I was gunning on ghost town everything was fine till i spotted a guy and the pilot lined me up 10 ft away from him. I start shooting at him and nothing happens, no x to mark to the hit, no damage to him i overheated twice nailing him 100% accuracy he just wont die, i turned to Tv it wont shoot! the was fully loaded but wtf.
the same thing happened with another guy in the same round, other pple died just fine and after all my effort the pilot popped 1 missile and nailed him.

there was no lag, im sure of that. Anyone experienced that b4?
Phorum Phantom
dont blame the player, blame the game coders who skrewed up the accuracy.
? there is no blame i just want the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth

just wondering if it happened with some1
Internet Poon
Machine guns hardly damage armor, youre wasting your bullets there.

As for the tv, unregistered clicks maybe, but ive never heard of a jammed tv missle before. Its probably just you.
YOUR mom goes to college
Check my stats and you'll see I'm something of a chopper whore and much of that time is spent as a gunner.  Chopper (gunner specifically) bugs are not at all uncommon.  Based on your original post, I assume this guy was a ground troop (not in armor of any kind).  Only thing I can say is that it's actually not all that easy to hit ground troops.  If the chopper is moving the least bit it will pull your aim off so you have to adjust for chopper movement.  Plus if you're aiming at the body of the person you will almost never hit it.  And since the cannon has such a small radius of splash damage if you shoot past them the splash won't kill them.  When shooting ground troops, I've found it's best to aim for their feet.  There's enough splash damage to kill them if it hits right next to them, but if you aim chest high and miss, the bullet will hit the ground too far away to cause damage.  So it's possible that you in fact were not hitting him, all your shots were landing too far past him, thus he did not die.

As for the TV missles...so many bugs.  Sometimes you get what I call a "misfire."  This can happen two ways.  This is where you click to fire, you hear the sound of the missle launching but there is no change to your TV Missle guide screen.  I fly with a friend of mine and he has said as my pilot, he also hears the sound but never sees the missle launch.  There was one time that this happened and I still get kills on an enemy chopper right in front of us.  My pilot was shooting his missels at the same time so he couldn't tell if mine launched or not.  But I saw no change in my screen so I couldn't direct it anywhere.  Not sure if it was a ghost missle or if it launched with no guidance.

Another bug is where it just won't fire...like what you said happened.  Only way to get past it is go back to cockpit view and switch back to tv and try again.  Another bug is where tv missles won't reload unless you're on the tv missle screen.  I've completely run out of missles, my pilot takes me back to reload, we go find a target like a tank or something and I switch over to tv missles and find that it still says 0 missles and is reloading.  This is well after the amount of time it should take to reload.  The other, probably most famous, "bug" is the missle through the cockpit.  This is most commonly against attack choppers.  It looks like you're tv missle should have blown them out of the sky but somehow it missed.  Looked dead center in the tv view, but no kills.  Usually even your pilot will see the shot as a miss but for some reason the tv view for the gunner looks like it's dead on.  No one is really sure though if this is a bug or some kind of minor difference in lag/ping or something like that.

Hope this helps, don't lose faith, choppers are a blast.
U.S. > Iran

Abstinuous wrote:

I was gunning on ghost town everything was fine till i spotted a guy and the pilot lined me up 10 ft away from him. I start shooting at him and nothing happens, no x to mark to the hit, no damage to him i overheated twice nailing him 100% accuracy he just wont die, i turned to Tv it wont shoot! the was fully loaded but wtf.
the same thing happened with another guy in the same round, other pple died just fine and after all my effort the pilot popped 1 missile and nailed him.

there was no lag, im sure of that. Anyone experienced that b4?
Yes I have, just the other night.  Cablecopulate and I were ruling the Ghost Town air with the choppah, and several times I couldnt fire the TV missile.  At one point he lined me up for an AT guy that was shooting at our tank, I unloaded on him but it took forever for him to die.  I got the X that registers a hit, but it took forever for him to die, almost like the bullets werent doing anything.
+917|6931|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Chopper Gunner on SF = Fail

Chopper Pilot on SF = Win
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
yay, I win!
Kick His Ass!
+371|7008|Howell, Mi USA
I've had it happen alot, one time my gunner was pwnin someone who was afk and they wouldnt die, he shot them for a good 30 seconds at least and got nothing. ZoMg h4X!!!1

Next time that happens just tell the pilot to land then hop out and get back in, That usually fixes it.

iPoon.be wrote:

Machine guns hardly damage armor, youre wasting your bullets there.

As for the tv, unregistered clicks maybe, but ive never heard of a jammed tv missle before. Its probably just you.
who mentioned armor

and MastersMom

i was this far
the pilot wasn't moving and the victim was looking at me i 2 i like he's mocking me

its just wierd
Internet Poon

Abstinuous wrote:

iPoon.be wrote:

Machine guns hardly damage armor, youre wasting your bullets there.

As for the tv, unregistered clicks maybe, but ive never heard of a jammed tv missle before. Its probably just you.
who mentioned armor
I just got the impression by the way you seemed frustrated about not doing any dmg. Ive been there..
i keep a knife next to my keyboard and stab myself multiple times every time my gunner tries to shoot a chopper or tank with the gun.
YOUR mom goes to college

Abstinuous wrote:

iPoon.be wrote:

Machine guns hardly damage armor, youre wasting your bullets there.

As for the tv, unregistered clicks maybe, but ive never heard of a jammed tv missle before. Its probably just you.
who mentioned armor

and MastersMom

i was this far
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a151/ … hopper.jpg
the pilot wasn't moving and the victim was looking at me i 2 i like he's mocking me

its just wierd
First off, I love the graphic and would have karma'd you for it but I just gave you +1 for the knife stabbing over stupid gunners so I can't give you another for 24 hours.

Anyway, maybe it had nothing to do with your bullets or the chopper.  Maybe it was a bug or hack by the guy you were shooting at.  I've only personally seen it once, but there was a guy that seemingly couldn't be killed.  Playing Sharqi a couple months ago, I go a flag where several of my teammates seem to be capping a flag.  Once I get next to the group I realize they're all just standing around an enemy.  He's literally just standing there and they are all looking at him.  So I figured, 'Cool, free kill.'  So I plant three bursts from my G36E in his chest and nothing.  Now I realize why everyone is standing there.  I emptied three clips into this guy, knifed him about 15 times, hit him with shock paddles, and nothing.  I even threw medic packs at his feet to see if he would heal himself (to find out if I had done ANY damage at all) and nothing, didn't even use the med pack.  All of the other guys were shooting/knifing him as well.

Only time I see people just stand still and let a group of enemies watch them is when there is some freaky bug so I have to think that's what it was.  Who is dumb enough to use a hack for invincebility and then show it off to everyone and not even try to get kills.  So maybe your bullets were fine and the guy you were shooting was as shocked as you.
teh m0nsta

Abstinuous wrote:

? there is no blame i just want the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth

just wondering if it happened with some1
Check this one right here, i'm the pilot, a friend of mine the gunner.
We experienced the same, not shootable, nothing, i had to ram him, that's how he died.

Missing, Presumed Dead

I really didnt get what this topic was about until a few days ago when I noticed what it meant.
Im a big time chopper whore on Gator, and we were hovering dead still over the Hangar entrance. Some bloke spawned and just stood there (must have been afk) and I fired, and fired, and fired and fired.....nothing. The pilot shot 1 missile, killed him. He just laughed and said that every shot was hitting.
But, that was in the HIND...not the Apache.

Also, whether this is related or not, but I often hover, see my gunner doing nothing when suddenly I get a driver kill assist and see hes killed an enemy in the top left!? The bullets are invisible to me, yet not to anyone else. Although, I think that that is just a graphics glitch.
Medic since 1942
+245|6964|United States
If i shoot my enemy with the main guy and nothing happens then i just use the tv missle to kill him

MastersMom wrote:

Maybe it was a bug or hack by the guy you were shooting at.  I've only personally seen it once, but there was a guy that seemingly couldn't be killed.

abstinuous wrote:

after all my effort the pilot popped 1 missile and nailed him.

Snake wrote:

I really didnt get what this topic was about until a few days ago when I noticed what it meant.
i didnt actually mean i couldnt see them, i meant they were going thru him with no effect

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