OK, so our clan just added its second server a little while back. First, our #1 server, THE CHICKEN SHACK, runs pretty strong. It is a 50 man SF server running Ghost, Warlord, Mass D., and Surge. It is ranked 44th from www.gametracker.com. Our second server is a 64 man server. We started it out as a Vanilla server, but it hardly ever ran. Since our clan plays mostly SF, we switched it over to a 64 man SF IO server. That brought SOME success, but still didn't hardly fill the server. Now, it's running 24/7 Warlord with vehicles.
My question is what map rotation / server set up do you look for?
SF or Vanilla?
Infantry Only or vehicles?
FF on or off?
Punish and Mutiny on or off?
Map rotation?
Map size?
Thanks in advance for everyone's help. We just want to get this server into the top 50 like our other one.
)HTH( bEAv3D
My question is what map rotation / server set up do you look for?
SF or Vanilla?
Infantry Only or vehicles?
FF on or off?
Punish and Mutiny on or off?
Map rotation?
Map size?
Thanks in advance for everyone's help. We just want to get this server into the top 50 like our other one.
)HTH( bEAv3D
Last edited by bEAv3D (2008-01-03 08:27:43)