- Sniping with my PKM. I LOVE that gun.
- Taking out attack choppers with the PKM. And, to a lesser extent, distracting the pilot for half the match as he hunts me down in a fit of rage after the first few hits, and even more after the first couple of kills.
- Gunning with a good driver/pilot, actually helping him, and racking up a whole load of kills.
- Sniping tanks on Sharqi from on top of the crane.
- Being an utter bastard and taking undefended flags after the guy with the tank leaves.
- Outwitting armour/jet/chopper whores by hiding under/behind/inside/on top of something.
- The match coming down to less tickets than my score.
- Running people over with the FAVs on Jalalabad; lurch, lurch, WHAM!
- Slick squad operations; running along to flags in an armoured convoy, or a train of humvees and Vodniks to grab flags.
- Holding flags for extended periods on my own, or with a couple of other people.
- Panicking squads with long-range fire, and picking them off piecemeal.
- Duels. Either in armour, in choppers, or against vehicles on foot.
- Finding a group of people and getting the warm fuzzy feeling from handing out bags of ammo or health.
- 'Enemy forces spotted!' *artillery* 'Thanks, chief!'
- Or 'Enemy sniper spotted!' *supply crate*
- Communicating without VOIP. Look at chopper, wave gun at it, jump a bit. Other guy waves gun, jumps. Wander off, he gets in and starts up, sprint back, hop in the gunner seat, and yell 'hit it!'.
Incidentally, I would love to be able to use the comm rose after death, just to be sarcastic at commanders who land crates on me by accident.
'Thanks, chief!'
Last edited by Skorpy-chan (2006-12-20 19:19:50)