Wow I am impressed that you can rape the helo on the deck and crash into it when its in the air.. yet when you come across the runway and the enemy jet flys in front of you , you break away from it.....
Taking out the enemy jet should be first priority in any jet... you see it go after it...
MrAnderson wrote:
xxx.B(+)mber wrote:
No jet can escape the falling paratrooper which somehow always ends up to reck any jet if rammed
+ supply/vehicle drops...
Don't forget the Arty too..
Fly over the arty as it is going outbound and you can hear it whistle by you...
And if you fly low enough to the ground and kill someone you can hear him call for the medic... Like that can really happen...LOL
Last edited by Sir Aidyn Sage (2008-02-10 11:05:31)