Ok, it was Gulf of Oman. Me and my friend who was playing on another computer across the room. I was forced on Chinese (or MEC, whatever the side is in Oman) He was USMC. I say, "Hey get a jet, we'll dogfight" We both do, apperantly a guy waiting for the jet stands behind the engine, burns to death, and punishs me for a tk
I say" What the fuck man, first come first serve dumb ass" So me and my friend then jsut fly around, he may be able to fly, but he SUCKS at air combat. He can barely evade, his drop bombs always miss, and he crashes every five minutes. Now, as I was thinking of the assholes punish. I see my friends, I take him out with a locked missle. I do it again after he gets another jet (No one was flying on his team. That's also how I got my pilot badge for just flying around waiting for him)
Now I have to be careful, my teams is flight crazy, I keep passing all these friendly blackhawks and such.
Now i see my friend one more, I chaseh im waiting for the missle lock, it does, but then when I fire he turns and the missle gets a new target, a friendly blackhawk. I get 4 punishes
I say 'Jesus christ sorry, you think I mean't to do that"
Few seconds later: KICKED'D!
Then I just said: "fuck flying, I rarely get kills anyway"
I went to a 24/7 Karkand server and realized howm uch better I am on the ground
Long rediculous story short:
Jackass tk's, accidental mutiple tk's, kick'd, learned lesson, got many points on gournd
I say" What the fuck man, first come first serve dumb ass" So me and my friend then jsut fly around, he may be able to fly, but he SUCKS at air combat. He can barely evade, his drop bombs always miss, and he crashes every five minutes. Now, as I was thinking of the assholes punish. I see my friends, I take him out with a locked missle. I do it again after he gets another jet (No one was flying on his team. That's also how I got my pilot badge for just flying around waiting for him)
Now I have to be careful, my teams is flight crazy, I keep passing all these friendly blackhawks and such.
Now i see my friend one more, I chaseh im waiting for the missle lock, it does, but then when I fire he turns and the missle gets a new target, a friendly blackhawk. I get 4 punishes
I say 'Jesus christ sorry, you think I mean't to do that"
Few seconds later: KICKED'D!
Then I just said: "fuck flying, I rarely get kills anyway"
I went to a 24/7 Karkand server and realized howm uch better I am on the ground
Long rediculous story short:
Jackass tk's, accidental mutiple tk's, kick'd, learned lesson, got many points on gournd