Ryan wrote:
maef wrote:
Ryan wrote:
Even if I had one, they would tell me to save all my money.
But if you had a job you could just tell them "It's my money and I buy whatever the fuck I want with it".
Or you could just buy it secretly without them knowing. Whichever you prefer.
I couldn't do the last part. I'd need to order it online somewhere, then I would pay my parents back.
I have $700 in my bank account, and I don't have a job. They want me to save up for a car, which I agree with, but really, $150 isn't going to hurt me that much.
so here's what you do:
get 150 in cash, i get payed in cash cause im under the table, might be harder for you to do so...
go to rite aid, safeway, etc.. get yourself a 150$ visa gift card... it will cost you 153$ i think.
totally untrackable online purchase, send it to a friends house or to your house and intercept the mail