Teargas wh0re

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

I have near 32k kills and I never, ever whore.
You're whoring the medic kit, the specops kit and the sniper kit, the assault and sniper rifles, as well as the commander position, the armor and the planes, the defibrillators and...

Shall i continue?
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
I like whores.
I’m very sorry that U feel the way U do! But I must say that having been there my self there is no way but to add ours after ours and maybe as Rakasan said, join a clan. There is a few players as we discussed here (this forum) before (FistFullofClams, Reeltoo) and some others having played other FPS that got a head start when bf2 was released.

A few tricks to improve U game play:

1.    Play as a Medic and U will see were the battle is going by the flash (guys that U can rev, dead).
2.    Put the knife on U thumb.
3.    Put the Shock Pads on U mouse wheel.
4.    Always join a Squad were the squad leader is a high ranked player (hopefully he is good and U will learn from him, stay on his ass!
5.    Do not run in front, look and learn, put medic bags at U team mates shooting at the enemy so they can take a hit or two!
6.    Do not try to reload when it’s too tight and U ran out off ammo use the knife (quick press with U thumb) as up front in Karkand.
7.    Open U Shock Pads before U need too use them (take time to warm up) and don’t take stupid revs too far out.
8.    If U shot someone move to a new position, their Medics will see U kill, than kill them both if possible after he reved his team mate.
9.    When U see the ARTY marker DO NOT MOVE IN stay away, move in after. When U see the ARTY marker the opposite teams commander has their ARTY ready as well and if U are up front (Karkand) or some other Map with a lot of team mates around U can expect ARTY on U self soon, time too move U ass.
10.    Always keep track off the UAV and try to read the Map as good as U can to see were U team mate and the enemy is.
11.    Always aim for the head two avoid the thick padding.
12.    When U run into opponents press D and then Z too roll around and then press Z again to get up and then spacebar and Z again. This way U will stretch out in the air and be very hard to hit. During this keep on shooting at their head!
13.    Play Karkand and learn that Map first, after a while U will be able too play piano on U keyboard.
14.    When U learned all this and more they will start kick vote on U cause U take all the Golds.

All the best, don’t give in!!
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
hmm.... nice, I use the default buttons, I am too used to them now to switch.

Don't follow me because of higher rank, I'll get you killed.

I am getting better because of play, and thinking like both sides would, like on Wake you know people will try to get the Beach first and then go up the side of the island on both sides, gauranteed kills. <-- just an example, please don't flame.
+72|7035|Indianapolis, IN
I have had this game for a while and I still think I stink at it.  Granted this is the first FPS i have ever owned or played.  In the eyes of many on here, I probably fit into the category of a tank whore.  But I love playing the game so all this doesnt matter.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield

The_Mob_Returns wrote:

I have had this game for a while and I still think I stink at it.  Granted this is the first FPS i have ever owned or played.  In the eyes of many on here, I probably fit into the category of a tank whore.  But I love playing the game so all this doesnt matter.
Thinking like a true Hoosier; like myself. Play for the love of the game.
Δ > x > ¥

ThomasMorgan wrote:

SnobbyBoss wrote:

Tactics??!! What TACTICS most of you if not all of you either 1. STATPADD or 2. WHORE IN SOME WAY. if you see people's stats that have high points, they either 1) have high teampoints by statpadding or 2) Tank/APC/JET spawn kill for kills and KD.
...you have more points than i do.
When I looked at this just now, SnobbyBoss had approx 10900 points and ThomasMorgan had over 31000 points.
ThomasMorgan says he only bought the game a month and a half ago but his stats say he enrolled in September, i.e. 3 months ago.

So, this begs the question, "How much did ThomasMorgan pay for a character with pre-filled stats?"
I cheat.
+-6|7115|Sydney, Australia
we were all once noobs and go ryan wit teh 2.25 spm
SAS Medic

aardfrith wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

SnobbyBoss wrote:

Tactics??!! What TACTICS most of you if not all of you either 1. STATPADD or 2. WHORE IN SOME WAY. if you see people's stats that have high points, they either 1) have high teampoints by statpadding or 2) Tank/APC/JET spawn kill for kills and KD.
...you have more points than i do.
When I looked at this just now, SnobbyBoss had approx 10900 points and ThomasMorgan had over 31000 points.
ThomasMorgan says he only bought the game a month and a half ago but his stats say he enrolled in September, i.e. 3 months ago.

So, this begs the question, "How much did ThomasMorgan pay for a character with pre-filled stats?"
Is that possible?
Didnt Do it
Ive had the game for just under a month and i know i stink and im proud of it (im insane what can i say) cause i know every little bit of improvement i make i make cause i stick my neck out pull my thumb out of my ass and try my damned best to get better by watching what everyone else does, By not doing the noob thing (runnning into arty or going down the same path twice) and learning from my mistakes as for all the Vets who have those kills bring it on you might get me for now but one day youll see my name there just after youve been knifed MUAHAHAHAHAH lol but the simple fact is this is a game get out there and have fun guys
Yo, WTF is it with people suggesting that you bunny hop, Noob Tube, dolphin dive, etc?  It's that reason that you are pissed at other players. How many times have you seen footage of a soldier jumping up and down and "crawling" while shooting at an opponent?  I'd love to see the person who can do it, and still be accurate enough to pull off some amazing shots.

I love this game, I really do. What frustrates me is when people ruin your gameplay by being little pansies. I don't mind if people just get down and shoot, that's thinking, but when they are jumping all around, well, those people should know that they suck, and their cheap tactics are shit.
Funny thing is, I took out 3 bunny hoppers in a row yesterday. Probably pissed them off, but at least it made my day.  I'm hoping that the rumors of the new patch are actually true. The only thing I don't like about it is that you probably won't be able to jump and throw grenades to increase distance. However, as long as it allows better play, I'm all for it.

Well not most if not all are asses.

I got 15,360 kills.

10,560 teamwork. As you can see I do not stat pad from teamwork points.

Now about vechile whoring.

I have played 353:09:02 hours and my most used vechile, Tank, is only 25:28:06 hours.

As you can see I don't vechile whore.

I even never bunny hop of dive or anyting. As for spawn camping its only when I'm trying to claim a flag.

Now for people with lower rank. I do NOT call noob or names. I call people noob who are real noobs. He could be 2nd Lienuente.

I like playing with lower rank people when they use teamwork. I found many Privates that joined my squad and I helped them out to learn how to play. Hell some of them teamwork's own more then any First Seargeant + ranks.

Everyone is welcome to join my squad (I mostly make squad myselfs), but if you suck at teamwork you get kicked. Today I had a 2 man squad. Me and a Private First Class. He asked me what kit he be, I told him be any you like. He chose medic. We owned the server together. I got gold and he got silver. WE, important that i  said WE as a SQUAD with teamwork made our team win like 5 times in a row before he disconnected. Anyway. After the 1st round people began to join my squad so I talk about 1st round.

It was Wake, we were on USMC. So I tell him to do not spawn until I reach land. I got in BH done some crazy flying and arrived and airbase. He spawns on me and we start claiming flags.

He spawns AT whenever I ask him (incoming tank) and listens to orders and plays as a squad.

Hell we got 50 more points then China's best squad (which was 6 man squad)

I ended with 32 kills 11 deaths as sniper, and not camping, attacking bases. He got kills too, although I don't remeber. All i rember I had only 2 more points then him.

Looking foward to play with people like him.

The noobs are people with no teamwork. IDC if you can get Gold ignoring orders and doing what you want with 0 teamwork. You did NOT help your team you helped yourself.

Thats all I have to say, now to go in a server hoping I meet someone like him if not him. (too bad he had some strange name with numbers and _ :S)

SnobbyBoss wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

...you have more points than i do.
When I looked at this just now, SnobbyBoss had approx 10900 points and ThomasMorgan had over 31000 points.
ThomasMorgan says he only bought the game a month and a half ago but his stats say he enrolled in September, i.e. 3 months ago.

So, this begs the question, "How much did ThomasMorgan pay for a character with pre-filled stats?"
Is that possible?
I heard of people buying account from ebay.
has the greatest stats on earth
uhm sry in my eyes a accuracy of 12%, K/D of 1500 to 5000, a killstreak of 7 and a deathstreak of 23 look exactly that way, I suggested you when I first read the post: one who hates everyone who is better than him (and with this stats I think there are LOADS of these)
BF2s' little helper

Sluggit wrote:

I’m very sorry that U feel the way U do! But I must say that having been there my self there is no way but to add ours after ours and maybe as Rakasan said, join a clan. There is a few players as we discussed here (this forum) before (FistFullofClams, Reeltoo) and some others having played other FPS that got a head start when bf2 was released.

A few tricks to improve U game play:

1.    Play as a Medic and U will see were the battle is going by the flash (guys that U can rev, dead).
2.    Put the knife on U thumb.
3.    Put the Shock Pads on U mouse wheel.
4.    Always join a Squad were the squad leader is a high ranked player (hopefully he is good and U will learn from him, stay on his ass!
5.    Do not run in front, look and learn, put medic bags at U team mates shooting at the enemy so they can take a hit or two!
6.    Do not try to reload when it’s too tight and U ran out off ammo use the knife (quick press with U thumb) as up front in Karkand.
7.    Open U Shock Pads before U need too use them (take time to warm up) and don’t take stupid revs too far out.
8.    If U shot someone move to a new position, their Medics will see U kill, than kill them both if possible after he reved his team mate.
9.    When U see the ARTY marker DO NOT MOVE IN stay away, move in after. When U see the ARTY marker the opposite teams commander has their ARTY ready as well and if U are up front (Karkand) or some other Map with a lot of team mates around U can expect ARTY on U self soon, time too move U ass.
10.    Always keep track off the UAV and try to read the Map as good as U can to see were U team mate and the enemy is.
11.    Always aim for the head two avoid the thick padding.
12.    When U run into opponents press D and then Z too roll around and then press Z again to get up and then spacebar and Z again. This way U will stretch out in the air and be very hard to hit. During this keep on shooting at their head!
13.    Play Karkand and learn that Map first, after a while U will be able too play piano on U keyboard.
14.    When U learned all this and more they will start kick vote on U cause U take all the Golds.

All the best, don’t give in!!
Well said m8.. well said..

that should be a sticky.. people who have truble with their "skills" should read it..

DRB_Black wrote:

An open letter, with no direspect intended.

Many of you have had this game from day one and have played many hours to get where you are.  I respect your abilities and your knowledge.  However, after reading many of these threads, I am beginning to see a pattern.  You constantly bitch about the "NOOBS, this whore or that whore, or how some guy that really sucks takes your precious JET, HELO, TANK, etc.  After all, how dare they, after spending $40.00 to $50.00  for this game; expect to join a server, and use the available assets on the map.

You talk about team play which at least 75% of you don't do.   You talk about how you despise stat padders, which most of you do by hunting down those with less experience.  You can do this because you have played these maps so long, you know all the spawn points and good hiding places, and the best place to lay in ambush for the unsuspecting. I don't fault you this, after all you want the points, awards, and bragging rights.

The problem is that new guys get their ass handed to them while you guys improve your K/Ds. The new guys get discouraged and pissed off because their stats suck. I know that all of you guys are not like that, but enough of you are.

So for all you NOOB haters and purists, why don't you guys get your own servers and allow no one under the rank of Gunny?   Maybe then the rest of us guys that suck could actually play a game and make some kills with out spending the majority of the time spawning in, and without having  some 10,000 kill high ranker waiting for us to appear so he can kill us again.

Just a thought.
It is logically that newbies arent as good as players who played it much longer. Everybody was a newbie ones and (nearly) everybody got slaugthered by experienced players in the beginning. When i first played SF i sucked very hard as well although i had over 380 hours in normal BF2. I said to myself that i hated the game, etc. But i learned to be as good in SF as in normal BF2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetz over 25 000 Kills Kamikaza
Get a zboard. or join a clan. Working together on a clan will greatly improve your stats/score and teamwork.
+0|7027|Sacramento, California
Iron Man, you are wrong about me hating any body.  As I stated originally, I respect those who have earned their rank through superior ability.  For you to disrespect me because of my stats only shows your immaturity.   You are entitled to your opinion, but you know what they say about opinions?  Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and they all stink. 

Thanks to all those who offered genuine hints and tips.

Last edited by DRB_Black (2005-12-20 12:23:02)

¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

DRB_Black wrote:

But, many of you are missing the point.

My stats or how I play has nothing to do with this post.  Many of you guys are far too serious.  Games are about fun.  And yes, newer players should be able to learn from the more experienced, but if the more experienced don't take the time to teach, their knowledge is pointless.
I used to be a major n00b at this game.  I played like 1 hr a day and was lucky to get a few hundred pts.  Then I met some guys in a squad, we were mostly doing blackhawk but we had some awsome teamwork going.  After a few weeks there were about 10 of us who would squad up and pwn   Our numbers kept growing and those same guys are my clan mates now.  Now there are about 15 of us who get together and totaly kill all the point whores on the enemy team.  Just find some ppl to play with and the game gets much more fun and your stats will get much better.

Last edited by VeNg3nCe^ (2005-12-20 12:33:02)

+2|7136|North Texas

imdead wrote:

wow... the only thing I'm guilty of is Teamplay. So don't state ALL of us. I am more of a newbie than you think, I just played alot to get unlocks and I think it's fun.
I'm going to agree with imdead.

I play with 5-6 of my friends, on the same team, in the same squad, using the same tactics. We cover each other's back, revive when killed, replenish when out of ammo.

Granted, I got the game on the day it was released, have played almost everyday, but that does not make me a whiner. Sure, I have complained about people who need to use hacks of some kind to get ahead. I just move on to the next server with my squad.

As far as being better than anyone, I believe we all have our good days and our bad days. Last night, for example, we were playing on a server where I was killed as soon as I spawned for a good 10 minuets. I was frustrated until I found an oppurtunity to move around and started to make some kills.

I completely agree that there are those who complain about people who are cheating just because the accused just ARE better. I'm guilty of it as well.

While it is just a game and  I'm addicted to BF2, others have paid thier hard earned $$ to get the oppurtunity to play.

Bunny-hoppers still suck
Things I have learned and would like to pass on...

Never bitch about noobs, we were all one at some point.
Even if someone is a 'noob' in your squad we all need a good grunt sometimes to run in first all guns blazin'!
Use you ears - enemy shouts, alert you to their position as well as health and ammo status!
Always keep one eye on the mini map, see where your team needs you.
Look for empty (grey) tanks/cars etc. dissapearing - you know the enemy is there.
Sometimes go the long way round, especially when it's their last flag to cap rather than run into 10 freshly spawned opponents
Change your keys to comfortable ones at the reach for your size of hand
Remember it's only a game
p.s. the spacebar is very big - sometimes when the bullets come unexpectedly it gets hit, I try not to hop but occasionally it happens to all of us

Last edited by The_Surgical_Spirit (2005-12-20 12:39:05)

I believe my rank counts as high with 27,000 Points. I agree with guys here, I hate when higher ranks complain about lower ranks, you were the same at first ! your learned to play like they now and even I sucked and crashed the choppers / jets / tanks and whatever. I never complain about new players, some of them might get better than me if you just leave them alone and let them practice, it's annoying that sometimes you get as a co pilot and a new player crashes the plane but it's a game, you don't need to flame him for that, this is his way of learning to fly ( and don't dare telling me that new players need to learn on SP, because SP sucks, always will suck and people didn't pay 50$ so they'll practice on SP because you don't like their experiense of playing ).
Mass Media Casualty

In responce to the topic started.
Why do you define statpadding as laying ambushes for enemies? Statpadding is not when you confront a fully armed enemy who is fully able to shoot back and kill you.

People who are new to the game arn't completely stupid, they know that you shoot the other guy.

I was new once too, and it took me a while to get used to BF2 from BF1942. People killed me a lot. Now I am over that, I am an accomplished player, I have learned to use each of the weapons, (maybe not the jets,) and have found my niche in a couple of classes, (Sniper and Spec. Ops.) Yes, I have learned most of the places in the maps, but that didn't take me long. I was Lance Corporal when I was confident with most if not all of the maps, (some people on here will know that this is kind of a dead point as I was a Lance Corporal for a very very long time.)
I play games where I don't know the maps, and yes, it's  tricky, but I cope, and get shot a lot. BF2 happens to by my speciality game, and I'm going to use my skill to have the best time I can have. I never think that I'm causing people to have a bad time, as I get shot too. you die in these games.
Hell, sometimes I end up scoring the most kills and most deaths on a map. I die more than the people who are new to the game, yet I still have fun.

When I was starting out, people wre pretty good to me. Granted I started playing 2 August, and the game was fairly new about then, I was rarely taunted and called a 'n00b'. Still, I try to return the favour by never calling people 'n00bs', unless I do it jokingly with a smily face at the end, and mostly to my teammates. Sometimes I suggest to someone who has just had quite a few GL kills to "Use bullets," but I never start complaining, saying "OMFG 'Nade Launcher whore." A few times when there has been a Sniper, or a tank I type to my teammates, "someone get rid of that fucking tank," but I don't see anything wrong with that. i'm not calling the tank commander a "tank-whore," and to be honest, I havn't seen a lot of it going around.

Maybe on BF2S here we do complain a bit about "n00bs running over our mines," or "Base raper n00bs in tanks," and the exlusive series of "n00b-t00b" posts, but really those arn't aimed at people who are new to the game. A n00b hardly describes a person who is new to the game, (the word kind of sounds like 'new' but dosn't really relate to it,) it is mearly a word to describe a person who annoys you in a computer game.

As to your point about complaints that 'Someone stole my jet/tank/chopper/etc." that is very relevent, and quite honestly, i am sick of the whole thing. People say "Practice in singleplayer," which may be a valid point, but flying against bots is quite different from flying against people. I don't like it how this unnessisary pressure goes on me every time I pilot something. If I do one mistake someone's going to say, "I'm better than that, you should have let me fly," but the point is, I wanted to fly, I wanted to have fun, I play this game too mate and if I want to fly and I get a veichle that can fly before anyone else, I am fucking going to fly. I think most people feel this way, so to the people who lke hogging their favourite veichle,  let someone else have a go!

Wow, what a long rant. I seriously didn't think I'd write this much.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+98|7052|netherlands, sweet lake city
you  you  know   i was like running towards a jet and soemone else got the jet  so i shoot him out with my sniper.   after a while fliying i got killed   spawnen   and again i get the plane.   but now i got shot by  the  guy who i shot before   can you  believe the gust and his   brutality 

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