kylef wrote:
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
You can get a Superdrive for it if you like
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
no USB
Umm..learning the specs of the thing might be handy before posting? It does have USB..
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
, no Ethernet, no nothing.
Ethernet is becoming popularly outdated with decent wireless. Also, a laptop is built for portability so it sort of breaks the point if have an Ethernet port. Also, it'd make it twice as thick. Although I'm sure USB > Ethernet adapters exist if you *really* want.
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Is it even possible to do ANYTHING on that stupid thing?
1. Why use an external drive for what should be a portable system?
2. One is good, I didn't expect much more heart from something so focused on the body, but it's at least something...
3. ..besides, it's only there for USB ethernet adapter which I couldn't discern if you have to buy separately or not. If I had the choice, I'd use ethernet any day. Though, since it is mobile the included wifi makes up for it 95%. However, that takes away it's ease of use at a workdesk (ie, no way to use a dock and no way in hell you'll be using this thing to go from work to home so now what's the point of it but sitting in a Starbucks writing your "next big novel" to look cool?) and when on a ethernet network you cannot use a USB drive. You would have to swap them. Or a cd drive, or a USB cup heater. Blasphemy.
4. It's possible to run Pi calculations while it's being flung through the air at, either a dog to catch or a wall.
Ryan wrote:
Madhadda1 wrote:
Would anybody mind explaining to me why one would buy one of these? i see no pro's to this, not to mention i dont see how this is a "step into the future". (Serious question, im amazed people actually want these, am i missing somthing?)
One reason: It's thin.
People think it's like SlimFast or something, but they are too stupid to figure out that just because it's thin, doesn't mean they will be.
I've seen a lot of these stupid MB Air commercials and I can't remember any insinuations towards that. No, it's like making the iPod white. People like white, it's a simple color and goes well with a lot of hip and trendy outfits (clearly) so people walk around with them. However, I can remember hearing people talk about who's laptop is thinner, before the Air came out. People think "If it's a good laptop, then it's small" because people associate laptops with size and portability. However the converse of that, "If it's small it's a good laptop," is far.. so very far from true.
Last edited by Defiance (2008-03-15 11:51:28)