Hello, Battlefield 2 section of the BF2s forums. It's been a while, I believe.
Instead of creating a lengthy and well-thought out post as normal, I'm just going to say what I think in short and watch what happens.
On almost every IO server there's a group of 8 or more players, consisting of mostly medics. These groups stick very closely together, constantly reviving and spamming. Both teams have such a group, but they never actually meet each other. Instead, they go around raping the leftover enemies and flags. The few enemies they meet are defenseless against such numbers. After they've run out of leftovers, the enemy group has recapped more flags, and thus the circle of failure is complete. They're like a massive ball of cancer, that even I cannot kill by myself. You kill 4 or 5 of the medics, and they just revive each other while spamming you with nades and badly-placed shots. Sure, this problem has always been around, but not on every server, and not with such large quantities of failures looking to increase their KDR artificially.
After tanks and APCs stopped forcing you to genuinely work together and play properly, it was only a matter of time until this would happen.
Instead of creating a lengthy and well-thought out post as normal, I'm just going to say what I think in short and watch what happens.
On almost every IO server there's a group of 8 or more players, consisting of mostly medics. These groups stick very closely together, constantly reviving and spamming. Both teams have such a group, but they never actually meet each other. Instead, they go around raping the leftover enemies and flags. The few enemies they meet are defenseless against such numbers. After they've run out of leftovers, the enemy group has recapped more flags, and thus the circle of failure is complete. They're like a massive ball of cancer, that even I cannot kill by myself. You kill 4 or 5 of the medics, and they just revive each other while spamming you with nades and badly-placed shots. Sure, this problem has always been around, but not on every server, and not with such large quantities of failures looking to increase their KDR artificially.
After tanks and APCs stopped forcing you to genuinely work together and play properly, it was only a matter of time until this would happen.
Last edited by Lucien (2007-12-01 12:47:01)