Skorpy-chan wrote:
This is starting to sound like it should become a fully-fledged mod at some point.
It works fine now- it just isn't as expected (you can drive through the buildings).
Punkbuster/ EA/ DICE has just completely fucked me off.
So I enable content checking on a server, and what I expect is as follows.....
If the server / client data isn't the same, the server gives the client its version
The client gets kicked for modifed content.
Punkbuster thinks "who gives a shit, i'll let you in, with a completely different version, and won't do anything about it"
This is, incase you haven't noticed, a complete rant, with no actual meaning.
So, this is what I can do.
- Forget the whole tournament- but becuase of 1 building, that you can drive through anyway, this doesn't really seem appropiate
- Give you THE OPTION of downloading the files- if you don't download them, the buildings will appear- no problem, drive through them. If you download the files, you see the map in all its glory.
The choice is yours- since Punkbuster aparently doesn't give a shit about what version you join with, clients joining with 2 different version's shouldn't be a problem- hell, you could even join with a version of strike at karkand, and it will probably let you on.
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