Guess all u biatches have seen a surfing duck.
Ive seen a surfing duck. I have also seen a skydiving elephant and a scube diving kangaroo.
Good video though, Id love to know how they got it to do that
Good video though, Id love to know how they got it to do that
Anybody ever seen a surfing mouse?
fucking adware
how l337
If you dont click on anything you dont get anything so stop crying.Airwolf wrote:
fucking adware
Okay, there is NO reason for this to have come up for this thread.

aww thats not cool. I love micespecops10-4 wrote:
Anybody ever seen a surfing mouse?

I didnt click anything, and my browser got Hijacked....DONT WATCH PEOPLE.kripp wrote:
If you dont click on anything you dont get anything so stop crying.Airwolf wrote:
fucking adware
I know fucking karate
Seen a surfing squirl but not a rat, nice.specops10-4 wrote:
Anybody ever seen a surfing mouse?
Wtf u talking bout? Im using firefox and get no popups or anything. Bet u using ie with no pop up blockers.Not my fault that your an idiot.justice wrote:
I didnt click anything, and my browser got Hijacked....DONT WATCH PEOPLE.kripp wrote:
If you dont click on anything you dont get anything so stop crying.Airwolf wrote:
fucking adware
We have gay ads now? Thats crazy.adam1503 wrote:
Okay, there is NO reason for this to have come up for this thread. … ayness.jpg
Funny that Im using firefox and have a pop up blocker, and this has never happened bar once...kripp wrote:
Wtf u talking bout? Im using firefox and get no popups or anything. Bet u using ie with no pop up blockers.Not my fault that your an idiot.justice wrote:
I didnt click anything, and my browser got Hijacked....DONT WATCH PEOPLE.kripp wrote:
If you dont click on anything you dont get anything so stop crying.
Last edited by justice (17 years, 1 month ago)
I know fucking karate
Don't be such a fuckwit, just because they get adware or don't use firefox. Grow the fuck up and get a life. Tosser.kripp wrote:
Wtf u talking bout? Im using firefox and get no popups or anything. Bet u using ie with no pop up blockers.Not my fault that your an idiot.justice wrote:
I didnt click anything, and my browser got Hijacked....DONT WATCH PEOPLE.kripp wrote:
If you dont click on anything you dont get anything so stop crying.
I too am using Firefox, and received a pop-up from that site. Not the fault of the OP that it's there though.justice wrote:
Funny that Im using firefox and have a pop up blocker, and this has never happened bar once...
With all the "buttsecks" and homoerotic chatter on these forums, I'm surprised it hasn't shown up earlier.kripp wrote:
We have gay ads now? Thats crazy.adam1503 wrote:
Okay, there is NO reason for this to have come up for this thread. … ayness.jpg
Ok hide behind the internet u little prick. I was just trying to show peeps something cool. I didnt get any adware or crap when I saw it and i just built this pc and always used firefox for years now. So stop being a little bitch already ok, angry little aussie.Adams_BJ wrote:
Don't be such a fuckwit, just because they get adware or don't use firefox. Grow the fuck up and get a life. Tosser.kripp wrote:
Wtf u talking bout? Im using firefox and get no popups or anything. Bet u using ie with no pop up blockers.Not my fault that your an idiot.justice wrote:
I didnt click anything, and my browser got Hijacked....DONT WATCH PEOPLE.
Never said it was, but then he decided to call me an idiot for warning others.adam1503 wrote:
I too am using Firefox, and received a pop-up from that site. Not the fault of the OP that it's there though.justice wrote:
Funny that Im using firefox and have a pop up blocker, and this has never happened bar once...
I know fucking karate
I didn't get a brower hijack.
Now I'm glad I started using Opera a few days ago.
For the rest of you, get Ad-aware.
Now I'm glad I started using Opera a few days ago.
For the rest of you, get Ad-aware.
Last edited by some_random_panda (17 years, 1 month ago)
You could of made your statement a little less offensive, then I wouldn't of taken offense to it. I have nothing to do with that site so don't blame me if you get pop ups cause i didn't. If I would have know that it did and people would cry about it I wouldn't of posted it. Like I said earlier, I just saw something cool and decided to share with the rest of u guys. Now I see for the most part its just a bunch of crying bitches. Not all of you, but lately ive seen alot more of it than usual.justice wrote:
Never said it was, but then he decided to call me an idiot for warning others.adam1503 wrote:
I too am using Firefox, and received a pop-up from that site. Not the fault of the OP that it's there though.justice wrote:
Funny that I'm using firefox and have a pop up blocker, and this has never happened bar once...
Last edited by kripp (17 years, 1 month ago)
LOLOLOLOL how the hell does a thread about ducks end up like this
kripp wrote:
You could of made your statement a little less offensive, then I wouldn't of taken offense to it.justice wrote:
Never said it was, but then he decided to call me an idiot for warning others.adam1503 wrote:
I too am using Firefox, and received a pop-up from that site. Not the fault of the OP that it's there though.
How is that in anyway offensive to you? I'm sorry if some how you read that statement in a way that makes you feel offended, but that's not how it was meant...I didnt click anything, and my browser got Hijacked....DONT WATCH PEOPLE.
I know fucking karate