+2|6752|Dallas, TX, USA
#1 Cartillerying the enemy commander
#2 Turning the corner in a Vodnik and running over a enemy w/o even knowing he was there before hand
#3 Sniping somebody while you are parachuting in on Warlord
Dun wori, it's K.
+76|6735|California, US
throwing a claymore right in front of somone and they have to freeze (or else they'll blow) and then i run away and then like 30 seconds later a distant explosion and a kill poping up out of nowhere. lol
+4|6893|I'm not sure
Anti-tank rockets killing flying jets, followed closely by using the tank main gun to take down jets about to bomb me. I just like turning the tables around.
+3,936|6813|so randum
shootin a full BH with a pistol...only to get 6 kills
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+149|6861|USA bitches!
Mine goes back to my =23= days. I get on our server and go for the helo. There's some Colonel in there, forgot his name, and his other Colonel friend (same clan). I get in the helo as a gunner, but I suppose he didn't like that. I wouldn't jump out, so he started crashing the helo into everything, but jumping out before collision. I would've jumped too, but he did it at the last second while I was targeting someone.

Anyways, I switched teams the next round (Dalian) and we went at it. Him and his gay clanmate in the cobra vs me in the havok. Needless to say, I solo'd the shit out of them for about 5 minutes. It got to the point where they spawn camped both helo pads (PLA UCB and Main Enterence) because they wanted to make sure I stayed down. They ran off for a rearming and I quickly grabbed the havok and took off straight and stayed low to the ground. I watched them fly over the silos to retake their camping position, and while sitting under the crane, I threw the nose up and tv'd them. I laughed so fucking hard!!! This was very gratifying as they camped the helo spawn for like 5-10 minutes.

I ran into him more later on and kept dominating him in the helo. He got me too, of course, but I came out on top. They think just because our rank is lower, we suck.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6908|Las Vegas, NV USA
The one that I remember the most was on Warlord.  I was but a lowly First Sergeant at the time...  Yeah, right!  Lowly...  By the time almost anyone reaches that rank, it's almost always up in the air about skill level.


This opposing squad is made up of a two-star general, colonel (medic and squad leader), lt. colonel, major, captain, and a butterbar lt.  Myself, and two other squad mates (a couple sgts), make up our own squad on the opposite team.  Needless to say, to opposing officers' club and our squad are capturing and recapturing each others flags over and over and over, but not really running into each other.  After a while, our squad is beginning to show frustration over this retaking of flags, but we're not really gaining a whole lot of any other points, while a quick score board look reveals this opposing squad skyrocketing in points.

Well, my squad mates eventually go out to do some killing on their own, and I decide to continue taking flags by myself.  After I die, I come back as sniper, and I've decided to protect the TV station flag from this opposing squad.  I drop five claymores (this was when you could drop five) around the flag, and the lower levels to maximize their kills.  I then wait at the stairwell, one flight above the flag with grenades in hand.  Before long, I start to hear this squad approach, and I mean literally.  I keep hearing "Ammo here!", "Medpacs!", and I can see a whole line of ammo and medpacs being dropped all over down below before my first claymore goes off.

I then hear the colonel medic  revive the fallen comrade, and he continues to rinse and repeat all the way up to the flag, where I begin to chuck some grenades to kill a couple more, draw my knife, and go in knife-a-swinging before I'm mowed down by almost their whole squad.  During the whole process, I wind up racking up a decent amount of kills and flag defends.  YAY!

However, I hated losing that flag, all because the medic squad leader was falling back, and reviving his people.  So, I came back as Spec Ops, took back the TV station flag with little opposition, and planted C4 on the walls surrounding the flag.  I ran up my flight of stairs and then waited.  It wasn't long before I began to hear the officers' squad approaching again, and they ran up to take the flag.  However, I waited until the flag turned neutral, and I saw the medic squadleader run up just in time to attempt to get a capture assist point in the final capture.  That's when I began chucking the grenades on the flag, in the hope of killing their medic squadleader.  Sadly enough, he managed to survive, and revived a couple of his squad members, just before the flag was captured.  However, I pulled out my ace in the hole, and detonated the C4.


I run down to the flag, and retook it just in about time to see this printed on the screen from the opposing medic squadleader:


I check the score board, and I see that this is the squadleader's second death in the whole match!  So, I'm thinking, "bitter much?" and reply with this:

"Whining = gay."

That was fun, and all I got as a response from another member of the opposing squad was:

"F U noob"
the most gratifying kill for me is picking off sprinting infantry (goin 90° to u) with a sniper round to the head.  even more gratifying when they about 250-400m away.   love sniper head shots, the victim is just runnin around and it looks like the hand-o'-god came down and bitch-slapped them.
shock paddle kills for me. I'v only every gotten one though
It's sexy time!!
+11|6821|toronto canada
I Love Ramming

Saber0 wrote:

shock paddle kills for me. I'v only every gotten one though
yea, i hear ya, i cant get a shock kill to save my life, i've gotten a couple...but im better with a knife, love knifing ppl in AA turrets cuz u got a perfect, unmoving target that happens to be the correct hight to get stabbed in the head.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6904|Your attic
When I first got the game I used to play C4 corners.

You make sure an enemy sees you, run around the nearest wall and lay C4 at any possible entrances, then detonate them when they came round the corner. After that I learnt to chuck the little bundles of love, they were some fun times, every kill amused me.

Nowadays it's any time I kill 3 or more people one after the other, preferably with an assault rifle.
Hockey Nut
+243|6844|Boston, MA
I know this is an old thread but had to revive it instead of making a new one because I had the most amazing run last night.

I was playing some serious Operation Harvest and was USMC. I was at the second to last command post, forgot it's name. I started to capture it until the commander spotted a tank and APC approaching. I hopped in the TOW and immediately destroyed the tank while the APC went around the barn for some reason. I hid under the fuel truck there and shot at the APC with my SRAW. I quickly ran behind the shed across from the barn. Some enemy spawned there and I quickly mowed him down with my P90. I shot the APC the second time and it started flaming but the guy bailed and started to run. I chased him to the silo where he tries to heal himself. I didn't give him enough time to stand on the bag and got him with the pistol since my clip was empty from shooting at the other enemy and him for a bit. I ran around the silo and ran into two enemies. I shot at them with the rest of my pistol clip but failed to kill them. I pulled out my knife and killed BOTH of them. It was the greatest 5 kills in a 45 second span I ever had.
If I had to pick, it would be the one where i was playing dragon valley, and i saw this guy run off into an AA spot. I followed him, pulled my knife, and yelled:"Enemy Infantry Spotted!" into his ear. He twirled around,and you just know he was thinking "Oh, shi..." as i knifed him in the face
I do it for the lulz.

Azulmono55 wrote:

If I had to pick, it would be the one where i was playing dragon valley, and i saw this guy run off into an AA spot. I followed him, pulled my knife, and yelled:"Enemy Infantry Spotted!" into his ear. He twirled around,and you just know he was thinking "Oh, shi..." as i knifed him in the face
LOL! I love doing that. I usually yell something else, though, like "Thank you" or something, just to confuse them even more.

My FAVORITE kill of all time was on (-blush-) Karkand. You know the little hill between the Suburbs and Square? Near the fountain area. I took a Vodnik from the Suburbs and was gonna rush in Rambo-style and cap the Square. I jump in, and turn down that road. Unfortunately, my driving skills didn't used to be what they are now, and I flipped the vodnik over. However, I flipped it onto an enemy AT mine (instantly killing me, of course). Normally, this wouldn't be something I'd be happy about, but at that EXACT moment, a fully loaded Humvee was coming up the same hill. I forced some sorry son of a bitch to TK 4 guys with an AT mine. I find that humorous, though I doubt he did.
+7|6763|New York
+188|6758|EE Chat
I actually bombed a helicopter while I was flying on wake. My friend was right behind me in a jet and starting laughing his arse off after it happened. Oh yeah, the helicopter was IN THE AIR. Completely legit.

Last edited by Reddhedd (2006-12-20 18:33:07)

+127|6658|Twyford, UK
- Sniping with my PKM. I LOVE that gun.

- Taking out attack choppers with the PKM. And, to a lesser extent, distracting the pilot for half the match as he hunts me down in a fit of rage after the first few hits, and even more after the first couple of kills.

- Gunning with a good driver/pilot, actually helping him, and racking up a whole load of kills.

- Sniping tanks on Sharqi from on top of the crane.

- Being an utter bastard and taking undefended flags after the guy with the tank leaves.

- Outwitting armour/jet/chopper whores by hiding under/behind/inside/on top of something.

- The match coming down to less tickets than my score.

- Running people over with the FAVs on Jalalabad; lurch, lurch, WHAM!

- Slick squad operations; running along to flags in an armoured convoy, or a train of humvees and Vodniks to grab flags.

- Holding flags for extended periods on my own, or with a couple of other people.

- Panicking squads with long-range fire, and picking them off piecemeal.

- Duels. Either in armour, in choppers, or against vehicles on foot.

- Finding a group of people and getting the warm fuzzy feeling from handing out bags of ammo or health.

- 'Enemy forces spotted!' *artillery* 'Thanks, chief!'
- Or 'Enemy sniper spotted!' *supply crate*

- Communicating without VOIP. Look at chopper, wave gun at it, jump a bit. Other guy waves gun, jumps. Wander off, he gets in and starts up, sprint back, hop in the gunner seat, and yell 'hit it!'.

Incidentally, I would love to be able to use the comm rose after death, just to be sarcastic at commanders who land crates on me by accident.
'Thanks, chief!'

Last edited by Skorpy-chan (2006-12-20 19:19:50)

+72|6715|United States
A good tv missle kill on a barrel rolling chopper is always a good feeling.
It'll just be our little secret

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Mine goes back to my =23= days. I get on our server and go for the helo. There's some Colonel in there, forgot his name, and his other Colonel friend (same clan). I get in the helo as a gunner, but I suppose he didn't like that. I wouldn't jump out, so he started crashing the helo into everything, but jumping out before collision. I would've jumped too, but he did it at the last second while I was targeting someone.

Anyways, I switched teams the next round (Dalian) and we went at it. Him and his gay clanmate in the cobra vs me in the havok. Needless to say, I solo'd the shit out of them for about 5 minutes. It got to the point where they spawn camped both helo pads (PLA UCB and Main Enterence) because they wanted to make sure I stayed down. They ran off for a rearming and I quickly grabbed the havok and took off straight and stayed low to the ground. I watched them fly over the silos to retake their camping position, and while sitting under the crane, I threw the nose up and tv'd them. I laughed so fucking hard!!! This was very gratifying as they camped the helo spawn for like 5-10 minutes.

I ran into him more later on and kept dominating him in the helo. He got me too, of course, but I came out on top. They think just because our rank is lower, we suck.
i played with some =23= guys yesterday,can't remember what server.i was consistently taking out entire squads of them and their convoys of armor as was sort of sad really,but oh well.i was just happy knowing that i was probably pissing them off.
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
Any kill that spurs a kick-vote for cheating is satisfying; got one of them on Jalalabad earlier by blasting my way through a squad of 4 guys one after another with just my DAO12.
I was NOT cheating, I just had time to reload between kills. Fricken' whiners.

There's also long-range kills with the pistol. Sure, it takes half a clip to DO that, but you have a lot anyway.
Always blame it on the ping
EASILY the best is when i was in a quiet area of mashtuur city, and i saw an enemy sniper looking through his scope in front of me. I chucked a grenade and smack it hit him in the face, killing him with the impact, before it even exploded. That was great. My best death was similar, running along near the hotel on karkand and my friend ont he other side lobbed a grenade which hit me on the head, while i was running. One of the few times ive enjoyed being killed by one of my friends!
I had my best round ever the other day on Kubra Dam, and I had probably one of my most gratifying kills ever.

A MEC chopper kept pestering me as we fought and fought for the Power Station flag... I usually play engineer and I had laid down some mines at the road ramp exit to the flag.  The chopper came down, probably TOO low... well obviously too low because it brushed one of my mines.  BOOM!    First time I've ever seen a chopper kill with an AT Mine .     Later in the same round something similar happened... he landed his chopper (he was soloing) and manned the gun.   I was laying RIGHT underneath the chopper, watching him move the gun around looking for me.   For whatever reason, he got out of the chopper.   I jumped in, manned the gun and mowed him down merciclessly with his own gun!

Those were great, but I have to say the most satisfying kills are REVENGE kills.  When a guy has got your number it feels GREAT to be able to get him.  Obviously the knife is the most personal way to do it, but I don't mind using a sneaky nade, or even better than the knife actually is C4 if he's not in a vehicle.
I like playing Kubra Dam as a sniper, and killing other snipers. More often than not, they respawn as a sniper and (futilely ) attempt to kill me. What makes it so gratifying is how high i can rack up a K/D by just killing the other sniper. My most recent exploit landed me with a 20 - 5 K/D, with none of those 5 deaths being from the guy I was sniping against.
Q:  "Most Gratifying Kill; What Makes Bf2 Fun?"

A:  In numerical order...

   1.  AT rockets into attack chopper.
   2.  C4'ing vehicles...Especially tanks.
   3.  Knife.
   4.  TV missiles into...A full blackhawk, attack chopper and a jet.
   5.  Driving a vehicle straight into camping enemies on jet/chopper spawns.  Wheeeeee....
   6.  Vehicle drop kills.
   7.  Claymores.

Last edited by Herackles (2006-12-22 14:13:08)


Longbow wrote:

WilhelmSissener wrote:

That makes it fun...
Thats gay..

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