As you probably know, I have a very strong hatred of WiFi and everything about it. Because on this computer I get a shitty signal and dropped connections. My PS3 also gets a shitty signal but I attribute that to the PS3 being one floor below the router, and my house likely having walls of lead.
So today I dropped connection 3 times. The third time I checked my sister's laptop and sure enough, she was connected fine. So I've come to the conclusion that 4 years of use has taken its toll on this crappy-ass card.
What's the BEST WiFi card (802.11g, I might consider 802.11n though) that is FULLY compatible with Vista 64-bit? Bonus points if the drivers don't install extra pointless shit that does the same job as the built-in wireless network function in Vista.
edit: If it helps, my router is a D-Link DGL-4300
So today I dropped connection 3 times. The third time I checked my sister's laptop and sure enough, she was connected fine. So I've come to the conclusion that 4 years of use has taken its toll on this crappy-ass card.
What's the BEST WiFi card (802.11g, I might consider 802.11n though) that is FULLY compatible with Vista 64-bit? Bonus points if the drivers don't install extra pointless shit that does the same job as the built-in wireless network function in Vista.
edit: If it helps, my router is a D-Link DGL-4300
Last edited by HurricaИe (2008-03-08 08:42:18)