
Sylvanis wrote:

I would like to let you all know that the BG (Blood and Guts) clan server admins are whining b!tches.

I was losing a round badly because our team had no cammander.  I decided to apply to see what I could do about this.  When I accepted the position I realized that all the assets were destroyed.  When I went to fix them I found a sniper, who I killed with my knife, and several infantry that I used a variety of weapons (shotgun, fav, grenade, pistol, armor, etc.) to dispose of.  I then attempted to fix the assets when the coast was clear, only to be kicked.  I logged back in to ask WTF?, and was told I can only shoot a gun while commanding if it ws defence (it was), or I was defending a main (I was).

I was then promptly kicked again, this time because I told them not to get bitchy just because I killed them.

I just get fed up with admins who kick because they meet someone better than themselves.
I had the exact same nasty experience with Blood n' Guts SF server.
It's one of the few servers I encountered who kicked me for being a good commander (the other was 101st corps).
That was their way to deny me the 2X commander win and make one of their guys look good stat-wise.

They kicked me for being a good commander. 
Either that or some clan member in my team got jealous cause
I was on my way to the gold medal. 
I then relogged back to complain about the unfair treatment and the sneaky admin
perm banned my cd-key for what he says "disrespect".

A server like Blood n' Guts is just out of our league, man.
They're a bunch of sneaky cheaters cause they're admins that do stat padding.
Why don't they just announce a rule saying that you should babysit their clan to make them look good?
I'd at least have tried accomodating that.
IMO, their server should be pulled from the approved Ranked servers.
Admin abuse for stat padding is stat padding no matter how you look at it.

101st Corps doesn't exist anymore.  Bunch of whiners too.  I wonder what happened to them?

Last edited by consigliere (2006-11-26 03:21:47)


-CARNIFEX-[LOC] wrote:

There are countless threads up that go something along the lines of:  I was playing on such-and-such server, and I was just playing the game minding my own business, maybe attacking an uncappable for a second, or killing an admin, when I got kicked/banned for doing that...

And I, like everyone else on these forums, sigh and wonder why you saw fit to waste your time posting it up here, when you could just as easily never play there again and save yourself the trouble.

That said, my reaction is probably one that stems from the fact that I usually play on the same few servers daily, and don't really have to worry about playing on places with unfamiliar people or rules.  But sadly, I too have succumbed to the rigors of the Battlefield, and now must vent on you poor souls.

The past few nights I have tried a few servers that I don't normally play on, and all I can say is this: if you pay for your own clan server, sure, make the rules, and enforce them...but having a clan server SPECIFICALLY to stack your clan on one side, and to enforce the rules only when it's beneficial for your stacked team, seems to be the norm outside of my sheltered gaming experiences, and I think it's FUCKING SAD...

I join CantStopGaming and see that one of the rules is: "No camping uncapturable spawns if other spawns can still be captured".   Thats the rule as it is clearly stated:  NO CAMPING UNCAPS, fine, easy enough to deduce that I shouldn't set up shop in the enemy base and rape it if I want to keep playing on here. 

A buddy and I are USMC on Oman, and the Cobra was in use, so we hop in a dunebuggy and head for the MEC chopper because we just saw it crash....we get to the area by the helipad and I see 3 people standing, waiting for it.   What do I do?  What anyone playing a GODDAMN WAR GAME would do...I ran over 2 of the guys, and my buddy hops out and shoots the last one.  Then we hop in the Mi-28 and, as we fly off, we get hit by a I shoot that guy and the guy next to him as we fly OUT OF THE BASE.

We had barely reached the water before we were both kicked....the admin's message was VERY mature:  "Wat JOO doin spendin so much time in our uncap????" (exact quote, although there might have been some nifty alternating caps on some of those letters so I know just how l337 that admin was)

The "wat JOO" part of the message assured me that only the most mature and articulate members of CantStopGaming's superb server have admin rights.  I'm glad a fucking 14 year old with admin powers is dictating how I can play my game.  Yeah, sure, the rule says no "camping" is making a surgical strike that lasted all of 15 seconds total, then leaving the uncappable voluntarily without so much as even being warned, "camping" it?  Obviously not. 

By that same token, if one were to sneak in to blow up artillery, and while trying to leave the base encountered some infantry and killed them, BUT STILL LEFT THE BASE AFTERWARDS, then they would be subject to being kicked for "camping"? 

I'm not looking for sympathy, and its not like I'm gonna waste my time reporting "admin abuse" or some nonsense.  I just think its sad how people get kicked for providing the slightest bit of competition, and now I can relate to all the other poor bastards on this forum who have similar situations arise.  Hopefully when 2142 comes out all the little shitheads that are taking over this game this summer will run along and buy EA's next patchwork debacle.

All I know is CantStopGaming can look forward to a lot of real-deal spawn rapage from yours truly in the next few days, until they ban my ass for something that actually breaks one of their precious little rules of engagement.  War is hell you little bitches.
My sentiments mirror yours based on the experiences I've mentioned in my previous post.
Being liberally minded, I'd even be cool if I get kicked for reason: being too good and we need to stat pad our clanmembers.
It's quite a compliment, actually.

Why make up stuff to hide their ugliness?
But alas, lame admin/clan nature is the way it is.
+250|6724|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Well, after a run on the -B.G- (Blood and Guts clan) SF server, I must say that you should avoid this server at all costs. Should it happen that you score better than ANY of their clan members, you will be banned.(played on Nov. 30th, about 11:00 EST)

I join the sever and its the map being played is Warlord, with the opposing forces have 16 tickets left.
The round quickly ends and the map rotation brings up Mass Destruction. I spawn before most of my team(Spetsnaz,same team as the -B.G- clan) and see the T-90 just parked there and man it.
We proceed to absolutely demolish the opposition, eventually capping out the Rebels.

The Rebels are down to one guy...Commander spots him, puts a UAV up and sends him an Artillery strike.
I think to myself, "Why don't I just end this faster?" I drive around the corner and there he is, climbing a grapple line. Boom. Spetsnaz wins the round.

Unfortunately, I had the misfortune of scoring 66 points and beating out one of the  -B.G- guys to the bronze star. Next round starts, with us at the Rebels. I spawn as AT, grab an ATV and drive eastward, where I see a tank completely oblivious to my presence. As I'm about to engage it, I receive this message:


Needless to say, I laughed my ass off at the message and forgot to take a screenshot.
I am now banned from their server for excessive teamkilling. (check my TK history for Nov. 30th)

Alas, power corrupts.

I'll try to get some screenshots for my report.

P.S Does anyone know what their website address is?
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43

SplinterStrike wrote:

Well, after a run on the -B.G- (Blood and Guts clan) SF server, I must say that you should avoid this server at all costs. Should it happen that you score better than ANY of their clan members, you will be banned.(played on Nov. 30th, about 11:00 EST)

I join the sever and its the map being played is Warlord, with the opposing forces have 16 tickets left.
The round quickly ends and the map rotation brings up Mass Destruction. I spawn before most of my team(Spetsnaz,same team as the -B.G- clan) and see the T-90 just parked there and man it.
We proceed to absolutely demolish the opposition, eventually capping out the Rebels.

The Rebels are down to one guy...Commander spots him, puts a UAV up and sends him an Artillery strike.
I think to myself, "Why don't I just end this faster?" I drive around the corner and there he is, climbing a grapple line. Boom. Spetsnaz wins the round.

Unfortunately, I had the misfortune of scoring 66 points and beating out one of the  -B.G- guys to the bronze star. Next round starts, with us at the Rebels. I spawn as AT, grab an ATV and drive eastward, where I see a tank completely oblivious to my presence. As I'm about to engage it, I receive this message:


Needless to say, I laughed my ass off at the message and forgot to take a screenshot.
I am now banned from their server for excessive teamkilling. (check my TK history for Nov. 30th)

Alas, power corrupts.

I'll try to get some screenshots for my report.

P.S Does anyone know what their website address is?
Another SF server that is being run in similar fashion is the -GoA- IO server. The_anemone (Terrafirma here on BF2S) and I were banned for outscoring them and for not holding still while they shot at us, Lol. Ban reason...padding stats.
Went into an sf IO server.
Felt like owning some newbs with my SRAW, perhaps get my expert AT specialist.

So I'm in there, I've got a positive kdr, not doing terrific but all of a sudden some newb says "No using at4 as your primary weapon, read the server rules".  Now I'm not sure exactly what at4 is, i do remember "no suiciding with c4 cars".. but thats a heavy distortion.  I also bunnyhopped and broke just about every rule that goes against common sense.  Kick vote - fail.  About a minute later this happens.

He coulda at least given a better kick reason like "I'm such a noob and cant stand how much you own".. but alas, i was padding apparently.

So yeah i just felt like throwing that out there, one of the few times i got kicked for making the low ranks cry.
Me Gusta Karma Mucho
+49|6859|Leftern America
lol, dont feel bad, happens to me all the time
Take off, hosers
+24|6729|Ontario, Canada
I think he meant no using the at rocket as a primary weapon, but that's a stupid reason/rule to kick for. If its in my arsenal to use, I should be able to use it. That's like saying "YOU CANT USE A FORK FOR EATING SPAGHETTI YOU HAVE TO USE A SPOON". Silly newbs.
+17|7013|Raleigh, North Carolina
Use search function nub, plzkthx. 

They can't handle us EA US'ers. 


Last edited by ssulli (2006-11-24 12:07:24)

i use a knife when i eat my spaghetti

Search for what ssulli, your skill?
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6996|The Lou
One time for about 10 minutes this guy accused me of hacking, so he kept doing kick votes against me, eventually they kicked me. lol
Rocket Launcher in IO is the only way to defeat all the medics!!!
+1,175|6876|British Columbia, Canada

DisasterMaster wrote:

Rocket Launcher in IO is the only way to defeat all the medics!!!
The noob tube works better I find.

The Original Noob Tube that is - Grenade Launcher.
Simple- You Break Server Rules Youre Out Noob
fuck it
I think thats the same clan that kicked me for C4ing the admins spawn camping tank while going for my expert explosive.

DUH-Awful- wrote:

Simple- You Break Server Rules Youre Out Noob
Okay, but it's against *shudders* the ROE to make rules against using certain weapons or vehicles.... tool.
+136|6822|Minnesota eh
I was banned from Goa cause they said i was hacking. They a nub clan.
I've played on their server at times. I have never had a problem with them.

Either your experience was an exception, or I'm such a noob they don't mind me being there
Bloom County Bound!
+5|6876|San Diego MCRD Plt# 3027
I'm no super hero at this game, decent enough player I'd imagine, but today I was on this "GoA" clan's server, playing Warlord, &  I'm up in a balcony as assault kicking arse by the Palace Security flag, when I see "Kicking! Da_KiLLeR_NoooooooB- BYE!"
    Needless to say, I rejoined to ask "WTF? Why was I kicked?" No answer comes back, but whatever, so I start playing again- As I'm running across the balcony from our 3rd floor Palace room to the 2nd floor Palace room to recapture it from Brits, I see a Brit on the 3rd floor balcony, toss a grenade up there & killed him, then followed a wounded guy up around steps, throw him a med pack, turn & see this guy '-GoA- SaucyPants' following us with a PKM, we both go to attack but he prones & kills us- Then I get "Banning! Da_KiLLeR_NoooooooB- WE SAID DON'T COME BACK TODAY! BYE!"
    Two GoA members on there today that I saw, GoA Thump & GoA SaucyPants. Earlier in the game Lump, sorry, I mean Plump, err Thump, had been throwing a temper tantrum to some other guy about "This is my server!!!!" Ok, fine, your server, but so what? I should join, stand around so you can kill me & get points, & not shoot you? Be warned, the server IP is, & they advertise "High Points!" Apparently, that implies you need a membership card to play & win otherwise you are just fodder for their points- fight & you get banned. Just another lame-ass clan, so heads up Gents- GoA is a NO!
   P.S., first post I've thrown up on here & if it's in the wrong spot don't hang me- had a hard time figuring out where exactly it should go, Mods please kick it where it needs to be if I screwed the pooch- Thanks!

Last edited by Da_Killer_NoooooooB (2006-11-03 11:08:41)

Bloom County Bound!
+5|6876|San Diego MCRD Plt# 3027
'Nother P.S., to the Mod who set up my "Bloom County Bound!",  Thanks!
Baltimore Blowfish
Who's Greta?
Luckily there's more than one bf2 server. I suggest you start using them. Play on the server when it's back up later today.

Last edited by cablecopulate (2006-11-03 11:11:53)

ATG's First Disciple
+263|6937|Birmingham, UK
Great! Someone else who doesn't proof read!

But seriously - unlucky story. Get over it - "It's a Mini Adventure!"
I just went on to the server and killed thump-GoA 5 times strait and i got kicked "to make room", then I looked at the server to see how many slots were open and 6 were, they didn't need room, what a bunch of pussies.

HaywoodJablowme wrote:

Who's Greta?
Cougar's mom.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+5|7007|North Germany

kajukenbo_kid wrote:

I just went on to the server and killed thump-GoA 5 times strait and i got kicked "to make room", then I looked at the server to see how many slots were open and 6 were, they didn't need room, what a bunch of pussies.
true true.....

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