
Against bunnyhopping and dolphin diving?

Yes54%54% - 394
No45%45% - 327
Total: 721
+28|6686|Jax, Fl
So i guess in the end the best way to play the game is to jump around like fucking retards and fire fully automatic assault rifles with 100% accuracy in mid-air with one hand...seems to me like they shouldn't have allowed DDing or BHing since the game was released...

Last edited by DeepSkysUrGe (2006-09-16 12:51:27)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

DeepSkysUrGe wrote:

So i guess in the end the best way to play the game is to jump around like fucking retards and fire fully automatic assault rifles with 100% accuracy in mid-air with one hand...seems to me like they shouldn't have allowed DDing or BHing since the game was released...

DeepSkysUrGe wrote:

So i guess in the end the best way to play the game is to jump around like fucking retards and fire fully automatic assault rifles with 100% accuracy in mid-air with one hand...seems to me like they shouldn't have allowed DDing or BHing since the game was released...
It was allowed, cause they dint removed it at the first patches. Conclusion: it was legal, and it became (by stupid complaining noobs) illegal!

Last edited by ToiletTrooper (2006-09-16 13:13:42)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Our arguement can be summed up perfectly in this video.
That makes me cry
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Sorry Toilet but thanks anyway for the karma.
bunny hopping isnt that much of a threat anymore... just a must when getting away from apcs and tanks

DaZeD863 wrote:

bunny hopping isnt that much of a threat anymore... just a must when getting away from apcs and tanks
Thats an option.
+28|6686|Jax, Fl
still fucking stupid, go play UT
Meh whine all you want guy but I'm glad it's gone. Because.

1: It seriously bugged the hitboxes and made it next to impossible to know where to shoot. Unless you had something that could blow em up quick.
2: Looks like a bunny on steoroids/dope/drugs/high on anything that can get you high. Pretty darn silly in other words.

Calling it a skill where you jump then mashing prone/crouch as much as you can.[sarcasm] Gee this must be a pro tactic. [/sarcasm]
the main reason an experienced gamer like myself wants more realism is because we're tired of all the same old arcady crap we've been playing for years

we want strategy, we want teamwork, we see a game like '42 or bf2 and we snap it up, praying it doesn't go the same way as counter-strike did with all the "fragwhores"

i don't mean ppl that spam frag nades, i mean ppl that are only worried about their KPM and call everyone who kills them a hacker, or in the case of bf2 their KDR

we don't want to see ppl doing something that's been done for 10+ years that ruins the essence and experience of this type of game

like ppl have said, EA and DICE changed the code because they agreed it didn't belong, not because a little over half the ppl playing didn't want it

it's not a big enough percentage to warrant putting the effort in

Last edited by IntrebuloN (2006-09-17 01:06:40)

All the bf2 players crying about someone jumping and firing at the same time is about the
biggest laugh Ive had in gaming in decades.  Its almost unbelievable. 

For myself, I rarely jump to avoid anything except for perhaps a jeep trying to run over me.
Who wouldnt jump for that ??   

The funniest thing about this whole argument is that 99.9% of the bunny hop haters bunny hop
themselves.. of course they'll say they dont, but you know they do.. laughable.

I love seeing the admins on servers with 'No Bunny Hopping' rules posted do it when I hop in a tank
and roll into the base blasting them.     Each and every one of you anti bunny hopping retards do it too.

This whole thread, and all the ones like it for the last 15 months have been hilarious.

Last edited by SgtMurphy (2006-09-17 08:38:04)

+28|6686|Jax, Fl

Zefar wrote:

Meh whine all you want guy but I'm glad it's gone. Because.

1: It seriously bugged the hitboxes and made it next to impossible to know where to shoot. Unless you had something that could blow em up quick.
2: Looks like a bunny on steoroids/dope/drugs/high on anything that can get you high. Pretty darn silly in other words.

Calling it a skill where you jump then mashing prone/crouch as much as you can.[sarcasm] Gee this must be a pro tactic. [/sarcasm]
This guys smart, listen to him.  Case closed.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

DeepSkysUrGe wrote:

Zefar wrote:

Meh whine all you want guy but I'm glad it's gone. Because.

1: It seriously bugged the hitboxes and made it next to impossible to know where to shoot. Unless you had something that could blow em up quick.
2: Looks like a bunny on steoroids/dope/drugs/high on anything that can get you high. Pretty darn silly in other words.

Calling it a skill where you jump then mashing prone/crouch as much as you can.[sarcasm] Gee this must be a pro tactic. [/sarcasm]
This guys smart, listen to him.  Case closed.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Oh and sorry for dual posts but as of this very minute ToiletTrooper is on a server called KniveOnly!!!!, so I was right, the D-Divers are point whores.
Mr. Bigglesworth

dhoar4 wrote:

ToiletTrooper wrote:

Its a legal exploit
If it was a legal exploit, why have EA and DICE removed it?
Here's why?

Noob: "Mommy, this guy keeps jumping and I can't kill him!!"

Mother: "Well I've had it. Im going to do something about this. I'm going to get EA to change the game so little Jimmy can kill that hopper."

Noob: " Thanks, Mommy!! But I still suck."
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

rawls2 wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

ToiletTrooper wrote:

Its a legal exploit
If it was a legal exploit, why have EA and DICE removed it?
Here's why?

Noob: "Mommy, this guy keeps jumping and I can't kill him!!"

Mother: "Well I've had it. I'm going to do something about this. I'm going to get EA to change the game so little Jimmy can kill that hopper."

Noob: " Thanks, Mommy!! But I still suck."
No DICE removed it because it was an exploit that they did not think people would do. They viewed it as an illegitimate strategy and thus cut it after seeing how rampant its usage was. It had little to do with little kids and all to do with the guys who did it in the first place. Thank yourselves for it getting nerfed, if you did not BH, PS, or DD so much it might still be in. Curse the negative karma button!

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

If it was a legal exploit, why have EA and DICE removed it?
Here's why?

Noob: "Mommy, this guy keeps jumping and I can't kill him!!"

Mother: "Well I've had it. I'm going to do something about this. I'm going to get EA to change the game so little Jimmy can kill that hopper."

Noob: " Thanks, Mommy!! But I still suck."
No DICE removed it because it was an exploit that they did not think people would do. They viewed it as an illegitimate strategy and thus cut it after seeing how rampant its usage was. It had little to do with little kids and all to do with the guys who did it in the first place. Thank yourselves for it getting nerfed, if you did not BH, PS, or DD so much it might still be in. Curse the negative karma button!
No, the first guy was right. They removed it because of the cry babies.

exploit ?? hahahaha... get real dude. Just because a few retards cant shoot a jumping man is no
reason to change the entire player movement 6 months after game release.  'illegitimate strategy' ???
I guess choppers capping flags from the air is legitimate ?? hahahahaha... or dropping cars on enemies ??
hahahaha..    DICE are idiots. Anyone who tries to defend DICE's way of thinking needs their heads
checked.  A bunch of swedes writing a modern war combat game was the first indicator.  Good thing
the French team at EA didnt write it, each kit would have had a white flag in it..   my point is, if you
think your argument is legit just because DICE does something, you need to get your head checked.
+28|6686|Jax, Fl
And our point is that when you're trying to shoot at someone who is in a constant prone position and jumping 4 feet in the air with perfect accuracy every second which makes the hitboxes, lets just say retarded, then maybe that shouldn't have been allowed since the game was released.  Can you imagine how stupid the game would be if everyone did this?

I just don't understand why the people who used to do this are defending it like its the best feature any semi realistic war FPS ever had.

Last edited by DeepSkysUrGe (2006-09-17 19:30:55)

One Shot, One Kill ... Always
For all you who answered no   can u bunny hop or dolphin dive in real life?     this game was made to simulate real life battlefields.    although it never can simulate real life exactly, because of all the hacks and glitches coming out, without the bunnyhopping and dolphin diving it can simulate it better
Clear! You're good to go!
+17|6737|"Near Det.", MI

ToiletTrooper wrote:

People that votes yes:   Are low ranked noobs that never win of everybody in combat!
People that votes no:     Are good people!

EDIT: Against the using!
ooo...I voted yes because I'am against BH/DD...
+51|6976|Twente, The Netherlands

$eXXXyCabbage wrote:

For all you who answered no   can u bunny hop or dolphin dive in real life?     this game was made to simulate real life battlefields.
No it isn't. This game is semi-realistic, and I'm not going to explain to you why.
Mr. Bigglesworth

$eXXXyCabbage wrote:

For all you who answered no   can u bunny hop or dolphin dive in real life?     this game was made to simulate real life battlefields.    although it never can simulate real life exactly, because of all the hacks and glitches coming out, without the bunnyhopping and dolphin diving it can simulate it better
The game was made due to the success of bf1942 and the dc mod. That game was out for years and no ever changed the physics of prone and jumping. Why now?

rawls2 wrote:

$eXXXyCabbage wrote:

For all you who answered no   can u bunny hop or dolphin dive in real life?     this game was made to simulate real life battlefields.    although it never can simulate real life exactly, because of all the hacks and glitches coming out, without the bunnyhopping and dolphin diving it can simulate it better
The game was made due to the success of bf1942 and the dc mod. That game was out for years and no ever changed the physics of prone and jumping. Why now?
because ppl are exploiting a change in the physics engine

i dont recall anyone dolphin diving in 42, which is basically the next step up in exploitation from crouch or prone spamming, which is the next step up from bhopping

i don't mind bhoppers too much, although i don't do it myself, even for tanks/apcs, i zig and zag and change the speed up in which i'm running, but ppl don't do that cuz it's easier to just jump around

crouch spammers aren't terribly effective unless they have some kind of wallhack that lets them see the ppl on the other side of whatever obstacle they're crouch spamming from, so i don't mind that too much either, although again, i don't do it myself

dolphin diving on the other hand, can be done at any time which huge success, and anyone that doesn't do it whether because they can't or because they won't (like myself) are at an unfair disadvantage as opposed to a fair disadvantage like, being at a lower elevation then your opponent or being in a relatively open area where your opponenet has cover and/or concealment

overcoming these 'fair disadvantages' takes skill, overcoming an 'unfair disadvantage' takes skill AND luck

players like myself who want to improve their game skill shouldn't have to rely on luck to 'git 'er done'

dolphin divers use a simple sequence of keystrokes that increase their luck in that they're hitbox profile is very small while still moving at full speed, which makes killing take less, not more skill, since your opponent will have to take careful aim while concentrating on timing while you can just ddive around while using your normal burst fire/spray

yer just pissed you can't get those ez kills anymore and once again the playing field has been leveled and you no longer have your instant unfair advantage just because you can/will ddive

things that BELONG in the game don't take several months for people to discover by accident/willfully looking for things they can do that EA/Dice didn't intend them to be able to do

i remember strafe jumping (as others will) in the half life engine that exploited the "air acceleration" setting

basically you could skip around while curving (something like turns while skiing) repetitively and if done right you could easily skip around the map at up to 5x the normal movement speed for any other player running normally - essentially an exploitable glitch in the physics engine

i got pretty good at it because i saw the the potential for fun in stunt videos, making ridiculously long jumps over gaps that would normally be impossible to make (i'm talking about gaps of 70 feet and up, gamescale) but i never used it to my advantage in battle (although i was kicked from several servers for showing off in my own teams spawn, which is kinda silly since i wasn't trying to get any kills out of it)

but of course most ppl used the skill to get to  the opposite teams base as fast as possible and kill half of them before the normal choke-point battles were even close to starting

so it got nerfed, NOT because ppl bitched, but merely because they pointed out a small glitch that had an enormous effect on game play

dolphin diving is no different

more complicated physics = more complicated code = more physics code oversights = more small glitches that ppl use to their advantage = more exploiters = (imo) less mature players = more cheaters

and hey gee, i wonder why people never tear apart my posts like they do most other ppls?

logic is hard for you noobs (on both sides of this discussion) to argue i guess...

Last edited by IntrebuloN (2006-09-18 14:45:16)

+28|6686|Jax, Fl

IntrebuloN wrote:

For all you who answered no   can u bunny hop or dolphin dive in real life?
You pretty much covered everything, well done.  +1

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