of rifle kills that are insanely good, stats dont mean a lot, but they do offer a mild guideline...well, sorta.
SVD FTW! the svd is the only realiable sniper in the game closecombat and long distance... You have to love it
Beep bep.
+85|6634|Stealth on Grand Bazaar

Vilham wrote:

The SVD automatically has low accuracy. The chance of getting a headshot even when aiming at a perfectly still target you have a chance of missing. I just dont miss in the first place. No matter how good you are 10 headshots a clip is not possible. And lets face it, most people actually use it because they cant headshot.
What the hell are you talking about? Have you ever learnt how to use an SVD? It's a headshot heaven gun!!! I would say you can get at least 3-4 headshots a clip (excluding body shot kills) if you are trying hard which is pretty good + it's helpful when you miss your not having to reload the bloody thing. I use it and I can get headshots, you obviously play with too many noobs.

Vilham wrote:

The chance of getting a headshot even when aiming at a perfectly still target you have a chance of missing. I just dont miss in the first place.
And you've just owned yourself because if you cant hit a perfectly still target then your aiming wrong: you always aim slightly left. Its not like the L96, M24, Type 88 or M95.

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