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- The Cinematic Modification adds Hires-Textures to all human characters, some non-human characters, nearly all items, walls and vehicles (and the vending mashine of course). (Hint: If you prefer the original Low-Res Textures, delete or rename the "materials" folder inside the Mod.)
- It replaces the original HL2 music with a more classic score in the style of large Hollywood productions, that fits to the specific game-situations. More orchestral, more ambient, with unique themes for combines and Alyx. (Hint: If you prefer the original HL2-music score, delete or rename the "sound" folder and the "scripts" folder inside the Mod.)
- It adds a new weapons-balancing and strengthens all the weapons to a more realistic level. No more firing numerous rounds at the combines; kill them with 3 to 5 direct hits, just like in real-life combat, but beware: Your opponents weapons are comparable. After 3 to 5 direct hits (or 1 direct headshot) you *will* be killed. (Hint: If you prefer the original Weapons balancing, delete the file "skill.cfg" inside the Mod's cfg-folder)
# Raise the quite outdated graphical appearance to a state-of-the-art level
# Give the HL2 trilogy a more stressed, darker and minatory look
# Complement the atmosphere with a emotional cinematic music soundtrack that fits the action on the screen
# Replace the low-resolution textures with high resolution counterparts and more detailed environments
# Complement the storyline with the unused content from the original games
# Refresh the look and feel with optional new HD models
# Add more replay-value to the game

Last edited by kylef (2008-03-22 11:49:15)