No. I won't pay money to play EVE online.. let alone 10 bucks for Stats.
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- If stats tracking in BF2 was $10 month would you have paid?
If stats tracking in BF2 was $10 month would you have paid?
Yes | 7% | 7% - 20 | ||||
No | 92% | 92% - 249 | ||||
Total: 269 |
hell no
And it is.venom6 wrote:
It should be enough for them that i bought Battlefield 2, Special Forces, Armored Fury, Euro Force...
That would be no
"Negative Ghostrider."
If They made me pay to see the stats, i wouldn't buy the game in the first place, cuz BF2 is pretty much completely online play + ranks, if there's no ranks, there's no motivation, no motivation no reason to buy the game, and there's no Campaign either.
So no, I wouldn't pay $10/month for it.
That'd just be a pure rip. and I wouldn't be able to afford it.
So no, I wouldn't pay $10/month for it.
That'd just be a pure rip. and I wouldn't be able to afford it.
I feel sorry for you, everyone else in these forums got BF2 free with a pizza.venom6 wrote:
It should be enough for them that i bought Battlefield 2, Special Forces, Armored Fury, Euro Force...
Another way for EA to rip off players, I don't think so.
I said yes, but after 1.3 I would of stopped.
$10 a month is ways to high for a shooter.
$5 would have been fine if there were regular updates and patches
$5 would have been fine if there were regular updates and patches
Hell fuckin no, I probably wouldnt have bought the game either and just downloaded it and sticked to non-punkbuster server.
Last edited by RDMC (2008-01-23 10:53:44)
No way. Propably wouldn't have bought the game either if I knew about it.
Gotta love that you can pay it with ingame moneyS3v3N wrote:
No. I won't pay money to play EVE online.. let alone 10 bucks for Stats.
max wrote:
Nah, I'd just become an even more pr0 teamkiller than I already am.
I call bullshit. Half the people would pay for stats. If they are not that important than why do people spend their time spaming grenades at IO Karkand? Why so few people play mods? Hell I bet people would buy stats if it was possible. 20$ for any medal/ribbon you want
Why of course, I couldn't bare to lose my KD ratio's and SPM! As well as my total points and rank!
You have a point, in that some people actually buy accounts off other people. So yes, some people would pay for stats.
Seems like lunacy to me. I used to be quite obsessed with the stats (or more specifically, the e-awards), but I'm fairly sure that I wouldn't have paid for them. Mostly because i'm a student, and so i'd be spending money I didn't have.
big 'no' vote from me
Edit: Hmm wonder if i could sell my account.. Probably not. The stats suck. But there are plenty of shiny e-awards.
Seems like lunacy to me. I used to be quite obsessed with the stats (or more specifically, the e-awards), but I'm fairly sure that I wouldn't have paid for them. Mostly because i'm a student, and so i'd be spending money I didn't have.
big 'no' vote from me
Edit: Hmm wonder if i could sell my account.. Probably not. The stats suck. But there are plenty of shiny e-awards.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-01-23 11:21:43)
the answer to your questions: stats are free! that why people spam nades on karkand and don't play mods. for example, most of my bf2 friends play dota bc wow costs $. if bf2 stats costs $, people would play mods more often.zeidmaan wrote:
I call bullshit. Half the people would pay for stats. If they are not that important than why do people spend their time spaming grenades at IO Karkand? Why so few people play mods? Hell I bet people would buy stats if it was possible. 20$ for any medal/ribbon you want
$10 per month?
I could pay some health insurance with that.
Besides, people have made 3rd party stats tracking services that even have shiny medals too.
$10 per month?
I could pay some health insurance with that.
Besides, people have made 3rd party stats tracking services that even have shiny medals too.
OrangeHound wrote:
I wouldn't have paid even 50 cents a month ...
To be honest, I might just would, just look at WoW player what they pay per month
NOT A CHANCE, licking a cheese grator would appeal more to me.
I don't believe any game should have monthly fees.
You got good response to this.
I voted yes as I easily get that much from it a month. I have always said that is the way forward for games that you can play for 1000+ hours. +1
I voted yes as I easily get that much from it a month. I have always said that is the way forward for games that you can play for 1000+ hours. +1
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- If stats tracking in BF2 was $10 month would you have paid?