Super Awesome Member

Miggle wrote:

Peter wrote:

Fat_Swinub wrote:

No downside to it. The whole point of unlocks is an alternative, not an upgrade. Nice idea but you need a negative point.
Limited use amirite?
no, it takes 3 times as long to charge it.
ooo i like that
The spy most definitely needs a new sapper.  That thing is a piece of shit for sure.  You could plant a sapper, go take a shit, eat dinner, fuck a hooker, watch a movie and come back and the thing would still be killing the sentry.  Worthless IMO, especially since engy's camp their stuff 99% of the time.

Perhaps a timebomb sapper.  One that doesn't put the sentry out of order but blows up later on.  Or maybe just a sapper that takes less than half and hour to kill shit.
Cowboy from Hell

Thorax wrote:

The spy most definitely needs a new sapper.  That thing is a piece of shit for sure.  You could plant a sapper, go take a shit, eat dinner, fuck a hooker, watch a movie and come back and the thing would still be killing the sentry.  Worthless IMO, especially since engy's camp their stuff 99% of the time.

Perhaps a timebomb sapper.  One that doesn't put the sentry out of order but blows up later on.  Or maybe just a sapper that takes less than half and hour to kill shit.
Decent spies plant their sapper, kill the camper and GTFO.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Thorax wrote:

The spy most definitely needs a new sapper.  That thing is a piece of shit for sure.  You could plant a sapper, go take a shit, eat dinner, fuck a hooker, watch a movie and come back and the thing would still be killing the sentry.  Worthless IMO, especially since engy's camp their stuff 99% of the time.

Perhaps a timebomb sapper.  One that doesn't put the sentry out of order but blows up later on.  Or maybe just a sapper that takes less than half and hour to kill shit.
I don't think it needs to sap faster as much as it needs to have more health and the Engi needs to repair slower and take more metal to repair. You see the engineer takes 2 hits to kill a sapper and 2 hits to fully repair any of his things for only 25 metal per hit. If the engi killed sappers in 3 hits repaired 30% and took 25 metal per 30% that would be more fair to the spy and the other classes.

Also with the more sapper health Spies would be able to pull out their revolvers and kill the engi before he could finish killing the sapper.

sergeriver wrote:

Thorax wrote:

The spy most definitely needs a new sapper.  That thing is a piece of shit for sure.  You could plant a sapper, go take a shit, eat dinner, fuck a hooker, watch a movie and come back and the thing would still be killing the sentry.  Worthless IMO, especially since engy's camp their stuff 99% of the time.

Perhaps a timebomb sapper.  One that doesn't put the sentry out of order but blows up later on.  Or maybe just a sapper that takes less than half and hour to kill shit.
Decent spies plant their sapper, kill the camper and GTFO.
Decent Spies have been extinct since february 29th. Only Spies left are the "Ohh what's this class like?" Spies (Aka Noobs!), The "*sigh* My team needs a Spy" Spies(Regretful), And Finally the "No matter what I'll still be a Spy!" Spies(My hardcore brothers who have endured the brunt of all the nerfs and spy cuts).

I tell ya I have not had a good one on one Spy revolver fight since March. And have not Won against a single engy turtling behind his sentry, In a Sapper war since hell i dunno december? Goddamnit Valve! You motherfuckers! Look what you've done! Lowered the Ownage ceiling on the Spy and Demo to shit! And the Skill ceiling aswell!(What the fuck is this cloaked/disguised spies not having a Tele trail? You just had to let noob spies take away the tele's from more important classes! And lowering the Demoman nade count to 4+16? Motherfucks! Do you assholes know hard it is to be a goddamn demoman? No I guess not, Because everyone in your group is a goddamn engy, Who can turtle all day behind his sentry with no fear of dying unless an Uber is deployed!)  Fuck I want my 50$ back! This is not the Tf2 I paid for! Fuck these updates you cocksucking ass munchers!
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

David.P wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Thorax wrote:

The spy most definitely needs a new sapper.  That thing is a piece of shit for sure.  You could plant a sapper, go take a shit, eat dinner, fuck a hooker, watch a movie and come back and the thing would still be killing the sentry.  Worthless IMO, especially since engy's camp their stuff 99% of the time.

Perhaps a timebomb sapper.  One that doesn't put the sentry out of order but blows up later on.  Or maybe just a sapper that takes less than half and hour to kill shit.
Decent spies plant their sapper, kill the camper and GTFO.
Decent Spies have been extinct since february 29th. Only Spies left are the "Ohh what's this class like?" Spies (Aka Noobs!), The "*sigh* My team needs a Spy" Spies(Regretful), And Finally the "No matter what I'll still be a Spy!" Spies(My hardcore brothers who have endured the brunt of all the nerfs and spy cuts).

I tell ya I have not had a good one on one Spy revolver fight since March. And have not Won against a single engy turtling behind his sentry, In a Sapper war since hell i dunno december? Goddamnit Valve! You motherfuckers! Look what you've done! Lowered the Ownage ceiling on the Spy and Demo to shit! And the Skill ceiling aswell!(What the fuck is this cloaked/disguised spies not having a Tele trail? You just had to let noob spies take away the tele's from more important classes! And lowering the Demoman nade count to 4+16? Motherfucks! Do you assholes know hard it is to be a goddamn demoman? No I guess not, Because everyone in your group is a goddamn engy, Who can turtle all day behind his sentry with no fear of dying unless an Uber is deployed!)  Fuck I want my 50$ back! This is not the Tf2 I paid for! Fuck these updates you cocksucking ass munchers!
You do know that you're the only person who thinks that way?

The spy hasn't gotten nerfed at all and Demoman is still one of the most useful classes in the game, and his lack of ammo is only a big deal if you're camping by youself, something discouraged in a team game.

You are obviously to thick to play this game so I think it's a good thing that you stopped.

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

You do know that you're the only person who thinks that way?
No there are a few steam groups that "think" like me. Here's a link to one of them. I know of a few more but I dont have the links handy.

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

The spy hasn't gotten nerfed at all and Demoman is still one of the most useful classes in the game, and his lack of ammo is only a big deal if you're camping by youself, something discouraged in a team game.
Wrong! Look at the Backstab problem right now. Half the time they do not properly register or miss. Before Feb 28th the Facestab bug did not exist as severely as it does now. Same with Sniper after january 14th. Scope was laggy when they put in the delay.

And That maybe true but not in all cases. Tell me do you know why demoman had so much ammo in the first place? Because Engies, Heavies, Soldiers, and Pyros had alot aswell. Except their's was direct combat ammunition. I.e. Bullets, Rockets, and Fire to be exact. Demoman has no direct combat ability other then his bottle, and Nade launcher when it gets lucky. All the nerfs did were punish the good and skilled. And buff the weak and unskilled.

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

You are obviously to thick to play this game so I think it's a good thing that you stopped.
No I still play, Except as a Scout or Engy. Because I know valve wont dare touch them.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

David.P wrote:

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

You do know that you're the only person who thinks that way?
No there are a few steam groups that "think" like me. Here's a link to one of them. I know of a few more but I dont have the links handy.

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

The spy hasn't gotten nerfed at all and Demoman is still one of the most useful classes in the game, and his lack of ammo is only a big deal if you're camping by youself, something discouraged in a team game.
Wrong! Look at the Backstab problem right now. Half the time they do not properly register or miss. Before Feb 28th the Facestab bug did not exist as severely as it does now. Same with Sniper after january 14th. Scope was laggy when they put in the delay.

And That maybe true but not in all cases. Tell me do you know why demoman had so much ammo in the first place? Because Engies, Heavies, Soldiers, and Pyros had alot aswell. Except their's was direct combat ammunition. I.e. Bullets, Rockets, and Fire to be exact. Demoman has no direct combat ability other then his bottle, and Nade launcher when it gets lucky. All the nerfs did were punish the good and skilled. And buff the weak and unskilled.

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

You are obviously to thick to play this game so I think it's a good thing that you stopped.
No I still play, Except as a Scout or Engy. Because I know valve wont dare touch them.
Backstab is not buggy, when I play spy I get backstabs all fine and like. Maybe you're not close enough to them, maybe your internets sucks. But I have never had a problem with backstabs.

And I've already adressed why your demoman statement was stupid, ammo is everywhere on the map waiting for you to pick it up. And even after the Soldier and Demo's ammo got decreased the only weapon that ever really runs out is the Minigun because the Heavy sprays with it and he isn't fast like pyro so won't pick up more ammo.

Spy and Demoman are by no means underpowered. The only class that might be is the Pyro and that is being adressed in the next big update.
Where you've been playing? I miss backstabs all the time. Even when my ping is lower then the fuckers. Hell I'm rubbing up against them most the time. I even wait a few seconds after they stop moving to make sure it hits. No more quick stab and disappear for me.

Tell me do you like seeing the Good players crippled for the bad players sake? Look at Bf2.

Well let's see going up against an Engy who's wrench crits 9 times out of 10 is not unfair for the Spy. Or going toe to toe against a Scout as demo is not the slightest bit unfair for the Demo aswell?

And whoever says Pyro is underpowered is an idiot! All I ever here from all these Pyro's after I kill them is, Whine, Moan, Bitch Cry, I'm Underpowered! You should've been dead! Waaah waaah, Valve Nerf everyone and Buff me! I'm sick of this shit! If i'm a spy and I pull my revolver out on you and kill you, Don't call that Underpowered. Especially when you're rushing head first with your flame thrower burning! Same as Soldier, Heavy, Demo, Scout, Engy, and Sniper! What you think I'm actually that stupid enough to let you get near me? Fuck no!

Hell as Pyro I think I maybe the only one that actually pulls out his shotty when taking on a Heavy or Soldier. Not runs in headfirst like an Idiot!

P.S. Message to all you Pyros from the Heavy that was kicking your asses on Surf skatepark 10 minutes ago. "Cry some More" It's your own damn fault for rushing me, Whilst my back was against the wall and the Small ammo container spawned 5 feet infront of me!

P.S.S. Medic says Hi!

Last edited by David.P (2008-06-11 22:26:24)

Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6469|Vancouver | Canada
Am I missing something?

Engies turtling behind their sentries are easy as fuck to take out.

Get behind him, put the sapper on, switch to blade and backstab him as he attempts to hit it off.

..or is that too complicated?
Holy shit dude, you are one moany bastard.

David.P wrote:

Demoman has no direct combat ability other then his bottle, and Nade launcher when it gets lucky. All the nerfs did were punish the good and skilled. And buff the weak and unskilled.
The grenade launcher doesn't have anything to do with luck up close, and if you're seriously suggesting that making ammo conservation much more critical favours the less experienced players, then you're seriously misunderstanding something.

David.P wrote:

All I ever here from all these Pyro's after I kill them is, Whine, Moan, Bitch Cry
I'm sorry to tell you this, David, but all we ever hear from you is whining, moaning, bitching and crying. Give it a rest. You're unhappy with everything. We get it.

DefCon-17 wrote:

Am I missing something?

Engies turtling behind their sentries are easy as fuck to take out.

Get behind him, put the sapper on, switch to blade and backstab him as he attempts to hit it off.

..or is that too complicated?
Yes you are missing something.

They used to...

Remember the Crit wrench?

mikkel wrote:

David.P wrote:

All I ever here from all these Pyro's after I kill them is, Whine, Moan, Bitch Cry
I'm sorry to tell you this, David, but all we ever hear from you is whining, moaning, bitching and crying. Give it a rest. You're unhappy with everything. We get it.
I'm only unhappy that they fucked the game up by listening to the fucken skill less. This game when I first got it was Freaking Perfect! Snipers could shoot, quickswitch, and retreat. Spies could Sap and Stab properly, Sappers were perfect, Soldiers were the Best at taking down large groups of Enemies, Medics could boost you with their medigun to high places(Which was especially useful for jump maps), Demoman could do detonate stickies in Mid Air, And were a fierce match for anyone, Engineers well they always had their crit wrench.(Too bad now it's all they use)God I miss the Good ol days of TF2. Everything was fair and Equal! Now it's a Shithole. Too bad valve had to ruin a perfectly good game.
Super Awesome Member

David.P wrote:

mikkel wrote:

David.P wrote:

All I ever here from all these Pyro's after I kill them is, Whine, Moan, Bitch Cry
I'm sorry to tell you this, David, but all we ever hear from you is whining, moaning, bitching and crying. Give it a rest. You're unhappy with everything. We get it.
I'm only unhappy that they fucked the game up by listening to the fucken skill less. This game when I first got it was Freaking Perfect! Snipers could shoot, quickswitch, and retreat. Spies could Sap and Stab properly, Sappers were perfect, Soldiers were the Best at taking down large groups of Enemies, Medics could boost you with their medigun to high places(Which was especially useful for jump maps), Demoman could do detonate stickies in Mid Air, And were a fierce match for anyone, Engineers well they always had their crit wrench.(Too bad now it's all they use)God I miss the Good ol days of TF2. Everything was fair and Equal! Now it's a Shithole. Too bad valve had to ruin a perfectly good game.
You're an idiot and no one in the source games section ever agrees with anything you say.

Peter wrote:

David.P wrote:

mikkel wrote:

I'm sorry to tell you this, David, but all we ever hear from you is whining, moaning, bitching and crying. Give it a rest. You're unhappy with everything. We get it.
I'm only unhappy that they fucked the game up by listening to the fucken skill less. This game when I first got it was Freaking Perfect! Snipers could shoot, quickswitch, and retreat. Spies could Sap and Stab properly, Sappers were perfect, Soldiers were the Best at taking down large groups of Enemies, Medics could boost you with their medigun to high places(Which was especially useful for jump maps), Demoman could do detonate stickies in Mid Air, And were a fierce match for anyone, Engineers well they always had their crit wrench.(Too bad now it's all they use)God I miss the Good ol days of TF2. Everything was fair and Equal! Now it's a Shithole. Too bad valve had to ruin a perfectly good game.
You're an idiot and no one in the source games section ever agrees with anything you say.
On the contrair....

The spy really is the only class that bugs me in TF2 anymore.  They should be either removed completely from the game or have a patch dedicated to fixing them.  Really the only way to be good as a spy any more is to exploit and only go for backstabs.  Very rarely anymore do you see [Sapper>Sentry] roll across the screen unless some massive shit storm happened and the engy died in some horrible freak accident.  The backstab is glitched for sure as it happens to me nearly every night I play (some spy fucking stabs me from 3 feet in front and I die instantly).  Also, you can take all of that "it's your lousy interwebs" non-sense and stuff it, because it isn't just happening to me and I'm on FIOS so....yeah.

Also, I'm pretty sure there is some weird glitch were spies can do something to a sentry to make it turn on you, because I've had spies attack my sentries and my own sentries kill me.  Yeah, I have no fucking clue either.  It's usually followed by a plethora of "lol"s and "wtf"s coming through chat.  Also, I have this weird glitch once in a blue moon where cloaked spies will flicker invisible/black/invisible very rapidly on my screen, but that sounds more like a driver issue.

Lastly, I can say with high confidence that either engy is overpowered in anti-sapper ability or spies are under-equipped with poor sappers.  I will demonstrate an invinsible sentry set up:

|E  D

Yeah, that is pretty much impervious to spies.  It will only take the rest of your team 4.986 seconds to wtfpwnsause the living shit out of that spy.  Even in a bad sentry setup it is difficult to sap a sentry with the engy anywhere nearby.  I find it much easier to snipe, demo a sentry or just use a medic/heavy team to destroy them, which seems to me that makes the spy pretty much useless with the exception of backstabbing and just being randomly annoying.

Spys=Fail  and you think it's bad now, wait until the Pyro update.  Spies will be extinct.
Super Awesome Member

Thorax wrote:

Peter wrote:

David.P wrote:

I'm only unhappy that they fucked the game up by listening to the fucken skill less. This game when I first got it was Freaking Perfect! Snipers could shoot, quickswitch, and retreat. Spies could Sap and Stab properly, Sappers were perfect, Soldiers were the Best at taking down large groups of Enemies, Medics could boost you with their medigun to high places(Which was especially useful for jump maps), Demoman could do detonate stickies in Mid Air, And were a fierce match for anyone, Engineers well they always had their crit wrench.(Too bad now it's all they use)God I miss the Good ol days of TF2. Everything was fair and Equal! Now it's a Shithole. Too bad valve had to ruin a perfectly good game.
You're an idiot and no one in the source games section ever agrees with anything you say.
On the contrair....

The spy really is the only class that bugs me in TF2 anymore.  They should be either removed completely from the game or have a patch dedicated to fixing them.  Really the only way to be good as a spy any more is to exploit and only go for backstabs.  Very rarely anymore do you see [Sapper>Sentry] roll across the screen unless some massive shit storm happened and the engy died in some horrible freak accident.  The backstab is glitched for sure as it happens to me nearly every night I play (some spy fucking stabs me from 3 feet in front and I die instantly).  Also, you can take all of that "it's your lousy interwebs" non-sense and stuff it, because it isn't just happening to me and I'm on FIOS so....yeah.

Also, I'm pretty sure there is some weird glitch were spies can do something to a sentry to make it turn on you, because I've had spies attack my sentries and my own sentries kill me.  Yeah, I have no fucking clue either.  It's usually followed by a plethora of "lol"s and "wtf"s coming through chat.  Also, I have this weird glitch once in a blue moon where cloaked spies will flicker invisible/black/invisible very rapidly on my screen, but that sounds more like a driver issue.

Lastly, I can say with high confidence that either engy is overpowered in anti-sapper ability or spies are under-equipped with poor sappers.  I will demonstrate an invinsible sentry set up:

|E  D

Yeah, that is pretty much impervious to spies.  It will only take the rest of your team 4.986 seconds to wtfpwnsause the living shit out of that spy.  Even in a bad sentry setup it is difficult to sap a sentry with the engy anywhere nearby.  I find it much easier to snipe, demo a sentry or just use a medic/heavy team to destroy them, which seems to me that makes the spy pretty much useless with the exception of backstabbing and just being randomly annoying.

Spys=Fail  and you think it's bad now, wait until the Pyro update.  Spies will be extinct.
Its always been like that though. Valve didn't "listen to the skilless" to make engies overpowered. And its not like the previous sapper would have made much difference to set ups like that anyway.

David.P just pisses everyone off by saying how valve have ruined TF2 by listening to the whiners. When he whines more than anyone else.
Cowboy from Hell

David.P wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Thorax wrote:

The spy most definitely needs a new sapper.  That thing is a piece of shit for sure.  You could plant a sapper, go take a shit, eat dinner, fuck a hooker, watch a movie and come back and the thing would still be killing the sentry.  Worthless IMO, especially since engy's camp their stuff 99% of the time.

Perhaps a timebomb sapper.  One that doesn't put the sentry out of order but blows up later on.  Or maybe just a sapper that takes less than half and hour to kill shit.
Decent spies plant their sapper, kill the camper and GTFO.
Decent Spies have been extinct since february 29th. Only Spies left are the "Ohh what's this class like?" Spies (Aka Noobs!), The "*sigh* My team needs a Spy" Spies(Regretful), And Finally the "No matter what I'll still be a Spy!" Spies(My hardcore brothers who have endured the brunt of all the nerfs and spy cuts).

I tell ya I have not had a good one on one Spy revolver fight since March. And have not Won against a single engy turtling behind his sentry, In a Sapper war since hell i dunno december? Goddamnit Valve! You motherfuckers! Look what you've done! Lowered the Ownage ceiling on the Spy and Demo to shit! And the Skill ceiling aswell!(What the fuck is this cloaked/disguised spies not having a Tele trail? You just had to let noob spies take away the tele's from more important classes! And lowering the Demoman nade count to 4+16? Motherfucks! Do you assholes know hard it is to be a goddamn demoman? No I guess not, Because everyone in your group is a goddamn engy, Who can turtle all day behind his sentry with no fear of dying unless an Uber is deployed!)  Fuck I want my 50$ back! This is not the Tf2 I paid for! Fuck these updates you cocksucking ass munchers!
Play on another server.  I know a lot of good spies who can sapper the sg and kill the engie in just a second dude.
Cowboy from Hell

DefCon-17 wrote:

Am I missing something?

Engies turtling behind their sentries are easy as fuck to take out.

Get behind him, put the sapper on, switch to blade and backstab him as he attempts to hit it off.

..or is that too complicated?
QFT and QFE.
Cowboy from Hell

David.P wrote:

mikkel wrote:

David.P wrote:

All I ever here from all these Pyro's after I kill them is, Whine, Moan, Bitch Cry
I'm sorry to tell you this, David, but all we ever hear from you is whining, moaning, bitching and crying. Give it a rest. You're unhappy with everything. We get it.
I'm only unhappy that they fucked the game up by listening to the fucken skill less. This game when I first got it was Freaking Perfect! Snipers could shoot, quickswitch, and retreat. Spies could Sap and Stab properly, Sappers were perfect, Soldiers were the Best at taking down large groups of Enemies, Medics could boost you with their medigun to high places(Which was especially useful for jump maps), Demoman could do detonate stickies in Mid Air, And were a fierce match for anyone, Engineers well they always had their crit wrench.(Too bad now it's all they use)God I miss the Good ol days of TF2. Everything was fair and Equal! Now it's a Shithole. Too bad valve had to ruin a perfectly good game.
What game did they ruin?  The game is still perfect.  Your expectations are too high maybe.  You bitch against Valve and yet they are releasing updates with unlocks for every class.  Maybe when they release the spy one, they give you a "it takes forever to remove this sapper" tool.
Super Awesome Member

David.P wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Thorax wrote:

The spy most definitely needs a new sapper.  That thing is a piece of shit for sure.  You could plant a sapper, go take a shit, eat dinner, fuck a hooker, watch a movie and come back and the thing would still be killing the sentry.  Worthless IMO, especially since engy's camp their stuff 99% of the time.

Perhaps a timebomb sapper.  One that doesn't put the sentry out of order but blows up later on.  Or maybe just a sapper that takes less than half and hour to kill shit.
Decent spies plant their sapper, kill the camper and GTFO.
Decent Spies have been extinct since february 29th. Only Spies left are the "Ohh what's this class like?" Spies (Aka Noobs!), The "*sigh* My team needs a Spy" Spies(Regretful), And Finally the "No matter what I'll still be a Spy!" Spies(My hardcore brothers who have endured the brunt of all the nerfs and spy cuts).

I tell ya I have not had a good one on one Spy revolver fight since March. And have not Won against a single engy turtling behind his sentry, In a Sapper war since hell i dunno december? Goddamnit Valve! You motherfuckers! Look what you've done! Lowered the Ownage ceiling on the Spy and Demo to shit! And the Skill ceiling aswell!(What the fuck is this cloaked/disguised spies not having a Tele trail? You just had to let noob spies take away the tele's from more important classes! And lowering the Demoman nade count to 4+16? Motherfucks! Do you assholes know hard it is to be a goddamn demoman? No I guess not, Because everyone in your group is a goddamn engy, Who can turtle all day behind his sentry with no fear of dying unless an Uber is deployed!)  Fuck I want my 50$ back! This is not the Tf2 I paid for! Fuck these updates you cocksucking ass munchers!
I think the summary of this post is:

David.P wrote:

I fucking suck at demoman and spy and I cry whenever I get killed by a sentry

Peter wrote:

You're an idiot and no one in the source games section ever agrees with anything you say.
I don't give a fuck if people agree with me or not.

Peter wrote:

Its always been like that though. Valve didn't "listen to the skilless" to make engies overpowered. And its not like the previous sapper would have made much difference to set ups like that anyway.
No it hasn't. Sappers are too weak, And the Engies wrench crits too goddman much.

Peter wrote:

David.P just pisses everyone off by saying how valve have ruined TF2 by listening to the whiners. When he whines more than anyone else.
You know what they say. Fight fire with fire. Or in this case Whines with Whines!

sergeriver wrote:

What game did they ruin?  The game is still perfect.  Your expectations are too high maybe.  You bitch against Valve and yet they are releasing updates with unlocks for every class.  Maybe when they release the spy one, they give you a "it takes forever to remove this sapper" tool.
They ruined Spies usefullness against Sentries, Spies backstabs, and Gave noob spies more reason to take the tele under the feet from the Heavy, Medic, Soldier, Demo.

Fuck the Unlocks! We would'nt fucken need them if Valve had given medic a Proper way to defend himself in the first place! In other words the Blutsauger should've been the default syringe gun. Or the Default syringe gun could have been a bit stronger! I could honestly not give a shit about the Ubersaw or Kritzkrieg. All it's done is made Bad Medics try and go get their uber's up, By using the Ubersaw as a combat tool. It's supposed to supplement your current ubercharge not fill it up outright.
Super Awesome Member

David.P wrote:

Peter wrote:

Its always been like that though. Valve didn't "listen to the skilless" to make engies overpowered. And its not like the previous sapper would have made much difference to set ups like that anyway.
No it hasn't. Sappers are too weak, And the Engies wrench crits too goddman much.
I can still take out most things fine as spy. Are you sure you're not just making up lame excuses for being terrible?

And all melee weapons have the same crit chance, apart from butterfly knife.

At least according to

Peter wrote:

I can still take out most things fine as spy. Are you sure you're not just making up lame excuses for being terrible?

And all melee weapons have the same crit chance, apart from butterfly knife.
Tell me then how many times have you gotten critted by the wrench? Because the Official TF2 stats say different.
Super Awesome Member

David.P wrote:

Peter wrote:

I can still take out most things fine as spy. Are you sure you're not just making up lame excuses for being terrible?

And all melee weapons have the same crit chance, apart from butterfly knife.
Tell me then how many times have you gotten critted by the wrench? Because the Official TF2 stats say different. … itical.png
Thats quite interesting. I knew scouts critted less.

They're supposed to be the same anyway.

Still doesn't make up for the fact that you're a whiny bitch.

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