Mint Sauce wrote:
3lmo wrote:
I don't understand why everybody is always whining about that 30k gap, between Lt. Col and colonel is also 25k. Captain - major, also 25k. Those 5000 points don't make such of a diffirence.
And the gap between Colonel and Lt. General is 70,000 points. Most people will jump from Cl -> Lt.Gn.
It's only 50,000, and why would
'most people jump straight to Lt.Gn? I sure as hell didn't and I'm hardly unique. I don't think it's so much the 30k points but more the 250% jump in your current score needed at the time which puts people off.
MrCookie wrote:
well i think that the re-spwn time of vehicles should be a bit lower... if i fight in a veh-64-jalajala its pretty annoyin to die in a tank and than wait 2 minutes on the next
I don't know what you have been smoking but the tank spawns in about 30 seconds (or 15 seconds) after you have, so if you can't wait that long maybe consider not dying. F35 on wake though take 70 seconds which is way too long especially considering j10s take 30 seconds.
Nicholas Langdon wrote:
I think there should be the option for servers to limit the max number of deaths people can have in a round, It would reduce suicidal playing and encourage teamplay and stealth. As well as some sort of system where the players who have the most flag caps, defends, etc are awarded some kind of bonus. Maybe some kind of bonus as well for when you resupply/heal a player who requests it.
If not the max number of deaths option, maybe a negative score per death, what ever it takes to make it less rambo, and more tactics.
Also, more game options than just straight conquest, such as defend a certain flag, deathmatch, etc. even if they do have to be unranked.
Edit: oh and I would like to see stuff like zip/grapple and IO options come standard with the vanilla version of bf3.
GTFO, Some times you just have to do shit yourself to get stuff done, and when its you verses the entire other team, you are destined to die a fucking lot. Why the fuck should I be penalised because the rest of my team are fucking snipers hiding in the uncap or waiting around for vehicles which will never spawn?
Also the one thing I would love to take away is IO, its an abomination to the series and has no place in a battlefield game.
RoosterCantrell wrote:
Before BF2 there was no game like it really. Mulitplayer maps with tanks, cars, planes, etc. all tracked with a stats system. Pretty neat idea.
Since it was relatviely new, they knew very little what to expect. Now, with the hacks, stealing accounts, etc. etc.
Thier pioneer game has aged, and in the process, they have learned alot.
From what I've heard BF3 will havea live update feature... no more manual patching.
Plus, with this PId spoofing/accoutn Hijacking.... I bet EA, being as rich as it is, sees it as an embarrasement, and a good lesson. BF3 will build upon the psotivie and negative aspects of BF2.
It is not financially reasonable to investmoney into BF2 to fix its woes. EA is not stupid. They just don't care enough to lose money to fix and aging product. But surely EA has learned and is already looking into ways to better secure user accounts.
BF3 will be more stable, better designed, and better secured than BF2. The only thing to worry about is if they can produce another game as fun as BF2.
BF2 was not the 'pioneer' game. BF 1942 had, tanks, cars, planes, boats (including moving battle ships and aircraft carriers), different kits etc. BF Vietnam added helicopters but removed the 'big' boats and all BF2 added to the mix was commanders, squads and stats (and in patch 1.4 IO).