Jizz in my pants
+54|6792|Vancouver, USA
So I have a little dilema on my hands.  Me and a couple of my clan mates have bought a server.  It has 16 slots in it (we are too poor for anything else) and it is currently running Wake Island.  Here is my question:  Should baseraping the carrier be allowed?  We currently allow it because in the beggining of the round, the U.S. can easily capture a base by means of jet drops.  But sometimes, actually, most of the time, the U.S. fails to get off the carrier and the baseraping commences.  In a 16 slot server, this can really cramp the U.S. from doing anything.  But I would like to hear your guys' opinion.  If you own a server, share your thoughts on baseraping, even if you dont own one.

Btw, this is not a poll because I just want to hear peoples' opinions, not just debating two options.
Thanks, Cobra4545
+2|6428|New Jersey
Idont own a server but i think you should disallow base-rape.

BEGIN STORY: A jet spawns, you run into it, your all excited cuz you start the game off with a vehicle. Before you get off the carrier your killed by some PLA guy.

This continues through out the whole game. :END OF STORY...just my opinion.
my sigs worse than yours
Don't allow.
However, it could be tremendously boring if the USMC aren't using transports or boats to get on land and the only USMC off the carrier are those in attack helichopters or in aerojets.

Last edited by NateWiese (2007-07-31 18:49:39)

Typical white person.
+389|7073|San Antonio, Texas
I would allow it. I hate servers that don't allow base-rape because...

A) If the team is stupid enough to start to get base-raped, it's their fault and they deserve it.

B) The team that is getting base-raped can always cap another flag. (Which they should have in the first place.)

C) It becomes unfair if you just say no base-raping the carrier because, saying this is wake, the Chinese can get their jets/helis stolen/base-rapped while the US is untouchable on the carrier and always has 2 jets and 2 helis.
+6|6463|Bartlett Illinois
I say should you should allow base rape once the Americans have one flag on the island
Jizz in my pants
+54|6792|Vancouver, USA

Reiskis wrote:

I say should you should allow base rape once the Americans have one flag on the island
Ya I never thought of that one before, thanks for the idea +1
And thanks to everyone who is contributing
If the map is a dual un-cap then dont allow it

if it is a single uncap allow it on both sides of the map.

why? because on maps like kubra if the mec cant baserape the usmc (cause there airbase is cappable) then the usmc team destroys the mig and su before they take off, then the transport chopper takes the intake and then the mec get raped for the rest of the round.

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

I would allow it. I hate servers that don't allow base-rape because...

A) If the team is stupid enough to start to get base-raped, it's their fault and they deserve it.

B) The team that is getting base-raped can always cap another flag. (Which they should have in the first place.)

C) It becomes unfair if you just say no base-raping the carrier because, saying this is wake, the Chinese can get their jets/helis stolen/base-rapped while the US is untouchable on the carrier and always has 2 jets and 2 helis.
go study the differences between legal and illegal(or w\e u wanna call it) baseraping then come back
+140|6800|Armidale, NSW, Australia
Well I usually say base raping is OK, but I think in your case (with only 8 per team) it will make it difficult to get off the carrier if you don't cap a flag. Having said that, the USMC should be able to cap a flag straight away because there aren't many Chinese to defend all the flags.

How about trying a different map....
+127|6700|Jesus Land aka Canada
i frown on it especial when its only a 16 player map because there is not much one can do. but for example a 64 karkand Io map....ya base raping is so allowed; mainly becasue the other team can so EASILY spawn on another flag...but most dont.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Either make it dual uncap or base rape possible for both teams. You might change it so that the jets can rape the carrier, but commanders can't arty it or vice versa. If the US have a jet strike and then arty hit them they can get pissed quickly.
I'm all for it. I usually play on 64 man servers, so there's always room to get free when your being raped. And to be honest, I've had some really fun rounds on a Jalabad IO server playing as the USMC and being stuck in the UCB. Sit back with a M95 and rack the kills up. lol stupid I know but I had fun and that's what this game is supposed to be about.
something else

Skylands91 wrote:

Idont own a server but i think you should disallow base-rape.

BEGIN STORY: A jet spawns, you run into it, your all excited cuz you start the game off with a vehicle. Before you get off the carrier your killed by some PLA guy.

This continues through out the whole game. :END OF STORY...just my opinion.
The Mas
+311|7002|NYC, a place to live
Allow baseraping because:

1. The carrier has anti-aircraft guns to defend itself.

2. Servers always suck when admins tell people how to play.

3. You don't want to kick people from such a small server because you have so few people in the first place.
=VGF= Avantek
Only when server is full but when its a 5vs5 match its not a good idea to baserape the other team and make them leave...
on a 64/32 man server yea.. but on a 16... well that is a bit much
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
Allow it.
I love it! A good deal should deal with it very easy, IMHO.
+7|6464|Normandy - France
base raping is stupid on Dragon valley or Karkand.
no fun to base rape on these maps : USMC team absolutely cannot play.
+1,352|6806|N. Ireland
It's war. Allow it! Just say "no baseraping unless US have somewhere else to spawn"
BaSeRApInG Is GuD i LieK it

Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone
If your going to have a no "baserape" rule you must clearly define what 'baseraping' is.
[*]How large is the base area.
[*]Are infantry in this area destroying assets, vehicles and/or people considered base rapers.
[*]Does the rule only apply to certain vehicles (such as jets only or jets and attack choppers only) or everything and/or everyone.
[*]Have a structured discipline system where everyone gets treated equally (especially admins). If admins break the rules and are not treated equally no one will take your server seriously.

Basically just saying 'no base rape' is way to subjective and exploitable. And a 16 person wake server sounds terribly boring.

On some maps there are uncappable flags. These flags cannot be captured and are indicated on your map by a large red circle with a line through the center. These rules apply to the immediate base area around these flags. Anything outside of this is fair game. To make it easier to understand the actual area, on your mini map at furtherest zoom, anything under the red circle is covered. In addition, the ENTIRE carrier on any map is classed as an uncap...all of it. It is not to be attacked anywhere (except the AA's) with vehicles.

- Players may engage the opposition at an uncapable flag with their kit weapons only. The use of aircraft or vehicles is not permitted.
- Aircraft may engage ground based Anti-Air weapons within an uncapable base - This includes ground and vehicle mounted AA. Failure to move out of the uncapable spawn after the AA has been destroyed will be considered spawn camping.
- A plane, or chopper, that has returned to the airspace above its uncapable flag is not protected under the spawn camping rule.
I usually play with these rules and they make games more interesting and fair.

Last edited by DrunkFace (2007-08-01 03:05:32)

Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6616|The | Netherlands
Allow it, it is uberpwnage and funny.

edit\ Only if you are getting raped, that's why you should do baserape allowed when all flags are capped.

Last edited by 3lmo (2007-08-01 03:14:47)

I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6920|Parainen, Finland
In our server we allow baserape after that all the flags have been capped.
It raises the other teams motivation not to camp in the airfield.
Typical white person.
+389|7073|San Antonio, Texas

[AH1z]PJ wrote:

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

I would allow it. I hate servers that don't allow base-rape because...

A) If the team is stupid enough to start to get base-raped, it's their fault and they deserve it.

B) The team that is getting base-raped can always cap another flag. (Which they should have in the first place.)

C) It becomes unfair if you just say no base-raping the carrier because, saying this is wake, the Chinese can get their jets/helis stolen/base-rapped while the US is untouchable on the carrier and always has 2 jets and 2 helis.
go study the differences between legal and illegal(or w\e u wanna call it) baseraping then come back
Is there some base-raping law I have not heard of? No. No there is not. It's not in the ELUA, ROE is gone, nobody cares about the "new" ROE or EA's "game police". It's a fucking game and I'm going to do whatever the code allows me to do. If EA didn't want base-raping then they should've did what POE2 did and have an enemy kill radius around uncappable bases.

The only rule I would have on a server is no hacking/glitching. That's it.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51

leetkyle wrote:

It's war. Allow it! Just say "no baseraping unless US have somewhere else to spawn"
Its a game that has made a piss poor atempt at recreating a war. Even so it is a game and is meant to fun. For EVERYONE.

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