rawls2 wrote:
$eXXXyCabbage wrote:
For all you who answered no can u bunny hop or dolphin dive in real life? this game was made to simulate real life battlefields. although it never can simulate real life exactly, because of all the hacks and glitches coming out, without the bunnyhopping and dolphin diving it can simulate it better
The game was made due to the success of bf1942 and the dc mod. That game was out for years and no ever changed the physics of prone and jumping. Why now?
because ppl are exploiting a change in the physics engine
i dont recall anyone dolphin diving in 42, which is basically the next step up in exploitation from crouch or prone spamming, which is the next step up from bhopping
i don't mind bhoppers too much, although i don't do it myself, even for tanks/apcs, i zig and zag and change the speed up in which i'm running, but ppl don't do that cuz it's easier to just jump around
crouch spammers aren't terribly effective unless they have some kind of wallhack that lets them see the ppl on the other side of whatever obstacle they're crouch spamming from, so i don't mind that too much either, although again, i don't do it myself
dolphin diving on the other hand, can be done at any time which huge success, and anyone that doesn't do it whether because they can't or because they won't (like myself) are at an unfair disadvantage as opposed to a fair disadvantage like, being at a lower elevation then your opponent or being in a relatively open area where your opponenet has cover and/or concealment
overcoming these 'fair disadvantages' takes skill, overcoming an 'unfair disadvantage' takes skill AND luck
players like myself who want to improve their game skill shouldn't have to rely on luck to 'git 'er done'
dolphin divers use a simple sequence of keystrokes that increase their luck in that they're hitbox profile is very small while still moving at full speed, which makes killing take less, not more skill, since your opponent will have to take careful aim while concentrating on timing while you can just ddive around while using your normal burst fire/spray
yer just pissed you can't get those ez kills anymore and once again the playing field has been leveled and you no longer have your instant unfair advantage just because you can/will ddive
things that BELONG in the game don't take several months for people to discover by accident/willfully looking for things they can do that EA/Dice didn't intend them to be able to do
i remember strafe jumping (as others will) in the half life engine that exploited the "air acceleration" setting
basically you could skip around while curving (something like turns while skiing) repetitively and if done right you could easily skip around the map at up to 5x the normal movement speed for any other player running normally - essentially an exploitable glitch in the physics engine
i got pretty good at it because i saw the the potential for fun in stunt videos, making ridiculously long jumps over gaps that would normally be impossible to make (i'm talking about gaps of 70 feet and up, gamescale) but i never used it to my advantage in battle (although i was kicked from several servers for showing off in my own teams spawn, which is kinda silly since i wasn't trying to get any kills out of it)
but of course most ppl used the skill to get to the opposite teams base as fast as possible and kill half of them before the normal choke-point battles were even close to starting
so it got nerfed, NOT because ppl bitched, but merely because they pointed out a small glitch that had an enormous effect on game play
dolphin diving is no different
more complicated physics = more complicated code = more physics code oversights = more small glitches that ppl use to their advantage = more exploiters = (imo) less mature players = more cheaters
and hey gee, i wonder why people never tear apart my posts like they do most other ppls?
logic is hard for you noobs (on both sides of this discussion) to argue i guess...
Last edited by IntrebuloN (2006-09-18 14:45:16)