+0|7027|Sacramento, California
An open letter, with no direspect intended.

Many of you have had this game from day one and have played many hours to get where you are.  I respect your abilities and your knowledge.  However, after reading many of these threads, I am beginning to see a pattern.  You constantly bitch about the "NOOBS, this whore or that whore, or how some guy that really sucks takes your precious JET, HELO, TANK, etc.  After all, how dare they, after spending $40.00 to $50.00  for this game; expect to join a server, and use the available assets on the map.

You talk about team play which at least 75% of you don't do.   You talk about how you despise stat padders, which most of you do by hunting down those with less experience.  You can do this because you have played these maps so long, you know all the spawn points and good hiding places, and the best place to lay in ambush for the unsuspecting. I don't fault you this, after all you want the points, awards, and bragging rights.

The problem is that new guys get their ass handed to them while you guys improve your K/Ds. The new guys get discouraged and pissed off because their stats suck. I know that all of you guys are not like that, but enough of you are.

So for all you NOOB haters and purists, why don't you guys get your own servers and allow no one under the rank of Gunny?   Maybe then the rest of us guys that suck could actually play a game and make some kills with out spending the majority of the time spawning in, and without having  some 10,000 kill high ranker waiting for us to appear so he can kill us again.

Just a thought.

Last edited by DRB_Black (2005-12-15 19:22:41)

+0|7021|taree aus
Do One Ya Mug !!!
bad day on the battlefield then ???
+0|7027|Sacramento, California
Every day is bad for me mate
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
i have over 5000 kills, but ive only had this game for about a month and a half.

as for getting my own server...theyre expensive.  as much as id like to have one, i have rent, tuition, and bills to pay...i cant afford shelling out another couple hundred per month just to play a game.

also, i had to go through the same thing you are now.  everyone here did.  how do you think youll get better?  believe me, youll improve much more quickly by playing against players who are of a higher skill level.  youll learn their tactics and benefit from them being on your team as well.  its not as bad as you make it out to be.
SAS Medic
Tactics??!! What TACTICS most of you if not all of you either 1. STATPADD or 2. WHORE IN SOME WAY. if you see people's stats that have high points, they either 1) have high teampoints by statpadding or 2) Tank/APC/JET spawn kill for kills and KD.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center

SnobbyBoss wrote:

Tactics??!! What TACTICS most of you if not all of you either 1. STATPADD or 2. WHORE IN SOME WAY. if you see people's stats that have high points, they either 1) have high teampoints by statpadding or 2) Tank/APC/JET spawn kill for kills and KD.
...you have more points than i do.
I think that he is trying to point out the higher ranking guys who complain about us lower ranked players who don't drop to our knees and give up all of our vehicles and equipment at the mere sight of Sgt stripes.

I love playing with the higher ranks. I agree that that is the best way to improve your gameplay. If there is no challenge then there is no lesson learned. I've was getting slaughtered time and time again by this one guy. He wasn't cheating, he was just that good. Well I finally killed him once. ONCE! I think the kills were 17/1 in his favor!   Well after that one kill I really felt like a winner. I know, I know. I suck and my numbers prove it, but that one kill really felt good and I learned a lot from that round.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
wow... the only thing I'm guilty of is Teamplay. So don't state ALL of us. I am more of a newbie than you think, I just played alot to get unlocks and I think it's fun.
"It's Recharging!"
I've had the game since July, and I don't consiter myself any kind of Vehical whore. As someone stated, its not a players fault that he or she has more experience than you.

Belive me, when I first started playing, 50,000 points was insane. But as you get better, it accumulates faster, if you take a look at my K/D graph, you'll see how gradual the process was of bringing up a positive ratio from the 'newbie' days.

People of all types look down on vehical whores and noob tubers because after awhile, it becomes really annoying. What do you think those people are doing? Are they not in the same imaginary stat padding realm as players who kill less experienced players as you so put it?

We all have our bad days, get over it and move on.
SAS Medic
Okay, i was not pointing this at all of us but only the few at the top and those who teamkill for vehicles. and Thomas look at my kd ratio, there is no way that that shows that i spawn kill. (or Statpadd)

EDIT= Thomas youre must have some sort of problem you have 30000 points, i only have 10000.

Last edited by SnobbyBoss (2005-12-15 19:43:35)


DRB_Black wrote:

Every day is bad for me mate
HOLy Sh..... dude you have 4,000+ deaths and 1,000+ kills. Dude whats wrong with you man? Im not going to call you a noob or nything like that but c'mon I know I dont have great stats either but you can improve.
+2|7161|Los Angeles, Ca
Well you must not suck that much cause you dont have a purple heart...Thats 20 deaths in a round..Talk about feeling like a shitty player...I was not happy. I was getting my ass kicked....Some days its just like that in this game. Keep playing and have fun...I agree that tk for any vechles is total bs. And I hate spawn campers but its part of the game.
The Sexiest Apocalypse
I dont mean to be an asshole, but damn, 132 hours and 1 gold, 1 bronze, 0 silver stars? A .28 KDR, .50 SPM? Ive never seen aything like it. No wonder your making a thread like this.

Now come the flames..
There is a learning curve for all FPS online games.  BF2 has one of the easiest learing curves out there.  Any halfway decent gamer can start excelling at this game in 30-40 hours.

To say that I, as a First Sergeant, am guilty of stat padding because I pick on the lower ranks is quite silly(no you dont say it directly but it's heavily implied).  By this line of reasoning, you're just as guilty of me stat padding by being a lower rank in the same server as me, i.e. you're giving me the opportunity to "stat pad".  So as a 1stSgt, even if im not being cheap, as you put it, and just running along, if i see a lower rank should i not shoot because i'd be taking advantage?

Having a server where only lower ranks play is a great idea, if you never want to be a better player.  You get better by practice against a skilled opponent. Practice against a weak opponent isnt practice, its just pointing and clicking.  Not every single player who plays this game has to come up with his own personalized style of gameplay.  IT IS OK TO LEARN FROM PEOPLE MORE SKILLED THAN YOU!

Does anyone play single player to actually learn this game or do they all just log on mutliplayer COMPLETELY oblivious to how the mechanics of the game work get slaughtered relentlessly, then come to forums and complain?
+0|7027|Sacramento, California
Well Thomas, you have an interesting conflict going.  You have roughly 242 hours playing in a month and a half, but you speak of rent and tuition.  So tell me, when do you find time to work?

Ryan, no one said more experience was any ones fault, and it's not about having a bad day.  A bad day is when you wake up dead.  It's about attitude, suck it up and get over yours.

imdead, as a team player you are one of the rare ones, congrats.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center

RasorX wrote:

There is a learning curve for all FPS online games.  BF2 has one of the easiest learing curves out there.  Any halfway decent gamer can start excelling at this game in 30-40 hours.

To say that I, as a First Sergeant, am guilty of stat padding because I pick on the lower ranks is quite silly(no you dont say it directly but it's heavily implied).  By this line of reasoning, you're just as guilty of me stat padding by being a lower rank in the same server as me, i.e. you're giving me the opportunity to "stat pad".  So as a 1stSgt, even if im not being cheap, as you put it, and just running along, if i see a lower rank should i not shoot because i'd be taking advantage?

Having a server where only lower ranks play is a great idea, if you never want to be a better player.  You get better by practice against a skilled opponent. Practice against a weak opponent isnt practice, its just pointing and clicking.  Not every single player who plays this game has to come up with his own personalized style of gameplay.  IT IS OK TO LEARN FROM PEOPLE MORE SKILLED THAN YOU!

Does anyone play single player to actually learn this game or do they all just log on mutliplayer COMPLETELY oblivious to how the mechanics of the game work get slaughtered relentlessly, then come to forums and complain?
i play single player every once in a while to practice stuff like flying choppers and sniping moving targets.

snobby, youre right...i dont know what the hell i was looking at...
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center

DRB_Black wrote:

Well Thomas, you have an interesting conflict going.  You have roughly 242 hours playing in a month and a half, but you speak of rent and tuition.  So tell me, when do you find time to work?

Ryan, no one said more experience was any ones fault, and it's not about having a bad day.  A bad day is when you wake up dead.  It's about attitude, suck it up and get over yours.

imdead, as a team player you are one of the rare ones, congrats.
i dont work during the school year.  for the past three summers ive held two jobs...this summer shouldnt be any different.
+0|7027|Sacramento, California
But, many of you are missing the point.

My stats or how I play has nothing to do with this post.  Many of you guys are far too serious.  Games are about fun.  And yes, newer players should be able to learn from the more experienced, but if the more experienced don't take the time to teach, their knowledge is pointless.

Last edited by DRB_Black (2005-12-15 20:13:52)

+2|7161|Los Angeles, Ca
Try playing on smaller maps..... 16 peeps...you'll stay alive longer and those maps tend to not have helos and planes. It just take time to get better...thats it....good luck.

I was wondering how do you get the BASIC GROUND DEFENSE BADGE, AIR DEFENSE BADGE, AND HELICOPTER BADGE? I heard you need to spend like 5 minutes in it or something to get the air and ground badge. I have seen profiles with the badges and they have spent less time than me on it. I'm getting frustrated now can anybody shed some light on it?
+0|7043|im from idaho but liven in MD
i dont care what anyone says you basically are going to have your bum handed to you when you first start to play the game. I have not ever played first person shooter before and its fun now that i know how it works but i got my bum handed to me when i started out. take your tricks and trades from other games and implement them in any game you play with this style of gaming . Quit pulling out the stat paddle , base camping , tank whoreing card that you cry so much about,  quit crying wolf everytime you meet up with some who has better skills at using there own keyboard and mouse. YOu can learn to its call practice and time. so for all you looser who cry stat paddler . is Blazin UK a Stat Paddle because he has more points then you? Have you ever played with him before. I bet you did not know this HE play medic all the time and he play his shock paddle 80 percet of the game.

Grow up quite being a baby learn to play the First person shooter game and you then will be just as good.
+0|7027|Sacramento, California
AH, there it is, Thank you Rick-77 for being constructive and helpful.  That gentlemen is taking the time to teach.
Sailor Mini Moon
Learning from those more skilled then you is hard when all you do is get killed. I know  a lot of the map tactics, spawn locations, choke points. Whenever I find myself killing the same people 4-5 times at the same spawn point I usually pickup and leave. I'm not skilled, jesus look at my stats! I suck with a few capital letters thrown in there.  On the positive side, persistance will pay off. I finally made Gunnery despite sucking!

My best advice is to move servers if you find yourself against a too good team. I've been up against a team so good we lost 200 - 0. You will improve, but only if you get a chance to. I'm totally about to piss off a whole clan here, but try playing on Railbait's server. Most of the RB members themselves aren't that good, and there's always a mix of good and bad players on there. Get a chance to improve your game by watching the good folks and make yourself feel better shooting those you're better then!
Dam Snobby Boss you are lacking in the medal department  for all the time you got in. May be you can consider yourself a noob. I mean dam come on 7 medals total thats not good! You need to try alittle harder. But I do have to give you hats off for all the Knife kill, unless you stat pad alot, which to me it looks that way.

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