ok so i broke my pc however ive got a new one on the way and i want to put my old hard drive in it. i will be formating it to put a new os on, but its got my games on it (bf2, crysis etc) so if i format will i b0e able to reinstall these games ok? (no keycode problems) or do i need to somehow uninstall?
nhhh it will be sweet, ive wiped my laptop hardrive plenty of times and re-install has been fine....as long as u remember u registered accounts an shit for games like crysis ...when u reinstall u should have no probs and i you do ....companies like ea an shit are generalli cool enough to give u a new key
Yeah, just reformat and install just as though you're installing for the very first time, except look for a 'retrieve account' option in any game that require registering a player account (eg BF2)
You shouldn't need a new key.
You shouldn't need a new key.
Be sure you don't forget your STEAM account, if you have one.