There are a few command for just infantry and there is one for a chopper so the TV cam doesn't go threw the chopper when you hit RIGHT on it.  I've searched the forums but, 1. I wasn't sure what to look for 2. I couldn't find anything.  If this has been posted before sorry but I've already found the infantry command to be very useful.  The command is settingsmanager.floatset gsdefaultlatencycompensation .0(your average ping)  for infantry

So this is how it works, you type the command settingsmanager.floatset gsdefaultlatencycompensation .(your average ping here)  What happens is EA's computers registers the hit boxes as an average ping of 100.  Normally people rarely run at an average at 100, myself, I run an average of 50 on most servers and 180 on Euro servers.  So say a person is running and you shoot RIGHT at them, on the head, it doesn't kill them.  That is because of your ping.  So instead of hitting RIGHT on them, if you run at 50, you have to aim 50 ping behind, and if you run at 150, you would have to aim 50 ping ahead. So now you change your average ping to say 50.  When you aim RIGHT at their head, it will go, right to their head since you don't have to adjust any.  So an example will look like this settingsmanager.floatset gsdefaultlatencycompensation .050
Don't forget to put the zero in front of your average ping.

The second command is
SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 400

Not sure how this one works, but I saw it on a video from Youtube   Hope this helps and will stop people from complaining when they say "I HIT HIM!".  You probably DID hit him, but it didn't register.