sergeriver wrote:
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
How come all these glitches only effect David? The one glitch that recurs often in TF2 that I am aware of is the Crit-Tracer glitch for Pyro and Heavy.
Don't you know?? It's the David glitch, it's on the Valve forums. It takes place when a player blames the game for his shitty performance.
I don't blame the game. I Blame Valve and all those that whined and bitched to get things nerfed! What the fucking fuck! Can't there be one online game where noone bitches about things being too overpowered? I mean for fuck sakes this game was fucking perfect! Why doesn't Valve just stop listening to every fucking bitch that comes in their forums about Spy, Sniper, Demo, and Soldier being overpowered? You know what I wish? That Valve didn't listen to the community anymore! All these countless threads with the same ol' story. "Demoman is still too strong! Nerf him now!" "Soldier's Rockets are overpowered" "Spies backstab should'nt kill in one shot" "Headshots = Overpowered" WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK! Every single time one of these threads comes up I have to go in and debate the assholes down! I'm sick of it! I cant stand to see another Nerf!(Unless it's for engy)
Spidery_Yoda wrote:
There is a bug where if you cloak while it can see you, disguise, and then uncloak it will keep firing at you.
You have to go out of its range and then come back.
True. Except it's happened to me even after I disguised away from it's field of vision.