So check it, I figure around 1pm ill do a 3 hour Tune with nTune, 3 hours, so probably done round 5 (probably off by 2 hours I guess)
I figured id do this to squeeze some performance out, as because last time I tried to dl nTune it didnt work, SP1 probably works now, I thought
So anyway I start tuning round 1pm, it crashes, the usual. But what REALLY started pissing me off was when It hung there it didnt restard, and when it BSOD'd it wouldnt restart, so i had to come back and manually restart every 15 minutes...
this shit took FOR EVER. I havent had my computer ALL DAY. its 1:18am right now, I just stopped the tune about 20 minutes ago, I figured, "Oh well, it still has 40 FUCKING MINUTES, but Ill get what I can out of it, its not perfect but its something..."
Boy was I fucking wrong. I pressed stop, it froze for a second and it didnt even save, it didnt log any progress or save anything, the last 11.5 hours of my weekend were WASTED, every 15 minutes getting up and resetting. WASTED.
So, how can I streamline this? I mean for some crap reason, nTune starts like 5 minutes after my computer starts, and when it hangs and BSOD's It doesnt auto-restart
Id love to press Tune, leave my house for 4.5 hours, come back and have it be done, because screw sitting here restarting for 5 hours after I wasted all that time.
/thanks all
I figured id do this to squeeze some performance out, as because last time I tried to dl nTune it didnt work, SP1 probably works now, I thought
So anyway I start tuning round 1pm, it crashes, the usual. But what REALLY started pissing me off was when It hung there it didnt restard, and when it BSOD'd it wouldnt restart, so i had to come back and manually restart every 15 minutes...
this shit took FOR EVER. I havent had my computer ALL DAY. its 1:18am right now, I just stopped the tune about 20 minutes ago, I figured, "Oh well, it still has 40 FUCKING MINUTES, but Ill get what I can out of it, its not perfect but its something..."
Boy was I fucking wrong. I pressed stop, it froze for a second and it didnt even save, it didnt log any progress or save anything, the last 11.5 hours of my weekend were WASTED, every 15 minutes getting up and resetting. WASTED.
So, how can I streamline this? I mean for some crap reason, nTune starts like 5 minutes after my computer starts, and when it hangs and BSOD's It doesnt auto-restart
Id love to press Tune, leave my house for 4.5 hours, come back and have it be done, because screw sitting here restarting for 5 hours after I wasted all that time.
/thanks all