If EA never wanted crate-tillery or car-tillery, they would have coded it in. You can't drop a car on buildings or in the water, so how hard would it be to code in a dead spot around people. And that block-tillery with the crates is funny. I remember the first time I saw that, I was both pissed since it cut my route off, and impress that the other commander did it. I don't remember his name, but I salute him.
As for spawn raping for artillery, if you believe so much in it, please do this: Go to Sadr City in Baghdad, and tell the insurgents to stop shooting rockets and mortar rounds into the International Zone. OMG, the militias are spawn raping!!!!! Stop, or we will kick you! Whaaaaa!!!!!! And if you do that, please have your next of kin post the you tube video response from the militias.
I was kicked yesterday on an IO Warlord server. Why? I placed Claymores at choke points between two flags (TV station and the plaza next to the parking garage). Or when I was seen, and ran around a corner to hide, leaving a claymore for them to run into when they chased me. And the OpFor/admins kept running into them. The message when they kicked me was something about 'scrolling clay' rules??? WTF?
If your clan sucks so much that you have to make additional rules to match your style of play, or limits tactics of better players, then thanks for playing, but please go back to CS or WoW. If you have rules added that EA/DICE didn't include in the original release or on a patch, then maybe they intended to let it happen. Actually, I was on Max Carnage Anything Goes 24/7 Ghost Town's server yesterday. I did have fun. There was about a half hour when the OpFor was raping the shit out of us. It sucked, and there were a few times I refused to respawn till the round ended. But I at least tried to do better the next round and stop the rapes. And we did stop the rapes and started winning. It's a dog eat dog world, and sometimes you put on Milk Bone undies on in the morning. You can either man up and go forward, or whine. Your choice.
Last edited by IrishWind (2007-12-11 09:12:14)