TITS or gtfo.
+97|6834|Polish state of EU
^ so true, keep waiting 4 it...
NATO ownz! ))
Pfc. Leemus
Ownerer via the strategic use of bullets
+20|6921|N.S.W, Australia
1. Better engine (BF2/2142 feels like im running around on soap sometimes, and just feels clunky in places, getting stuck on small objects, sliding around on small ledges, crouch,prone,stand clunky feeling)
2. Remove insta prone accuracy awesomeness. Pretty much just hace to aim at peoples feet and wait for their face to hit your bullets. (Use crouch like 2142 did).
3. No insta heal medpacks. (like 2142 did)
4. weak spots on tanks (like 2142 did)
5. No rockets like the medics had in 2142.

Annd that is about it.
Would make the perfect game.

(you would think that with what I said i should be playing 2142, but no. playing bf2 over it atm.)
what is wrong with the hitbox? i think someone needs to get some practice.

planes need to crash when they are hit with the aa
planes need to land to get ammo and repairs

is it clear i dislike the planes ?   
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6461|San Antonio, Texas
Maybe making blood/gore an option under Video settings would be a good idea. People with lower end settings could only have minor blood splashes, while others could have all out blood rain. Also an option to turn it off, for the people with really poor computers.

Last edited by Cyrax-Sektor (2008-02-28 13:24:48)


Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

Maybe making blood/gore an option under Video settings would be a good idea. People with lower end settings could only have minor blood splashes, while others could have all out blood rain. Also an option to turn it off, for the people with really poor computers.
Now thats what 'm talkin about!
Like Soldiers of Fortune revenge! That woud be cool

RoosterCantrell wrote:


A system (like joining a squad, in order) for RESERVING your seat in aircraft.  But, if you leave a certain ring of that aircraft you lose your place in line.  Only the first person in line can enter the aircraft, and the "squad" can only hold a certain set of people, so the whole team doesn't sit around waiting.

and... TRAINING!!!!  You can only unlock certain thing AFTER you have properly PASSED training...like AIRCRAFT! NO MORE NOOBS CRASHING TRANSPORT CHOPPERS!!!!  NO MORE NOOBS stealing planes to crash them at the end of a runway.  Training for use of AA missiles.  TANK training.  COMMANDER TRAINING.  The training should be extensive, not some lame ass tutorial.  Awards for Training Achievements.

Unlockable Kit Features (2142 shock paddles was LAME) Like Spec Ops training to use C4, sniper rifles, Etc. after training.

(able to play without training, just wont be able to use certainthings.)

Commander available to uper ranks only,  can only command after certain Rank (makes sense really)

SQUAD LEADER POINTS.  Make it worthwhile for squad leaders to stay outside the main fight, and act as a mobile spawn point, actual team leader.

Health punishment for being in an enemy uncap (Server OPTIONAL)

5 minute IDLE kick (MANDATORY)

Who commands the first few rounds???
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7027|Purplicious Wisconsin

David.P wrote:

Ok new ideas.

More/Differentiated kits.

Keep the Seven standard except add 2 more.

Marksmen for short range semi auto sniping(Anything 200-500m), While making sniper one long range killing machine(up to 2km)

Pilot so no more people bail out of their heli's after getting to a point.
BF3 will have 5 classes(sniper, assault, engineer, Medic, and support) from what this says,
and besides, anymore than 7 is too much, especially with the
fact that bf3 may have a customizable kit option like in bf2142(I hope so anyway).
They will most likely have weapon choices like in battlefield 2 and battlefield 2142.

Anyway here are some ideas I have:

1. Have an ejection seat for jets which means the parachute for infantry won't be needed.

2. Have different types of rounds for tanks(like HEAT, Sabot, etc).

3. Have a shovel for engineer like in PR and be able to bury landmines using it.

4. The assault class gets the anti tank weapon.

5. Have bleeding in the game and give the medic bandages

6. Why does dice keep on having the sniper class instead of the marksman(or scout with a DMR) class? In real life, snipers act as a 2 man team(sniper and spotter), while marksman fight in a squad like the grenediers and machine gunners(aka support or automatic rifleman).

7. They need the use the UAV trailer as the command post and make it where you are commander when you enter unless mutinied which exits you out and you can't get back in for another few minutes.

8. I don't care what people say I don't want gore(maybe have it as an option).

9. Make the engine compatible to any computer and also make it on xp as well as vista instead of making it vista only.

10. Last of all, don't screw up EA.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
not fulla schit
They need a stripper bar for the afk people lol in bf3 .. that would be the Schit

Last edited by Schittloaf (2008-02-28 16:29:18)

pub hero!
+603|6695|the land of bourbon

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

Maybe making blood/gore an option under Video settings would be a good idea. People with lower end settings could only have minor blood splashes, while others could have all out blood rain. Also an option to turn it off, for the people with really poor computers.
yes! but too bad it wouldnt happen because that would up the rating, so less sales, and ea are greedies.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6461|San Antonio, Texas

steelie34 wrote:

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

Maybe making blood/gore an option under Video settings would be a good idea. People with lower end settings could only have minor blood splashes, while others could have all out blood rain. Also an option to turn it off, for the people with really poor computers.
yes! but too bad it wouldnt happen because that would up the rating, so less sales, and ea are greedies.
Mortal Kombat 1 home ports *cough* blood activating cheat codes *cough*.

"The Sega Genesis version of the game features a code to enable blood (a-b-a-c-a-b-b at the fighting code cutscene). It is a deliberate reference to an album released by the band Genesis in the 1980s. The MK team would go on to make other musical references like this in the franchise, most notably the name of a purple-clad character named Rain in reference to Prince (Purple Rain)." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal_Kom … aster_eggs

Technically, blood/gore could be a server-side option, but you can still change it under video options. Playing on servers that don't have blood enabled won't have blood anyway at all, servers that do will have it if you have the option on.

Loophole of sorts? "Online-enabled games carry the notice "Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB." This notice warns those who intend to play the game online about possible exposure to chat (text, audio, video) or other types of content created by other players (e.g., maps, skins) that have not been considered in the ESRB rating assignment." http://www.esrb.org/ratings/ratings_guide.jsp
dont get fucking dice to develop it

get a game dev who knows what they are doing, ie, Bethesda (more rpg tbh), valve, sierra, whatever

rhyme intended, biatch
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
but it's DICE who created the BF series and the whole idea. They did a great job overall. Yes, there are bugs... let's hope BF3 has less bugs...
The biggest problem that I have with BF2 (other than the obvious bugs) is how people have the choice to turn off/lower their graphics to a point where it's almost cheating. 

I mean, I have everything on that I can.  I go and hide in the shadows and ambush folks who don't know where I am.  But suddenly someone who has lighting on low can see a glowing infantryman sitting in a corner.  I know not everyone can run the best settings, but allowing people to see a glowing person in a shadow is just dumb.  Turn down the graphics, but don't remove shadows from those who can't run it.

Last edited by Drexel (2008-02-29 09:28:45)

+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

psH wrote:

get a game dev who knows what they are doing, ie, Bethesda (more rpg tbh), valve, sierra, whatever
Did they manage to make anything as epic as Battlefield? No. DICE all the way!
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6461|San Antonio, Texas

Drexel wrote:

The biggest problem that I have with BF2 (other than the obvious bugs) is how people have the choice to turn off/lower their graphics to a point where it's almost cheating. 

I mean, I have everything on that I can.  I go and hide in the shadows and ambush folks who don't know where I am.  But suddenly someone who has lighting on low can see a glowing infantryman sitting in a corner.  I know not everyone can run the best settings, but allowing people to see a glowing person in a shadow is just dumb.  Turn down the graphics, but don't remove shadows from those who can't run it.
Well, DICE could've made BF2 less of a RAM hog. Us people with crap comps don't always get the advantage in some cases. I had to have my view distance at 50% and running in an 800x600 window. Not much of an advantage really. In PR, I have to push my system to the max, just to see the guys killing me in the distance.

Still, the shadows thing is a good point. Maybe they could keep shadows and have it not too taxing.
Serial Jay-Walker
+52|6297|Perth, indian ocean

PluggedValve wrote:

RoosterCantrell wrote:


A system (like joining a squad, in order) for RESERVING your seat in aircraft.  But, if you leave a certain ring of that aircraft you lose your place in line.  Only the first person in line can enter the aircraft, and the "squad" can only hold a certain set of people, so the whole team doesn't sit around waiting.

and... TRAINING!!!!  You can only unlock certain thing AFTER you have properly PASSED training...like AIRCRAFT! NO MORE NOOBS CRASHING TRANSPORT CHOPPERS!!!!  NO MORE NOOBS stealing planes to crash them at the end of a runway.  Training for use of AA missiles.  TANK training.  COMMANDER TRAINING.  The training should be extensive, not some lame ass tutorial.  Awards for Training Achievements.

Unlockable Kit Features (2142 shock paddles was LAME) Like Spec Ops training to use C4, sniper rifles, Etc. after training.

(able to play without training, just wont be able to use certainthings.)

Commander available to uper ranks only,  can only command after certain Rank (makes sense really)

SQUAD LEADER POINTS.  Make it worthwhile for squad leaders to stay outside the main fight, and act as a mobile spawn point, actual team leader.

Health punishment for being in an enemy uncap (Server OPTIONAL)

5 minute IDLE kick (MANDATORY)

Who commands the first few rounds???
Noone! No Artillary yay
sorry you feel that way
well, for aircraft: a better viewing around system in your cockpit. would be usefull in dogfights, I want to be able to keep track of my enemy at all times while still being able to turn and accelarate my plane. (yes I know spot them but having them on my screen out of cockpit view is just megacool.)

Some sort of radar vehicle would be very nice too. (and counterparts, radar jammers for fucking up UAV support etc)

Last edited by dayarath (2008-03-01 05:04:58)

inane little opines
Sanford and Son
I just had an idea, not sure if it is good. Instead of having the squad leader as a spawn point (or in addition to), allow them to place one. They can be destroyed as easily as a DPV (sand buggy). Engineers can take them down like claymores. C4 will blow them up.
not fulla schit
like 2142 . spawn kill beacon .. ahaha no! thanks .  spawning in vehicles would be cool though
I would like to see EA make everything everybody has ever wanted in a BF series game.... on top of a revolutionary new engine, efficient hardware use, possibility of limited use public source code... and once they polish it up, hand it to a PR rep, and send him off to the next E3... a train carrying thousands of gallons of concentrated phenol hits their car, and ruptures all over it.
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

How bout something vaguely like the SOPMOD system?



cowami wrote:

How bout something vaguely like the SOPMOD system?


http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/mf … mplesm.jpg
I can has sniper scope drum magazine silencer and gl .
Definitely a yes on fully destructible environments.  There is no way some tree should be able to stop my tank. 

On that note, a little more reality with the weapons would be nice.  If you shoot a guy in the leg with a .50 cal sniper rifle, there is no way he is going to turn, run, jump twice and then shoot back.  Granted, in reality he's not dead, he just has one leg and one stump now.    SO he should be a little easier to finish off. 

Large/Huge maps  What would be really cool would be dynamic maps.  Maybe ones that change slightly each reload so that they don't be come predictable after a while (always a sniper on top of the hotel, arty and UAV in the same place, etc).

A little more balance on air assets.  Look, if a HELICOPTER is headed into the carrier on Wake and I loose EIGHT SAM's at it there are no counter measures in the world that will stop that thing from becoming a nice big explosion.  Same with ground fire.  If A chopper does one of it's slow strafes and I am perpendicular to it on a machine gun for 5-10 secs there is no way that thing is doing anything but auto-rotating to the ground.   

Damage affects specific functions on vehicles.  I like the post that said if you send a TOW into the tracks on a tank that tank is immobile.  YES!  If you put 50 rounds into the back of a FAV the passengers are toast... maybe the driver can limp away but the guys in the back are gone.  None of this bail out just before it blows up and then they are still at 95% health.

No more parachutes for infantrymen jumping off a building.  It's in the ejection seat or you are screwed.

A good single player version w/ campaign like in MOH or BF1942.  That way when servers or down or just for practice people don't have to learn things in game. 

Keep all the stats reporting! 

Do not restrict commander to higher ranks only... some of the best players are incredible at playing but suck at leading and there are some newer players that can't seem to drive a tank in a stright line yet but are great commanders.  However, there should be a squad leader req (10 wins as squad leader, 500 SL pts, etc) before you can command. 

MLRS!!!  (multiple launch rocket system)

Make the building more complex and accessible.  Also, make the ability to kill someone in a building reasonable... if there is a sniper in a room and I launch a TOW into it... everyone in that room and the rooms on either side should be very dead.  No more, "everyone on the other side of the drywall is just fine".

Spawn inside a building that only the team holding that base/spawn point can get into (w/ multiple exit points) so there is no more spawn kill.

Commanders get points for arty kills!!!  Definitely keep arty!!!

I like the concept that was proposed above about having the commander be able to remove himself from the action and have a control room.  Somewhere with much more control over the battle including multiple screens and a dedicated UAV screen.  Also, more squad commands.  I'd love to be able to say, "attack here, capture the CP and  then go over there".  There should also be a way to customize squads or remove squad leaders who are not listening.  Maybe even support for those of us who have multiple monitors so we can do split screen (but only while commanding or you're going to have knuckleheads try to put 4 20 inch monitors together.  )?

Ability to turn your head to look around without moving your whole body.

Somewhat customizable weapons load out.  No spec ops solider in the world would go into battle with a 9mm.  All the SEALs I know have .45's.  Same thing with Claymore's.  Also, an assault solider should be able to trade a grenade for a claymore or a flashbang.  Like SWAT 2 & 3. 

On kick vote, if you are trying to kick someone on your own team (i.e. for glitching or blowing up your own vehicles, ramming, team kills, etc) you should not need everyone to vote.  If 50% of your own team wants a team member gone... kicked he should be!

Awards/medals should NOT be play-time dependent.  It is ridiculous to need 50 hours playing.... if you can get the IAR or cumulative requirements in one round or 1 year, medals should be performance dependent, not time dependent.

Awards should not be map dependent... i.e. no severs are currently running Shounga Stalemate so it is very hard to get the Far East medal right now.

Here's a thought... would it be possible, just like in real life, to specialize.  Have all the ranks and awards dependent on your branch of service and your MOS?  And then have skill set unlocks specific to that MOS?  Maybe even do what America's Army did and have "schools" that you need to complete before you can level up?  I.e.  Snipers have to prove the ability to hit 10 out of 20 targets.  etc. 

Anti Personal Mines!!!

Adjustable zoom on scopes

You should be able to "time the grenade".  Meaning grenades have, depending on the grenade, 3-5 sec fuses.  So if I want to kill a guy that is 10 feet from me, I pull the pin, release the spoon and hold it for a 1-2 sec, then throw.  That way it's not sitting on the ground for 4 secs while the guy runs away (or worse yet, jumps up, runs at me and shoots me in the head). 

Realistic re-cocking time on bolt action rifles.  1)  You do not need to come off target when recocking.  2)  It does not take 2 secs to recock... especially on the Barrett M95 which is a straight pull bolt.  3)  There is no reason for the gun to come up almost vertical when recocking... all that does is obscure your field of vision and show movement to the enemy.

Realistic damage inflicted.  Ok, the .223 is a pathetically small round.  But if I put 2-3 into a sniper's chest he is dead.  Not kinda dead.  Not mostly dead. Not reviavably dead.  He is dead.  Ok maybe a good trauma surgeon could save him b/c God still does miracles but there is no way he is going to get revived 5 secs later by a medic and then roll over and put one in the back of my head as I am moving down the alleyway (minus Divine intervention of course). 

Since this post is getting longer then I thought... ... last but not least, have a way to disable/remove claymores, mines, etc.  Maybe only engineer's can do that but it should be able to be done.  And if you remove them maybe you can add them to your inventory to use later?


Last edited by MonkezUncle (2008-03-02 17:55:47)

''Its nothing serious but i am bleeding badly''
+13|6302|Mountain Dew

E1_ned wrote:

what is wrong with the hitbox? i think someone needs to get some practice.

planes need to crash when they are hit with the aa
planes need to land to get ammo and repairs

is it clear i dislike the planes ?   
Land and get ammo and repairs? that gets the jet  kinda boring.... wat happend if you camped airfield and all needed ammo and u landed on carrier and all j10ns got up and some  ultra skilled 15 year  old boy gets in chopper? think aigan
1. Be able to put a c4 on enemies body

2. Be able to Choke and enemy

3. Timer on c4

4. Being able to change to your enemies suit when killing enemy(this will trick so many ppl)

5. Can get into enemies car when they are in also...thats ganna be funny

6. More types of game modes

7.Keep the online gameplay the same, but make single player better

8.Being able to dismantle vehicles( so when enemy gets in the vehicle it just falls apart lol)

9. Have 2 parachutes like in real skydiving(so if you parachute in accident and your too high, you can cut the parachute and open the emergency one which would be smaller)

10.Have the soldiers bleed instead of smoke

11.Commander should have different camera angles

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