So I managed to break the stock CPU cooler, and I lost the S775 brackets for my old Zalman, so I need a new one.
The old Zalman (the big one that was "lying down") was too big for my mobo, due to heatisnks. I would mod it, but as stated, I lost the brackets.
So, I have learned:
1) Stock cooler is a fucking piece of crap
2) This new cooler cannot be any bigger that the stock cooler, diameter wise
3) this stuff is fucking expensive in Norway, so instead of giving a price, I'll say that it can't be more expensive than the 9700.
4) Alpha uses the 9700 on the exact same mobo
So, I was thinking about the Zalman 9700. Good Choice/is anything better?
pic of the tight fit:
The old Zalman (the big one that was "lying down") was too big for my mobo, due to heatisnks. I would mod it, but as stated, I lost the brackets.
So, I have learned:
1) Stock cooler is a fucking piece of crap
2) This new cooler cannot be any bigger that the stock cooler, diameter wise
3) this stuff is fucking expensive in Norway, so instead of giving a price, I'll say that it can't be more expensive than the 9700.
4) Alpha uses the 9700 on the exact same mobo
So, I was thinking about the Zalman 9700. Good Choice/is anything better?
pic of the tight fit: