Anyone know where I can get some COH unit skins? I checked planet COH but they only had one and didnt really like it. They used to have a bunch, and i had one I really liked, but I lost it when I reformatted...Any suggestions?
Are you looking at their OO or CoH site?
i checked the fileplanet affiliate and the filefront affilate for COH (or fansites, whatever) I know there are some out there. I had a good one before i reformatted but cant find it. I just want realistic 1944 skins for the vehicles, insignia for the soldiers, and skins for the soldiers... forums had some nice looking ones I believe. Changes to grenadier and volksgrenadier skins is what I remember. A search in the forums there should help you find what you're looking for.<SS>SonderKommando wrote:
i checked the fileplanet affiliate and the filefront affilate for COH (or fansites, whatever) I know there are some out there. I had a good one before i reformatted but cant find it. I just want realistic 1944 skins for the vehicles, insignia for the soldiers, and skins for the soldiers...
Try FPSBanana. They have everything.
ah, found some!!!!
Last edited by <SS>SonderKommando (16 years, 11 months ago)
Took some better ones, I took the others before changing my video settings...
You can download the skins and the installer here.
You can download the skins and the installer here.
Last edited by <SS>SonderKommando (16 years, 11 months ago)
Thanks for the link!
I've just ordered both games over Steam (it actually looks fantastic to be honest), and I'll check this out!
I've just ordered both games over Steam (it actually looks fantastic to be honest), and I'll check this out!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Not sure if you wanna buy it over steam, clan mates having problems with the steam version :S.
heard that as well. But the forums that I linked you to are like the BF2s on roids for COH..Fallschirmjager10 wrote:
Not sure if you wanna buy it over steam, clan mates having problems with the steam version :S.
You can try this site:
My Steam version works fine, I'm just constantly having 'display driver nvkldmm has stopped responding and has recovered' errors. Seem to get this a lot with specific DX10 games on Vista 64... no fix
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.