Turn your graphics down a little why don't ya!
I have no pictures to submit, just memories...
Turn your graphics down a little why don't ya!
I have no pictures to submit, just memories...
I never get a chance to do screenies for awards won.
nice one...look at how many tickets are left
w00t i finally got my last basic explosive ordinace!!!!!!

i usually don't take SS of awards because it's battle I aint getting caught unawares to do it. But this one was just to worth the risk. I got all three of my knife badges legitimately and well i thouught it was just too great a screen shot not to take. (yes i love my k-bar. hell my 3.2 or so k/d ratio with the knife should prove that.)
EDIT: and no it wasn't a knife only server me and the tj guy had gotten into a one on one kinfe fight when the hovertude guy revived him and we went at it again. (i didn't hit him when he was revived i waited for another 1 on 1.) killed himthe second time and then went after the med. got the badge with the medic lol.
Last edited by Blankwindow (2005-12-21 11:36:18)
lol...everytime I get into a knife fight, one of my teammates shoot him
yeah if you see the medic (hovertude) knifed my teammate who was kind enough not to shoot tj unless i died.though he got knifed for it lol.
a commander in a chopper , i bet ur team loved u ; )
There were only 19 people in a 64 man server......FreeTargeT wrote:
a commander in a chopper , i bet ur team loved u ; )
Holy moly what kind of graphics are THAT! The minigun looks like a plastic tube!
Ill post my screenie when I got that *#(*^#)(&^#&# expert @&#&%@# explosives &@#^^)(# ordinance *&#)(^#()@^badge!
I cant seem to get it. First 41 kills with explosives. No badge. Possibly some kills I made with guys just stepping out of their vehicle so they get killed by that vehicle. Then 37 kills. Possibly another kill like that. However, I paid attention to it this time. ..
I cant seem to get it. First 41 kills with explosives. No badge. Possibly some kills I made with guys just stepping out of their vehicle so they get killed by that vehicle. Then 37 kills. Possibly another kill like that. However, I paid attention to it this time. ..
*cough* keep em coming!
what a season for me:
http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/5336 … 0197lq.jpg
http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/9482 … 0209ym.jpg
http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/6992 … 0362sb.jpg
http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/9066 … 0387ck.jpg
http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/6007 … 0399aw.jpg
http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/5336 … 0197lq.jpg
http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/9482 … 0209ym.jpg
http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/6992 … 0362sb.jpg
http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/9066 … 0387ck.jpg
http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/6007 … 0399aw.jpg
Last edited by =ST6=SewerMaster (2005-12-22 11:44:04)
I'm imnpressed. You can fly and command at the same time!!! Waste of a commander's slot while flying the chopper.=SoG=PredatoR wrote:
Not too valorous in my opinion....
http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3295 … 1kz.th.png
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/1823 … 4yv.th.png
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/4923 … 7js.th.jpg
THATS THE FUCKING JACKPOT!!!!!=ST6=SewerMaster wrote:
what a season for me:
http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/5336 … 0197lq.jpg
http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/9482 … 0209ym.jpg
http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/6992 … 0362sb.jpg
http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/9066 … 0387ck.jpg
http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/6007 … 0399aw.jpg
nice job everyone!...raight now =ST6=SewerMaster is in the lead..so keep them coming!!!