Ok, it was Gulf of Oman. Me and my friend who was playing on another computer across the room. I was forced on Chinese (or MEC, whatever the side is in Oman) He was USMC. I say, "Hey get a jet, we'll dogfight" We both do, apperantly a guy waiting for the jet stands behind the engine, burns to death, and punishs me for a tk

I say" What the fuck man, first come first serve dumb ass" So me and my friend then jsut fly around, he may be able to fly, but he SUCKS at air combat. He can barely evade, his drop bombs always miss, and he crashes every five minutes. Now, as I was thinking of the assholes punish. I see my friends, I take him out with a locked missle. I do it again after he gets another jet (No one was flying on his team. That's also how I got my pilot badge for just flying around waiting for him)

Now I have to be careful, my teams is flight crazy, I keep passing all these friendly blackhawks and such.

Now i see my friend one more, I chaseh im waiting for the missle lock, it does, but then when I fire he turns and the missle gets a new target, a friendly blackhawk. I get 4 punishes

I say 'Jesus christ sorry, you think I mean't to do that"

Few seconds later: KICKED'D!

Then I just said: "fuck flying, I rarely get kills anyway"

I went to a 24/7 Karkand server and realized howm uch better I am on the ground

Long rediculous story short:

Jackass tk's, accidental mutiple tk's, kick'd, learned lesson, got many points on gournd
Insert witty comment here
+3|7026|Brixham, UK
Makes it feel all that much better when you get people who understand: I was in a tank yeserday, scraped a Buggy, and it exploded, killing the guy inside...

I was expecting a punish, and said:

'Bloody hell I hate this game sometimes'

The punish never came, the guy just said:

'Shit happens. Just in this game more than others.'

Which was nice. Then I blew up a blackhawk with my tank.
Death StatPadder
+228|7037|Human Meat Shield
Whatever; I get TK'd when dumbass's can't see Jolly Rogers in the middle of the road when I'm engineer when  a pack of 4 in Humvee come blasting by, then a tank behind them, it at chokepoint holding main base in Wake. Or it's funny when I am commander and before  I can lay down the first UAV I get a mutiny... I do Commander when no one else does it, and only at an uncappable base.


Makes it feel all that much better when you get people who understand: I was in a tank yeserday, scraped a Buggy, and it exploded, killing the guy inside...

I was expecting a punish, and said:

'Bloody hell I hate this game sometimes'

The punish never came, the guy just said:

'Shit happens. Just in this game more than others.'

Which was nice. Then I blew up a blackhawk with my tank.
That's Very rare, 1of 10.000 people understands it's a accident and forgive.
Insert witty comment here
+3|7026|Brixham, UK
I can honestly say i've never seen a round where I havn't seen a single mutiny vote when there is a commander, no matter how good a job he is doing. I've never seen a successful vote either.
just nothing
I always forgive, unless I'm absolutely sure it's intentional.
+0|7034|Trondheim, Norway

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

I always forgive, unless I'm absolutely sure it's intentional.
Allways without exeption, cept intentional. It will hunt you down as bad carma otherwise, im sure of it!

This is what happens to Pun whore's ----> … glydog.jpg
+7|7025|Boulder, CO


I can honestly say i've never seen a round where I havn't seen a single mutiny vote when there is a commander, no matter how good a job he is doing. I've never seen a successful vote either.
Ditto, I wish everyone would act this way. The punish is meant to keep actual team killers in check, not to demerit teammates just because you can't see a mine or insist on running in front of vehicles. I always love getting punished for blatant accidents when I'm high score on the server, as if I got all these points killing teammates... I really wish ppl would just ease off on the punishing, it gets really old, esp when I'm pulling a team and end up getting kicked for someone elses idiocy.
+0|7047|Phoenix, AZ
Aren't there servers though that are set to auto-punish? Because I have been TK'd and not even had the chance to forgive and it then says Joe Blow TKs Unforgiven5150 and then it says Joe Blow has been punished for a TK.
Insert witty comment here
+3|7026|Brixham, UK
Great, I just had the exact opposite experience to what I explained earlier. I'm chinese on the hill that heads up near the main chinese base, between hill village and said base. I'm driving up it in a tank, and suddenly a buggy with 2 people in it, charges down the hill and rams right into me.

Boom goes the buggy, I get two TKs, and two punishes.

Needless to say, I was quite angry, and suggested that they both form a clan with the tag [RETARD]. They left.
I keed :P
I almost always forgive TKs, because sometimes I make the stupidest ones myself - one time I was capping a flag in a tank, and a buggy comes charging at me and a guy jumps out - in panic I put a round in his face, and ooops - he was friendly. Of course I was quick to apologise, and he was quick to forgive.

What annoys me is when I get TKs from artillery... it happens - sometimes (although rare) I will even place artillery right on top of a teammate if he is getting creamed anyway (of course I will warn about it - but it is difficult with lone wolfs... I'll type "ARTY AT EAST ENTRANCE NOW!!!" or something like that and hope they see it). Annyways... when I arty a friendly flag, killing 6+ enemies and making 1 TK it pisses me off to no end when he punishes me. Especialy if it is early in a round since negative score can relieve me from command - and we will be missing a commander for up to a minute (that can be a big deal).

BF2 has a high pace, lots of very powerfull but not very precise weapons and people spawning in the middle of firefights. Of course there will be TKs.
The "kicked" part could've have been a server configuration and may have happened whether they punished you or not.

Although I try not to get to upset when I get punished for an unintentional TK because I just don't know what the person is thinking, I'm convinced that 95% of punishes are done by complete idiots who are too brain dead to see what's going on around them.
Wake Island... Using DUM AA... guess what I have lock... and missile get my teammate a mile away... get puninshed... got a bunch of team vehicules dammages... These AA are useless... started the map with a -10... great...

I got it this time... don't use AA with heavy sky traffic...why did EA even took the time to put those in the game.

Last edited by Buzerk1 (2005-10-29 09:02:15)

+0|7047|Phoenix, AZ
I got punished twice last night, by I think the same guy, for his fault. Well one was just a "shit happens" kind of thing. I spawned, saw a BG in front of me and opened fire, at the same time, since I just spawned I didn't see the squad leader to my side and run right in front of me at the same time. Punished.

Second time, I get into a tank, a guy runs right in front as the tank is pulling away, punished... gimme a break. Just because you ain't paying attention, I should get punished?

McCullough wrote:


Makes it feel all that much better when you get people who understand: I was in a tank yeserday, scraped a Buggy, and it exploded, killing the guy inside...

I was expecting a punish, and said:

'Bloody hell I hate this game sometimes'

The punish never came, the guy just said:

'Shit happens. Just in this game more than others.'

Which was nice. Then I blew up a blackhawk with my tank.
That's Very rare, 1of 10.000 people understands it's a accident and forgive.
I can proudly say I'm one of em. Don't believe me? Meet me online. If the TK is accidental: no punish.
If it's my own stupid fault I'll usually have a laugh about it...Jeez..I even appologise to snipers for losing them a carefuly placed claymore if I take my head off with one up a ladder.

If we all played like this...jeez...the game would be more blissfull.

How gay am I? lol

Last edited by BladeRunner (2005-11-10 09:22:03)

+1|7014|Leighton Barracks, Germany
earlier i was playin on Oman as MEC (futuremark server), i get in a chopper as copilot and i see a buggy fly by and stop.  the guy hits the MG seat and i see a USMC uniform so i blow the buggy with the cannon and i see 4lter_3go[teamkills]..... so i say sorry. Now a few minutes later i see at the bottom of the screen [.....]has initiated a votekick against[.......] so i say "the guy i killed in the buggy had a USMC uniform so i shot em? what do you want me to do? and later someone else tries to vote me out(who was on the other team). but i left cuz i was laggin ass

But the Vkicks also piss me off--- you wont do nuthin wrong but someone has to vote you for sh1ts and giggles....

Last edited by 4lter_3go (2005-11-10 11:08:32)

Depends on whether or not it's an accident of stupidity or an accident of a totally unpredictable or "could happen to anyone" nature.

For example, I'm crossing a bridge with my tank, and teammate blows it up with C4 before I'm off and clear of it. That's a punish.

If I'm standing behind an enemy and a teammate is firing on and kills the enemy and some bullets go through and kill me, that's a forgive.

Any death that may be attributed to my own stupidity (ie. crowding a teammate vehicle) is a forgive.

Mines depend on the placement of the mine. As a general rule, any AT mines that are rolled over are a forgive due to how easy they are to see. The only mine death I think I've ever punished for was a claymore on the ladder on the crane on Sharqui. I couldn't see it going up, got no mine indicator, and he placed it on a route that it was more than feasable that teammates would want access to, so that's a punish.

Of course always wait to see whether or not you get revived by a medic first. If you get tked and a medic revives you right after, it's no matter.

Annyways... when I arty a friendly flag, killing 6+ enemies and making 1 TK it pisses me off to no end when he punishes me.
I assume any TK on a part of an artillery is the fault of the person being TKed. "Artillery your area" and a giant red artillery icon on your onscreen map should be more than enough warning to anyone.

Last edited by Sud (2005-11-10 11:40:26)

I was playing on Gulf of Oman and I was trying to get into the co-pilot spot of jet and the pilot decides he's going to take off without waiting so I get burnt to crisp (not nice) so I punish. Then I'm piloting a black hawk and we're capping this flag and the same guy lets off a few missiles at some plane that's like 20 meters away. Of course the missiles are going to miss. Then it locks on to me and takes out my squad 4 TKs. So I punish and then since I'm an admin, I boot his ass.

Now damn that sounds ridiculous but just think of what people who punish must sound like when they tell their side of the story.

DISCLAIMER: This did not happen to me. I would never punish in either instance.

Last edited by nating75 (2005-11-10 12:28:28)

noob on tour
I almost always forgive unintentional TK's. If it was my fault afterall (murphy's way of telling me that I suck ^^) like me running behind a tank instead next to it off course I forgive. If it was an obvious accident like a Tank/APC ramming my damaged buggy as I powerslide around a corner I forgive too.

And on the rest I wait wether the guy apologies or not. Today I´ve been TK'ed two times in the same way by two different people. I´ve been playing US-Sniper on Sharqui and climbed up the crane at the construction site and placed claymores so I won't be stabbed.
The first guy (Sniper) threw a grenade to disable the claymore and I got killed. After that he first used the ingame Sorry and wrote "sorry" so I forgave.
The second one (Medic) threw a grenade too but instead of saying sorry or anything he just climbed up, picked up my M95 and placed my second claymore to the spot where I placed mine before. He got punished by me.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I've just seen stupid. I was at my friend's place using his account (i'm giving mine a rest because my SPM has been taking a nosedive due to SO MANY TEAMKLILS after I learn to fly).

It was clean sweep, and the MEC commander arty-ed our airstrip (which is a smart move considering half the team was there waiting for a plane). I was playing engineer and waiting for the blackhawk for a trip to MEC lands. So the strike hits and I see one shell clearly rocking the plane, leaving it smoking. (i was under the shed). THe opposing pilot's a pretty good one and i've seen him gun down quite a few planes on our team. So i decided, hey you can't take him on with a smoking jet. I run to him with a wrench and I start wrenching away. OUT OF THE FREAKING GOODNESS OF MY HEART. I tell him to WAIT on VOIP. No reply. I type out 'One mo bro'. No reply. Hell I thought, Nice guy all the way.

He starts up the plane and squishes me.

I forgive the TK because I know, hey it was partially my fault anyway.

Then I get kicked for 'Childish behavior'.

Jesus. Where are you.
+9|7017|Philly PA USA

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

I always forgive, unless I'm absolutely sure it's intentional.
Amen Happy  The same here   
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Well i've had idiots stand under my jet and after they get runover, I get booted for intentional TK-ing. And they all punish because I intentionally started up the jet.
+5|7091|United Knigdom
I've been commander before on Karkand, 16 player server. I was commander and because my team did so well, I got loads of points, about 30 which is unusal for such a small server. I was supplying my team with everything they needed, UAV's and supply crates to the tanks. I didn't use the arty strike, I let them get the kills, i spotted loads too. We had loads of tickets and were obviously going to win.

Suddenly, I exit the commander screen, thinking "what the fuck?" Turns out i had been mutinied (sp?) with 30 seconds to go, and man was i pissed. The next round I was asked what i had done wrong, but got no answer and thought to just leave it. I then tried to command again, but as i clicked apply, it changed in that split second to mutiny and i started a vote against the commnader. I said "Sorry, I tried to apply but was just a second too slow" and got the reply, "WTF!" "your a fucking asshole!" Naturally I replied, but just said "I said i was sorry, just calm down" which got him to say "shut the fuck up prick!"

After that round, I became commander for every other round because I had the highest rank, and everytime it was the same guy trying to mutiny me. I kept asking why for each one he started and on the 3rd time he said it was because I was bitching about being mutinied?!?!

I mean what the fuck is up with that? He had some mates on there as well, and got them to do the same just because he wanted to be commander. He was one of those "hands on commanders" who sits in a tank the whole time giving you stuff only if it benefits him.
+0|7018|Villa Park, IL
I was playing on a server over the weekend... Operation clean sweep was almost over when I joined... I was on MEC side.

I spawned, jumped into a jeep, start to drive a little, and the MEC COMMANDER, blows up the jeep with ERYX. No 'sorry', no nothing... so I punish...

I then spawned in the SAME SPOT... this time, MEC COMMANDER (SAME TEAM mind you), comes after me with DAO-12..... As I am running away, I get gunned down my a MEC medic with a pistol... he didn't appologize, and didn't revive me. I punished him...

This time, I spawn in a different spot. I spaw seconds before USMC captures the CP. The only guy there was in a COBRA USMC attack chopper. He landed, and ran into the bushes on the far MEC CP. SO... I jump in the chopper, kill him, re-take the CP. I send MULTIPLE MESSAGES to my team to let them know NOT TO SHOOT ME DOWN, cause I am in the USMC ATTACK CHOPPER... A minute or two goes by, and I take out a few USMC vehicles, and head towards the West most CP on the island. I see a LOADED black hawk, and call it out, and start chasing it. I fired a few missles at it, and missed... I had to wait to reload, and am still trying to chase him... I see one of the attack chopper missles whis past me from behind... I am like WTF?!?! SO, I RUN.... when I hit F11 to get a rear view, I find the MEC chopper, with a teammate in it, chasing me and firing missles at me... It was the MEDIC & COMMANDER that chased me in the beginning of the round... The medic (pilot) ended up killing me, again, didn't appologize, so I punished....

I finished the round with some kills, and 3 deaths... ALL 3 OF THEM WERE TEAM KILLS... I have NEVER been TK'd that much in ONE ROUND. (I was only in the round for less than 5 or 6 minutes)...

After hard thought  (sitting in my College CISCO class right now... ARG) I FINALLY remember the Medic guys name....


Now, I was just looking at his stats, and OBVIOUSLY, he MUST be retarted....

Kicked & Banned 38 / 1
Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage  248 / 134 / 78
Total 70:58:29

Kicked & Banned 6 / 0Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage  107 / 65 / 25
Total 113:09:51
I have only been kicked for language, and to open slots for VIP's on servers... NEVER had a successful kick vote against me.

Doing a google search, I found a picture of JRWriter, and that MEC Commander (too back I forgot his handle)...

EDIT: Fixt the pic... ALso, sorry for being long-winded... LOL

Last edited by Ethereal_Drag0n (2005-11-10 17:55:50)

+2|7089|Rotterdam, Netherlands
When somebody of my own team kills me i always check the situation, think bout it en 9 of the 10 times i forgive because i understand the situation.

Yesterday i was playing and saw the enemy running across the street so i took a nade and threw it in front of him........ then suddenly a teammember was running behind him i never saw comming and i allready had thrown my nade. BOOM there he was flying through the air and even before i could SPAM with SORRY.....he punished me :-(

People punish sometimes so quickly it looks like they are waiting for it. If people were more like me and think about the situation how he died by a teammember and then after he see's i had no other choice and for give instead of punish....... the game would be alot cooler.

My opinion is that you only have to use the punishmnet when they shoot you for a verhicle like MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE. But in the middle of a heavy battle nobody should use the punish option because like the topicstarter said>>> Aciddents happen dumbfucks....... also in real life.

Same as when you drive a tank and they run in front of it, that thing can NOT be stopped within 1 second so dont punish the tankdriver....... you are the one that decided to take the chance to run infront of in hoping you would make it to the other side of the street or whatever lol.

Anyway, more understanding towards other players would create a better gaming inviorment for everybody. This also goes for people dealing with eachother in real life ;-)

Now im going to sleep because it is about 08.34 in the morning and i just came home from work.

C ya on the battlefield bitches :-p

Last edited by EMStorm (2005-11-10 23:08:55)

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