hey guys 2142 has messed up 4 me every time i try loading into a server it gets about half way and then it crashes to the desktop can't load into any servers so if someone could help me out i would be very greatful
well from what you said i think it is something to do with the game loading
...... well what i do?CLEVERLITTLETROJAN wrote:
well from what you said i think it is something to do with the game loading
Self bumping is wrong.
smelly XD now can any1 help me or not?PspRpg-7 wrote:
Self bumping is wrong.
if it is crashing at the same time in the same place that means or may mean you got a bad install so that golden oldie un/reinstall. if that dont work join the long list of ppl that are having a hard time with this pc/turd pile of a game
ook heres the error message
memory.dll: sanity check: block size -23273092 (4073.80 MB) doesn't seem sane
memory.dll: sanity check: block size -23273092 (4073.80 MB) doesn't seem sane
i am not 100% but i think that is a windows crash not a bf2 other then that i cant help sorry
k just uninstallin sum shit see if that helps ya no........ make sum room for sumfin XD cheers neway +1 for helpinCLEVERLITTLETROJAN wrote:
i am not 100% but i think that is a windows crash not a bf2 other then that i cant help sorry