As part of the mod team, I felt it my duty to bring to you, 1.3 with a TON of improvements over 1.2 such as new vehicles, better handling of aircraft, de-nerfed weapons, etc... get it, play it, love it. Thanks for reading ~ HJ-Cerberus (below is from teh updated readme with eyecandy provided at bottom of post) NOTE: HJ mod is no longer, nor ever will it be affiliated with WCC squad anymore, for those of you wondering.

Mod can be obtained here: http://www.hardjusticemod.com/ (registration is free of course)

Introducing the Hard Justice V1.3 Custom Mod Update for Battlefield 2

Mod Description

Authors: Ziggy / Radar O'Reilly / Cambo / StrykerJ / CDN-Biggdogg / Toetagger / Sugartooth / Ut-Oh / Cerberus


Here's the change list for: 1.3

A big Thanks to NAW for the use of some of their vehicles.
A big Thanks to SatNav for the use of some of his vehicles and weapons.
Thanks again to Chullster for the use of his account to test kit unlocks!

- For the first time in Hard Justice history we will be releasing a Linux version. (by Cerberus)
- Most ground and air vehicles have been recoded for better useablity.
- Unlocks added to all armies! (US CH MEC 2 and 3 kits and CA EU kits)
- Added 5 more seats to APC Cobra and APC CobraAT Vehicles
- Added 2 more seats to Bradly
- Completely recoded the lean for the Dirt Bike for much better stability!
- All handheld weapons accuracy, recoil and damage have been adjusted.
- Mp5 smg added to US CA EU assault kits with G3 and sniper kits with L96A1 and M24 in place of the pistol.
- Type85 added to CH MEC assault kits with AK47 or AK101 and sniper kits with Type88 and Dragunov in place of the pistol.


NEW Items:
- Designator (Original concept by BiggDogg, coded into game by Ziggy and BiggDogg) We're really excited about this addition! The Designator places a laser target where the user wants a laser guided bomb to strike! Sticks to objects (i.e. Artillery) and buildings but doesn't stick to soldiers! They are located in the Spec Ops and Sniper Kits. The MH6 Transport Littlebird pilot is also able to designate targets!

NEW vehicles:
- Jeep Technical (models fixed and finished by Radar O'Reilly, coded into game by BiggDogg)
- Woodys Wagon M109 Mobile Artillery (models fixed and finished by StrykerJ coded into game by Ziggy)

NEW vehicles from the NAW Mod:
- Quad500cc (recoded by BiggDogg)
- Quad125cc (recoded by BiggDogg)
- Quad250cc (recoded by BiggDogg)
- HMMWV with MK-19 grenade launcher (recoded by BiggDogg and Ziggy)
- AA Technical (recoded by BiggDogg)
- Tow Technical (recoded by BiggDogg)
- SU25 Frogfoot (recoded by Ziggy)
- SU25SC Scorpion (recoded by Ziggy)
- Apache (recoded by Ziggy)

Unfinished Models from Naw Mod:
- Baja Bug (models fixed and finished by Radar O'Reilly, coded into game by BiggDogg)
- Challenger (models fixed and finished by Radar O'Reilly, coded into game by BiggDogg)

SatNav Weapons:
- Javelin Top Seek(recoded by BiggDogg and Ziggy)
- Javelin Direct (recoded by BiggDogg and Ziggy)

Added maps:
- Highway Tampa
- Juno Beach (by Toetagger)
- Harbour (by StrykerJ)
- Desert Shield Advanced (by StrykerJ, Desert Shield Revisited Redone!)

NEW Sounds Added:
- Dixie Horn (coded by BiggDogg)
- Challenger Engine Sounds (coded by BiggDogg)

StaticObjects from Radar O'Reilly:
- concrete_airstrip_long_endstr (coded by Radar O'Reilly)
- Canadian Team
- fire_hydrant (coded by Radar O'Reilly)
- wood_fence (coded by Radar O'Reilly)
- wood_fence_post (coded by Radar O'Reilly)
- us_ShutupSign (coded by Radar O'Reilly)
- end_of_track_bumper_24 (coded by Radar O'Reilly)

Vehicles BundledMesh-
- bradly BGM_71A_Launcher (by Radar O'Reilly)
- Bradly Rear interior (by Radar O'Reilly)
- m270 rgm109h_Pod added tomahawk (by Radar O'Reilly)
- jeep_technical and textures (by Radar O'Reilly)

- Challenger 3p_driver_challenger_animSys.inc (by Radar O'Reilly)
- Challenger Passenger animation (by BiggDogg)
- Jeep Technical Rear Gunner animation (by BiggDogg)
- APC Cobra(AT) Passenger animations (by BiggDogg)
- Bradly Rear Passenger animations (by Radar O'Reilly)

- rgm109h_tomahawk (Model made and textured by Radar O'Reilly, coded by Ziggy)

Added Objects from StrykerJ:
- Defense Gun (coded by Ziggy)
- tire_shop (coded by StrykerJ)
- wood_barrel (coded by StrykerJ)
- market (coded by StrykerJ)
- tent (coded by StrykerJ)
- mill (coded by StrykerJ)
- Metal_Fence (coded by StrykerJ)
- Metal_Fence_Corner (coded by StrykerJ)
- Metal_Fence_dbl (coded by StrykerJ)
- Metal_Fence_End (coded by StrykerJ)
- cargo_container (coded by StrykerJ)
- sign_25mph (coded by StrykerJ)
- barrel_black (coded by StrykerJ)
- barrel_black2 (coded by StrykerJ)
- barrel_blue2 (coded by StrykerJ)
- barrel_orange (coded by StrykerJ)
- barrel_red (coded by StrykerJ)
- barrel_red2 (coded by StrykerJ)
- barrel_yellow2 (coded by StrykerJ)
- cart (coded by StrykerJ)
- chain_fence (coded by StrykerJ)
- pipe (coded by StrykerJ)
- barrack (coded by StrykerJ)


Last edited by {KHI}Cerberus (2008-03-01 14:58:19)

+456|6470|Carnoustie, Scotland
What's the size of the file? This looks fun.
Couldn't you have posted a download link where I don't have to suck a few cocks to download it?
Flamesuit essential

If you submit this to Modjive, it'll be easier to get and more people will download it.
Direct DL links will be posted to the main page as soon as possible.

Last edited by {KHI}Cerberus (2008-03-01 14:58:48)


some_random_panda wrote:

If you submit this to Modjive, it'll be easier to get and more people will download it.
I pushed the idea past the rest of the dev crew and admins, wasn't even aware of modjive, we normally have a ton of DL's regardless, but this should pretty much seal it for us.. again, thx.
Le fuck?
Ehm, I can't connect to any of those websites. Maybe get someone to upload it to Filefront?

Undetected_Killer wrote:

Ehm, I can't connect to any of those websites. Maybe get someone to upload it to Filefront?
Crap, I'll look into it... as for FileFront, that's being worked on.
I'm dead? I'm shit, I'm leaving.
+28|6763|My gaff
Woot! I got a mention in the credits!

Say Hi to BiggDogg and all the guys from me Cerberus.
So what exactly is this mod about?

EDIT: This better not be that crappy mod with all the shitty weapons models and overpowered as fuck bots.

Last edited by David.P (2008-03-01 19:14:35)

Hey Chullster, long time no see, I'll drop him a hi for ya, and david P all i can suggest is visit the site at hardjusticemod.com and check it out.

I however personally don't see anything being retardedly overpowered, and if they are, cut them back to 25% seems with 24 bots vs 4 bots and 4 humans, it plays fluidly.
Hey guys. Just here to give Cerberus a little support and explain some things about the release.

First off I'd like to say Hey! back to Chullster. A premiere CQ player. Don't play against him!!!

Hardjustice is a Coop mod for BF2. We focus on Coop but can be played on CQ as well. Check the ReadMe for details!

Now the mod release. We had a few problems with the release and let me explain. The mod itself is nice and stable and works fine. But there were a couple maps that somehow got switched out for older unfinished versions on the last packing of the installer.(there are 27 maps edited and included for HJ1.3 content) Not to worry....just leave those maps out of the rotation for the time being as we will be releasing a 1.31 full version and a 1.3 - 1.31 patch for those who have downloaded it already!

The maps we found so far are:
Omaha Beach 2008 - this map plays fine but the defense gun isn't placed in the correct spot and can't be exited.
Desert Shield Advanced - the server.zip is missing out of the server only install package. The client install package is fine. You can pull it from a client and put it in the server install.
Remagen Bridge - This map doesn't work at all and crashes the clients to desktop.

Also some people are having trouble unzipping the installer. We've found that you have to use the new version of Winzip for it to unzip correctly. The older versions don't work. Winrar also doesn't work!

As for a filefront upload....we were suppose to have that uploaded but it's not ready yet.
Our site has it....you have to register first for the moment until we get the block with the links working on the main page. [url]www.hardjusticemod.com[/url]

It's also available at [url]www.globalalien.com[/url] (links on the main page) and [url]www.strykersrevenge2.com[/url] (need to register)

Here's the filefront link: [url]http://files.filefront.com/Hard+Justice+v13+client+lzip/;9739208;/fileinfo.html[/url]

Last edited by HJ-CDN_BiggDogg (2008-03-02 07:35:12)

Eh mods ok. Just killing bots after awhile gets boring.
Omfg dirtbikes

R.I.P. Neda
+456|7166|Grapevine, TX

Funky_Finny wrote:

What's the size of the file? This looks fun.
Im a vehicle whore , so I have to check this out. Thx mod d00dz

GGF0RCE wrote:

Omfg dirtbikes

We coded a lean function into it. works pretty good. I find the Quad bikes even more fun!!!

I edited my post above to include the filefront download link if anyone is interested!
Ok I just played this for a bit and for a co-op/bot mod it's really good. I like it. All the guns are extremely accurate (even in mid-air) and have zero recoil. You jump higher. Dolphin diving is back in there. It's all great. One thing I really like is the TV missiles and that they're in third person so they're easier to aim. I also really like the nuke on the F-15. It's pretty funny finding yourself at 100 altitude and still dying from your own nuke. Good job.
when i try to extract, winrar says it is corrupted or damged. help please?

i downloaded it at the official website...so i dont know what to do.
Hopper Chore
Hummer with GL rocks!
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7166|Grapevine, TX
Posting SS later when I get home. Wow try the Dragon Vally map. Holy shit I didnt know what to try first! F22 Raptor, the thing is freaking fast, its like a J10 on crack   Comanche and Apache Helicopters? Infantry arms just work. Did they mention the Javelin AT missile?

This mod is the most BF2 like, but better, not sire about balance , but is hell of a good time. Great Job Justice Mod Devs. You got my seal of approval.

{B-T}<babacanosh> wrote:

when i try to extract, winrar says it is corrupted or damged. help please?

i downloaded it at the official website...so i dont know what to do.
You have a corrupted file download, delete and re download, only solution.

Last edited by (T)eflon(S)hadow (2008-03-02 12:08:55)


{B-T}<babacanosh> wrote:

when i try to extract, winrar says it is corrupted or damged. help please?

i downloaded it at the official website...so i dont know what to do.
try winzip, somehow it has issues with winrar, i personally used 7-zip which is free as well

{B-T}<babacanosh> wrote:

when i try to extract, winrar says it is corrupted or damged. help please?

i downloaded it at the official website...so i dont know what to do.
Winrar won't open it. Older versions of winzip won't open it. You should get the latest winzip to extract. I'm glad to see that 7zip will also work!

This is posted all over our web site to let people know.

We weren't aware that there would be this problem when we used Winzip. Next version will be Winrar or 7Zip likely. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Glad version 1.3 finally came out.  I have not played this in months and uninstalled it.  I guess I need to download it again.
If you are vehicle whore this is for you.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7117|Great Brown North

Fat_Swinub wrote:

Couldn't you have posted a download link where I don't have to suck a few cocks to download it?
but where else would you get protein?

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

Posting SS later when I get home. Wow try the Dragon Vally map. Holy shit I didnt know what to try first! F22 Raptor, the thing is freaking fast, its like a J10 on crack   Comanche and Apache Helicopters? Infantry arms just work. Did they mention the Javelin AT missile?

This mod is the most BF2 like, but better, not sire about balance , but is hell of a good time. Great Job Justice Mod Devs. You got my seal of approval.
then connect to our server and play with us 

Last edited by krazed (2008-03-02 21:51:52)

has joined the GOP

krazed wrote:

Fat_Swinub wrote:

Couldn't you have posted a download link where I don't have to suck a few cocks to download it?
but where else would you get protein?

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