
kajukenbo_kid wrote:

hopefully stats never come back, then bf2 will be normallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllLLLLLL
I'm curious what your definition of "normal" is. I think players benefit from stats. It pushes people to improve.
+3|7094|Abilene, Texas

dazrst wrote:

LOL this debate is double funny weve got people moaning about ea and people moaning about the moaners!COOL-my twats last updated on the 16th so ive been playing farcry!!!!!! got it for £4.99-any1 else got any good game recommendations???? Also anybody know how to put my bf2 stats in the middle of my sig -cheers
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/d … igcopy.jpg
TWATS??  You a guy or gal?

deadlikeme667 wrote:

it's really sad and annoying that EA would want to phase this game out at all, especially when the alternative (2142) isn't nearly as good. i think they just see us as sheeple and are trying to usher us along. if both DICE and EA got their heads out of their asses and realized, 'oh, people actually like and want to continue playing this game? hey, maybe we should do stuff to support them' we would not have to deal with crap like this (and 1.3) and we would have new content and more good stuff, even support for a 1.5
1. Half Life 37580 servers, 72259 players
2. Half Life 2 29069 servers, 61100 players
3. Battlefield 2 5327 servers, 14117 players
4. Battlefield 2142 2456 servers, 9036 players

BF2 > BF2142, mostly because they're the same damn game with different textures.
most BF2 players know this, which is why they're not switching to 2142
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6850|Las Vegas

Digger1969 wrote:

Updated on Fri...

EA Customer Support is currently aware of a stat outage which is affecting several players. We are working extremely hard to pinpoint the cause of the issue and correct it. EA|Dice, EA Customer Support and all the Battlefield Partners are dedicated to making sure that your game play experience remains exciting and that your hard work is recorded while playing Battlefield.

While every effort will be made to include stats gained during the outage, there is a possibility that those earned during this brief period will not be reflected in your final stats total. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and apologize for the inconvenience.

Update: As of 6-22-07 we are still working on this issue and appreciate your continued patience. We will update this FAQ again as soon as we have additional information.
... we are told that our work may or may NOT be lost forever but my question is: Does playing on a server that has "Battle Recorder" help in any way to make stats easier to retrieve? I must admit I don't understand excactly what "Battle Recorder" means. Is there actually a record or log kept? Cause if so maybe they can update our stats that way at some point???
Battlerecorder is a tool used to view matches after they have taken place, like a movie.  It has little to do with stats.
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6753|Brisbane, Australia

fecking_c4 wrote:

deadlikeme667 wrote:

it's really sad and annoying that EA would want to phase this game out at all, especially when the alternative (2142) isn't nearly as good. i think they just see us as sheeple and are trying to usher us along. if both DICE and EA got their heads out of their asses and realized, 'oh, people actually like and want to continue playing this game? hey, maybe we should do stuff to support them' we would not have to deal with crap like this (and 1.3) and we would have new content and more good stuff, even support for a 1.5
1. Half Life 37580 servers, 72259 players
2. Half Life 2 29069 servers, 61100 players
3. Battlefield 2 5327 servers, 14117 players
4. Battlefield 2142 2456 servers, 9036 players

BF2 > BF2142, mostly because they're the same damn game with different textures.
most BF2 players know this, which is why they're not switching to 2142
I am not going to go in depth to this here, but have a look in the 2142 section and read some of the posts about bf2 vs 2142.

As someone who has played both, they are definitely DIFFERENT FUCKING GAMES, and there is a learning curve associated with 2142 that some people refuse to accept ("its the same game, except the guns don't shoot straight" etc).

The simple answer to the there is more bf2 players is that

  • Bf2 has been out for much longer.
  • People dont want to pay for another game which is "the same, but crap"
  • People who play bf2 play that for the modern day combat, and hence don't like 2142's sci-fi theme.

So STFU about the BF2>2142 shit, cause it is an opinion not a fact.
ah, well I remember looking at the Gamespy stats page a couple months/a year ago, and BF2 and BF2142 had an EQUAL number of players (around 15K-25K players each?).  But now, a year later, BF2142 is down to ~10K.  That's actually what I was referring to.  And yes, I realize that BF2>2142 is an opinion.  Hell I actually still play 1942 off and on, for the awesome dogfighting (and for teh battleships and carreirs!).
Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere

fecking_c4 wrote:

deadlikeme667 wrote:

it's really sad and annoying that EA would want to phase this game out at all, especially when the alternative (2142) isn't nearly as good. i think they just see us as sheeple and are trying to usher us along. if both DICE and EA got their heads out of their asses and realized, 'oh, people actually like and want to continue playing this game? hey, maybe we should do stuff to support them' we would not have to deal with crap like this (and 1.3) and we would have new content and more good stuff, even support for a 1.5
1. Half Life 37580 servers, 72259 players
2. Half Life 2 29069 servers, 61100 players
3. Battlefield 2 5327 servers, 14117 players
4. Battlefield 2142 2456 servers, 9036 players

BF2 > BF2142, mostly because they're the same damn game with different textures.
most BF2 players know this, which is why they're not switching to 2142
i have a feeling the only reason that only 14k people are playing BF2 right now is b/c of the stats thing

considering that 1 mil + accounts are out there (yes i know people make multiples... but meh)
Can it be that they wanted to apply a patch to the Gamespy servers to be able to release a new patch (and to force updating) and failed badly ?
+10|6468|Land of crocs and cane toads
LOL at this thread.  30 pages of indecision and mayhem.  The only post that is worthy is the first one.  The rest are just funny now that you look back at it.
Member of Foamy's Card Cult

V1king wrote:

LOL at this thread.  30 pages of indecision and mayhem.  The only post that is worthy is the first one.  The rest are just funny now that you look back at it.
yeah and your post certainly falls in line with the "not so worthy ones"


Krupp23 wrote:

Can it be that they wanted to apply a patch to the Gamespy servers to be able to release a new patch (and to force updating) and failed badly ?
this idea actually does not sound that bad. maybe they wanted to release another sort of beta patch (which was - in that case - a little too beta) and messed that one up. iirc there were a lot of rumors flying around because of 1.5 and with highway tampon in mind, this sounds like a good idea. maybe they just refuse to acknowledge it, because they dont want us to know, that they f*ed up another patch
......................^im with him.... pointless... i still find myself playing in my server for fun.. and people arent playing less.. but i think EA could fix it but doesnt want to just yet to boost 2142 profits.. cus u know ppl who get bored and are "Stat crazy" are going to go out and buy that lame game
+4|6697|Moscow, ID

Gunner978 wrote:

......................^im with him.... pointless... i still find myself playing in my server for fun.. and people arent playing less.. but i think EA could fix it but doesnt want to just yet to boost 2142 profits.. cus u know ppl who get bored and are "Stat crazy" are going to go out and buy that lame game
That is such a genius scheme EA cooked up.  The meeting probably went something like this:

EA Marketing Director: Lets fuck up our BF2 stats server, so people will go out and buy our BF2142 game.

EA CEO: Wow that is such and awesome idea. I'm sure if we can destroy our stats server and ruin our name even more amongst the gaming community, they're sure to respond by buying even more of our products.

EA Marketing Director: So are we gonna do it?

EA CEO: You're fired.

EA Marketing Director: Well I'm going to do it anyways, and when it works, you'll come crawling back to me.

Last edited by jeepguy_1980 (2007-06-24 23:36:31)

Babb Master Flash
Justice for the 96!
+540|6695|Oslo, Norway

jeepguy_1980 wrote:

That is such a genius scheme EA cooked up.  The meeting probably went something like this:

EA Marketing Director: Lets fuck up our BF2 stats server, so people will go out and buy our BF2142 game.

EA CEO: Wow that is such and awesome idea. I'm sure if we can destroy our stats server and ruin our name even more amongst the gaming community, they're sure to respond by buying even more of our products.

EA Marketing Director: So are we gonna do it?

EA CEO: You're fired.

EA Marketing Director: Well I'm going to do it anyways, and when it works, you'll come crawling back to me.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6890|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

jeepguy_1980 wrote:

Gunner978 wrote:

......................^im with him.... pointless... i still find myself playing in my server for fun.. and people arent playing less.. but i think EA could fix it but doesnt want to just yet to boost 2142 profits.. cus u know ppl who get bored and are "Stat crazy" are going to go out and buy that lame game
That is such a genius scheme EA cooked up.  The meeting probably went something like this:

EA Marketing Director: Lets fuck up our BF2 stats server, so people will go out and buy our BF2142 game.

EA CEO: Wow that is such and awesome idea. I'm sure if we can destroy our stats server and ruin our name even more amongst the gaming community, they're sure to respond by buying even more of our products.

EA Marketing Director: So are we gonna do it?

EA CEO: You're fired.

EA Marketing Director: Well I'm going to do it anyways, and when it works, you'll come crawling back to me.
I fucking lol'd...srsly!
Oh man your hilarious.. Your flaming really hurts... . For one.. Tell me why this wouldnt work? If EA's rep is already pretty bad what would this hurt? They have already put up a nice excuse "We are doing our best to fix the problem...blah blah.." And Who ever said the Bf2 stat servers were destroyed? All i heard was they are "having some server issues... " ....  Since EA no longer profits from bf2 what bad would it do to give those people on the edge of buying 2142 that extra boost to go and do it... because believe it or not.. a LARGE portion of the people who still play bf2 play for STATS...Without stats what will those people do? Ohhh thats right... go with the Very simular bf2 mod known as 2142... but of course none of that makes sense... and of course you all are going to flame the sh*t out of this because i spoke badly about that lame a$$ game. ... But all im saying is its a possibility..
Member 5307
ok, on bf2tracker (no flames pls)
it has updated my last battle date:  24.06.2007 at 14:35

http://bf2tracker.com/bf2_userprofile.p … ;bfmodid=0

but my scores are the same as they were on 14.06.2007


so last battle was noted but no scores...
i have been playing quite a bit in ranked servers these past 10 days..
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
so, start of yet another week with no stats!!!!!!
EA sux!
+10|6468|Land of crocs and cane toads

Eboreus wrote:

yeah and your post certainly falls in line with the "not so worthy ones"
That's your opinion and besides, I never said it was anyway.........so nerrrrr   

Last edited by V1king (2007-06-25 00:24:02)

Giggity Giggity


anyone ever think maby this is a ploy to capture all hackers, cut all servers off,  leave one or 2 and moniter the action and ban everyone who is obviouley hacking
r u kidding? ea doesnt have that kind of brain power...
one more of my old clan mates got updated today something gotta beworking for EA.
http://bf2tracker.com/bf2_userprofile.p … d=61608339
IF YOU WANT TO HAVE YOUR STATS... - PLAY HERE: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 9#p1536179 (my daily updating list of "working" servers)


Last edited by DJ ToXiC (2007-06-25 01:13:24)

Toxic dude can you put the server name next to the IP??

I'd at least like to know which clan and which area before I waste my time joining one, only to find it's a k&P server on the moon and my ping is 5 seconds

Gunner978 wrote:

Oh man your hilarious.. Your flaming really hurts... . For one.. Tell me why this wouldnt work? If EA's rep is already pretty bad what would this hurt? They have already put up a nice excuse "We are doing our best to fix the problem...blah blah.." And Who ever said the Bf2 stat servers were destroyed? All i heard was they are "having some server issues... " ....  Since EA no longer profits from bf2 what bad would it do to give those people on the edge of buying 2142 that extra boost to go and do it... because believe it or not.. a LARGE portion of the people who still play bf2 play for STATS...Without stats what will those people do? Ohhh thats right... go with the Very simular bf2 mod known as 2142... but of course none of that makes sense... and of course you all are going to flame the sh*t out of this because i spoke badly about that lame a$$ game. ... But all im saying is its a possibility..
EA no longer profits from BF2????????? Do you understand the kind of money they are making off ranked servers? Not only that, they introduced the "BF2 Complete" pack that contains all the versions and booster packs and I know tons of people who have bought that so they could get more out of the game with the expansions, especially SF for the weapons unlocks, even myself. They are still making money from this game....LOTS of money!!! Why produce products, post false "fixing" messages and why kill a game that is stat based to force it to another game? That is just not even logical in the least. They are losing money right now because people aren't playing and they will probably lose some ranked server income over this and I for one will not buy 2142 at all. Never had the urge to and wont, there is no reason to. If you believe that EA is sabotaging its own products to push another....then I have a bridge you can buy, its in great shape and I'm offering free shipping!!! First come first serve!

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