hey guys
currently with plus.net, on an old package which is £22 a month, 5.5mpbs and a lot of throttling thb.
wanna switch to bethere, have checked and cable is available very near where i live, thinking of the £18 monthly package, be unlimited - and have heard nothing but praise for bethere as an isp.
We currently get the phone/broadband through plusnet, only recently the phone package.
I have no clue how to switch ISP as the first time we got broadband, 7 yrs ago, we used pn and have used them ever since.
My questions;
1. How do I go about switching?
2. Experiences with be? Do they allow etc. *cough* downloading *cough*
3. Currently I used mail forwarding features from plusnet to allow any emails sent to our plusnet email/another domain of mine to appear in my outlook inbox, is this easy to switch and do be offer a similar service?
currently with plus.net, on an old package which is £22 a month, 5.5mpbs and a lot of throttling thb.
wanna switch to bethere, have checked and cable is available very near where i live, thinking of the £18 monthly package, be unlimited - and have heard nothing but praise for bethere as an isp.
We currently get the phone/broadband through plusnet, only recently the phone package.
I have no clue how to switch ISP as the first time we got broadband, 7 yrs ago, we used pn and have used them ever since.
My questions;
1. How do I go about switching?
2. Experiences with be? Do they allow etc. *cough* downloading *cough*
3. Currently I used mail forwarding features from plusnet to allow any emails sent to our plusnet email/another domain of mine to appear in my outlook inbox, is this easy to switch and do be offer a similar service?