Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere

rambo_killin_SOB wrote:

in the time it took you to post this thread you could've had 30 pts.

ghost[tORJ] wrote:

1) Can I get those 30 pts in one night?
Best question ever asked on bf2s.
pub hero!
+603|6695|the land of bourbon
u know what sucks?  i don't remember scoring my BR on sharqi of 283.  i haven't broken it yet, and i just don't remember the round at all.  i was still a sergeant or something and didn't realize it was a good round until later on.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Edit: Just looked at your stats. Made me laugh when i saw the Airborne Ribbon. That was the first one i got too .
Nah, that's from Halo jumps w/ my squad... Halo Spec Ops jumps to take out an entire arty & radars? W00t!

Anyway, it looks like I made it tonight. Our team definitely performed pretty well tonight...
Congrats on your rank. I don't remember, do you get an unlock for that one?

Last edited by shlodd (2007-07-16 22:14:53)

99 Problems . . .

ghost[tORJ] wrote:

Guys, I'm a casual player among a pretty decent group of guys, and my kill/death ratio sucks. I'm currently Lance Corporal, and have 30 poitns left to get to Corporal. I currently play a lot of SF & AT roles, but have a couple questions that hopefully you can help with:

1) Can I get those 30 pts in one night?

2) Any advice on how to obtain them quickly?

3) How can I improve my kill/death ratio? it seems like so often I spawn in a hot zone, or on my commander & seem to die right away, etc...

I need help improving my game...


I feel for you.  I remember when 30 points in one round were impossible.

#1 Join a squad.  When the game first starts join a squad.  Your first choice should be with the largest group possible.  If you start playing in the middle of the round look at the scores.  Whoever has the most kills or points join their squad.  ALWAYS spawn on your squad leader unless he's obviously ineffective, more on this later.

#2 Join in as Support or Medic.  If they are kiling a lot of people they're gonna need ammo.  By implication by following someone like this you're likely to pick up Flag Capture assists.  Medic may get you more points but the medic class does not have body armour.  If someone just died, there's a reason.  If you don't know where the threat is you may as well suicide when you try to revive them.  Playing Medic as a new player is what killed my KDR.

#3 Improving KDR.  It sounds really simple but it's not; the key is to avoid deaths.  By now you should be in a squad and have at least 1 - 3 players with you.  Watch how they move.  When walking down the street learn to strafe as you go through intersections or pass a T with roads or buildings.  Don't be a "claymore sweeper".  Charging blindly into a CP can get you killed.  As you approach a CP look around.  Claymores are a lot easier to spot than you think.  Look around the flag.  Do you see any C4?  Stay on the very perimeter  of the CP zone ( Watch the flag below mini-map, move AWAY from the flag until it disapears then just move close enough to get the flag to change).

#4 Don't be afraid to leave a squad.  Is your squad leader trying to Cap Flags or is he playing sniper somewhere away from the battle?  Look at the score and don't be afraid to get with the leaders.  If you see 2 or more players with a clan tag join the squad and you will have a better chance of real teamwork. (Don't be offended if they kick you, the server may not allow locked squads and they're probably practicing and maybe even taking the gane a little too seriously.

#5 If no squads are formed make one.  Click on the manage tab on the bottom.  Look at the scores and invite the 5 best players to join your squad.  You'd be surprised how quickly you can put a team together.  If you are the squad leader, your job is to stay alive and give your squad a spawn point closer to the action. 

#6 Go for Commander, 30 points is NOTHING.

#7 **** your KDR.  Join a squad or make one maybe give commanding a shot, have some fun.  Stats are what you want them to be.  Don't let them get in your way of enjoying the game !
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia
lol 30 points,... 5 minutes in any server and its done imho (cept for maybe wake)

T.Pike wrote:

ghost[tORJ] wrote:

Guys, I'm a casual player among a pretty decent group of guys, and my kill/death ratio sucks. I'm currently Lance Corporal, and have 30 poitns left to get to Corporal. I currently play a lot of SF & AT roles, but have a couple questions that hopefully you can help with:

1) Can I get those 30 pts in one night?

2) Any advice on how to obtain them quickly?

3) How can I improve my kill/death ratio? it seems like so often I spawn in a hot zone, or on my commander & seem to die right away, etc...

I need help improving my game...


I feel for you.  I remember when 30 points in one round were impossible.

#1 Join a squad.  When the game first starts join a squad.  Your first choice should be with the largest group possible.  If you start playing in the middle of the round look at the scores.  Whoever has the most kills or points join their squad.  ALWAYS spawn on your squad leader unless he's obviously ineffective, more on this later.

#2 Join in as Support or Medic.  If they are kiling a lot of people they're gonna need ammo.  By implication by following someone like this you're likely to pick up Flag Capture assists.  Medic may get you more points but the medic class does not have body armour.  If someone just died, there's a reason.  If you don't know where the threat is you may as well suicide when you try to revive them.  Playing Medic as a new player is what killed my KDR.

#3 Improving KDR.  It sounds really simple but it's not; the key is to avoid deaths.  By now you should be in a squad and have at least 1 - 3 players with you.  Watch how they move.  When walking down the street learn to strafe as you go through intersections or pass a T with roads or buildings.  Don't be a "claymore sweeper".  Charging blindly into a CP can get you killed.  As you approach a CP look around.  Claymores are a lot easier to spot than you think.  Look around the flag.  Do you see any C4?  Stay on the very perimeter  of the CP zone ( Watch the flag below mini-map, move AWAY from the flag until it disapears then just move close enough to get the flag to change).

#4 Don't be afraid to leave a squad.  Is your squad leader trying to Cap Flags or is he playing sniper somewhere away from the battle?  Look at the score and don't be afraid to get with the leaders.  If you see 2 or more players with a clan tag join the squad and you will have a better chance of real teamwork. (Don't be offended if they kick you, the server may not allow locked squads and they're probably practicing and maybe even taking the gane a little too seriously.

#5 If no squads are formed make one.  Click on the manage tab on the bottom.  Look at the scores and invite the 5 best players to join your squad.  You'd be surprised how quickly you can put a team together.  If you are the squad leader, your job is to stay alive and give your squad a spawn point closer to the action. 

#6 Go for Commander, 30 points is NOTHING.

#7 **** your KDR.  Join a squad or make one maybe give commanding a shot, have some fun.  Stats are what you want them to be.  Don't let them get in your way of enjoying the game !
Thank god someone tried to help him instead of whining about the thread and saying it's easy as hell.
Thanks for the entertainment & enlightment. (-:

Props to Tpike, thanks man. I don't have enuogh time to dedicate to learn/study, etc... I'mm an amazingly busy guy. Network admin, side consulting, disc golf course designer, and a family. LOL thanks BIG TIME!

Anyway, since making Corporal I've been more deliberate, spwaning back from a hairy mess where I know I'll spawn & die, switch to sniper when necessary to support from the rear, and beign more selective about movements. Now I move more slowly & hold positions instead ofjsut running into everything as if looking to be killed & not seeing what's aroudn me.

thanks for the advice.

BTW: I'm looking for a good quality server which plays all the maps... Care to recommend a few IPs?
+11|6464|Some Pub in Valletta
Practise, Practise and Practise....
Pts. are easy to get, just be a medic or a support-> heal, revive and supply
K/D a little harder but joining in a squad helps that a lot-> fellow medics will revive you.
Watch and learn from more experienced players-> Don't always be the first one "through the door".
It takes some time to learn the victorious "maptactics" but you'll get there....
Make a little time to observe your surroundings and you'll soon be the mean lean killing machine

PS. Avoid at first the 64/64 maps, there's 32 opponents more likely to kill you.... (in the near future -> 32 victims)
Peace Out

Last edited by xXCortoMalteseXx (2007-07-25 09:55:44)

+7|6464|Normandy - France
30 points are easy to get
Find your center.

Does it help if i told you i got over 1000 points in the previous two days on an I/O Ghost Town server as a Medic and Assault class? (I was itching to get my promotion to 1st Lieutenant) I think I can help you out if you want 30 more points
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
30 points = few minutes work.. and if you are asking these questions, sorry no you can't improve your KDR
you got 1000 pts just from throwing around med kits? holy crap! i still have only maxed @ about 25 pts per round.....

Last edited by ghost[tORJ] (2007-07-27 06:52:38)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
30 points =half a round

Just RPK whore on Sharqi or Mass D.
30 points dude........not hard.  you should be able to get that in one round.  go to a karkand inf. only server.  i usually get 80 points a round in those.
Phone Spammer
+207|6904|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Haha, classic thread.  *Bookmarked*
bad touch

Go here, throw some ammo and health at the ground, and chances are 30 points will fly at you.
ok guys... I go my 30 pts a LONG time ago... But feel free to keep giving advice liek stryyker gave... LMAO!
Since day One.
Getting 30 points ?

1. Get in a Tank or APC or AA vehicle dont forget to be an engineer for repairing yout team mate in the tank or urself.
2. Be a Medic whore and get into a squad so u can get +2 if u revive someone or +1 for healing.
3. Be a support and throw ammo bag on others except the enemy
4. Try to be a gunner with a player who can fly good (high rank means mostly he can do it well)
5. Be a Commander and try figuring out how to do it so u can get lots of points if your team wins.

Hope the followings above help you !
Good luck and dont forget that practice is everything !
if you cant get 30 points in a round then you should uninstall bf2
something else

rambo_killin_SOB wrote:

in the time it took you to post this thread you could've had 30 pts.
ok, that guide was HILARIOUS!!!!!!

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